Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Risk Management and Quality Care in HealthCare Research Paper
Risk Management and Quality Care in HealthCare - Research Paper Example Considering the above factors, the techniques to enhance the quality care has also been discussed henceforth. When a patient in a healthcare organization is harmed due to a medical error, the risk and the quality managers need to display immediate interest to identify the root of the error. A detailed curriculum is followed observing the different reasons, which have led to such litigation. However, it has been observed that both the quality managers and the risk managers have a separate set of investigation techniques and hardly share any information among them causing a gap in the rick control mechanism followed by healthcare organizations in general. Considering the fact that both the groups are working with the same motive, the groups have found a common ground upon which a collaborative model can be pursued to enhance their approach (WHO, n.d.). Risk management is a very popular practice in healthcare organizations, as it helps to provide a much developed care to the patients. The quality care to the patients can be provided through continuous monitoring of medical activity that is being organized for patients. Again, it can be also said that no two organizations are alike hence no single model of risk management/quality control can suffice the need of every healthcare. Every organization follows different sets of procedures to cover up the risks that the healthcare is exposed to. However, with the focus of quality management, the policies of the organizations are more or less stable, even when new tools and procedures are incorporated (ASHRM, 2007). Notably, the quality care is presently gaining momentum at the healthcare industry and covers the all-around care for the patients. This involves the medical safety of the patients and maintaining a proper grievance cell to adhere to the grievances of the patients. Proper
Monday, October 28, 2019
Motivation in the Workplace Essay Example for Free
Motivation in the Workplace Essay Motivation is difficult to explain and practice. However motivation is still the one thing that makes people productive in their jobs. Whether the motivation is tangible or not, it all depends on the individual and how management takes the information and applies it. There are many theories and practices that can be studied and applied to any situation. Motivational theories are studied and practiced by theorists and companies to increase productivity. According to Jerald Greenberg (1999) scientist have defined motivations â€Å"as the process of arousing, directing and maintaining behavior towards a goal†. The act of arousing is related to the desire and vigor to produce. Directing is the election of behavior, and maintenance is the inclination to behave a certain manner until the desired outcome is met (Greenberg 1999). Much of the motivation theories will be related to the definition provided. Some major motivation theories along with the method to successfully motivate employees will be introduced. The theory and method that a manager may choose to use will depend on the environment and on the individual. There are two types of motivation theories content and process. The Content theories are based on the basic need and drives. The other theories focus on the process by which people are motivated (Pepitone, 1999). Content theories of motivation focus on this question: What causes behavior to occur and stop? The answers usually center on (1) the needs, motives or desires that drive pressure and forces employees to action and (2)employees relationships to the incentive that lead, induce, pull and persuade them to perform. The needs or motives are internal to the individual. They cause people to choose a specific course of action to satisfy a need. Incentives are external factors that give value or utility to the goal or outcome of the employees behavior (Pepitone, 1999). Abraham H. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a content motivational theory. Maslow’s basis was human behavior. He conducted his investigation between 1939 and 1943. The hierarchy of needs has five sets of goals that are called basic needs. Maslow’s idea was â€Å" people will not be healthy and well-adjusted unless they have their needs met†(Greenberg 1999). Maslow arranged the needs in different levels in order of importance. As in a hierarchy the lower level are the most basic needs and the top are the higher level needs. Looking at the figure below one can see how the hierarchy works. The lower order needs must be met before proceeding to the higher order needs. According to Greenberg (1999), Maslow’s needs are in the following order: physiological need, safety need, social need, esteem need, and self-actualization. Man’s basic needs are physiological, for example, hunger, thirst, sleep, etc. When these are satisfied they are replaced by safety needs reflecting ones desire for protection against danger or deprivation. These in turn, when satisfied are replaced by the need for love or belonging to, which are functions of man’s desire to belong to a group, to give and receive friendship and to associate happily with people. When these needs have been satisfied, the esteem needs seeks to be met. One desires self -esteem and self-respect, which are affected by a person’s standing reputation, and his need for recognition and appreciation. Finally, individuals have a need for self-actualization or a desire for self-fulfillment. The urge by individuals for self-development, creativity and job satisfaction (Boeree 1999) In the past, management rewards systems have attempted to satisfy an individual’s lower level needs for safety and physiological security, for protection against deprivation and the threat to a worker or his family. However, management rewards systems should be, aiming to satisfy the individual’s actual need (Boeree 1999). When believed that a certain reward is important and can be attained, the individual will demonstrate a given amount of effort. This in turn will be demonstrated in performance. The link between effort, performance and expectancy is about accomplishing the task. The links between the performance and reward are connected. One’s assumption for whether the rewards are available if the person worked effectively describes the link. In this link the manager/organization is responsible of acknowledging the performance of the employee. If the manager/organizatio n does not acknowledge the employee, there can be a breakdown in the motivation. The acknowledgment needs to be direct, strong, and immediate. Employees usually determine in advance what their behavior may accomplish and the value they place on alternative possible accomplishments or outcomes. Goal setting theory is the specification of goal to increase performance. Assigning difficult goals usually result in higher performance. Goal setting has three components that have to be used to successfully apply this concept. First the identification of the process, then the characteristics and finally the feedback. The characteristics of goal setting consist of making the goal specific and challenging. The goal must be challenging to increase self-efficacy. It has been noted that a difficult task tends to increase an employee’s performance. This may be because usually people work harder to reach a challenging goal as long it is believed that it can be done. Lastly, feedback will allow people to be informed of their progress. This stage usually included praises about the good job that has been done (Wheaton Cameron, 1998). The descriptions of content and process theories of motivation dealing with organizational and individual behavior are briefly explained. The explanation is only a basis for a better understanding on why and how to approach the concept of motivating employees. All the theories conclude that the manner that managers perceive their organizations and their employees affect their productivity. Whether they are private, public or non-profit organization their aim is to be productive and effective. When looking at the different sectors, they have different goals and objectives, and therefore they must take different approaches in management. Though this may be true we must also acknowledge that all sectors require one to motivate their staff to produce. As managers we must into consideration the different type of individual that make up our organizations. One must modify management styles and behaviors. Dr. Renis Likert has researched many organizations and developed an effective manner to motivate employees and have a productive organization. He has identified four management styles that he feels should be a part of management style in an organization. First exploitive style is where management makes all the decisions and the lower levels are given no power this style has an authoritative approach. The second is the benevolent style that has an authoritative approach, however in this case the management has some trust. The consultative style has substantial amount of trust in their staff. The staff is motivated by reward and some involvement. There is some communication and teamwork involved. Lastly the participative style is more of the group approach. Management has confidences in their staff and the staff feels responsible in accomplishing the organizations mission. This style encourages communication and teamwork. The participative style is the best approach for profit and customer service organizations. Organizations should make the transition to train management to motivate their staff using the participative approach (Cook 1991). As a manager it is difficult to motivate your staff to be productive; however, using certain methods can create a positive environment. It was thought that money motivated people but that has changed. Much of the theories discussed before deal with individual behaviors and needs. One can conclude that motivation is internal and as employers one must make observations and decide what each individual desires. According to Cook (1991) manager must give their staff as much as an organization can. Many employees want to have benefits and security, however; what happens after a job has provided those needs. Remember that Maslow theory has the five needs of an individual and they do not all deal with the necessary needs. As an employer identifying what stage your employee is in will help in putting a plan into action. Collaboration is a way to give employees the feeling of importance. Eliminating any kind of obstacle will create an atmosphere that your staff is eager to perform (Bruce, A. Pepitone, J. 1999). Another approach is educating your employees and matches them to projects that they find interesting and those on which they are knowledgeable. Employees are willing to work harder on projects that they can relate to. This will also increase their success rate that will help in improving their self-esteem. Yet another way to increase productivity is with empowerment. Giving people the choice to make decisions and giving them the tools and supports to their job will increase the inner motivation force within the employees. Encourage staff to satisfy their need for affiliation and create a relationship with the employee to be part of the organizations mission. It is difficult to motivate employees when a manager’s view is negative. For instance a manager’s behavior is explained with McGregors Theory X or Theory Y. In this case a manager must identify what style of managing is most effective. Building morale is an important concept when motivating employees. Morale will help create productivity in an organization. Developing a shared vision is a way to begin building morale. For instance as managers, one must communicate views honestly a directly during discussion with employees about performance. Make sure they have the necessary information to do their job. Allow employees to influence their own performance goals. Get out of the offi ce, be visible and accessible. Communicate a clear view of the long-range direction of the organization. Listen carefully and consider the opinions of others open-mindedly before evaluating staff. Communicate high personal standards informally with day-to-day contact. Remember to acknowledge the progress that the staff has achieved either with certificates, a note or just a tap on the shoulder. The staff wants to be told that they are doing a good job (Pepitone Bruce, 1999). Again empowering staff requires some basic principles. Inform the staff what their responsibilities are. Give them authority equal to their responsibilities. Set standards of excellence. Provide people with training that will enable them to meet these standards. Provide feedback on performance. Recognize them for their achievements. Trust and treat them with dignity and respect (Nelson 1997). Showing staff that management is listening and affirming that you understand their view will create positive work environment. The language that use is also very important. Using â€Å"we†and â€Å"us†when speaking of the organization this will make the staff feel a part of the organization, thus improving the productivity of the staff. Encourage employees to make suggestion no matter how small the idea may be, and this will create a comfortable environment and inspire more significant ideas (Cook 1991). It is important to point out, however, that motivation must be used wisely. The misuse of some theories and techniques could result in negative consequences. Remember that employees who receive rewards on performance tend to perform better than employees in groups where rewards are not based on performance. Understanding the causes of human behavior can predict the behavior to the extent that the behavior can be controlled. Therefore, if managers understand the relationship between incentives, motivation, and productivity, they should be able to predict the behavior of their employees. Consequently, managers who know this, and know how to apply given incentive, can expect to realize increased productivity from employees. Today, 70% of employees are less motivated while 50% only put enough effort into their work to keep their job (Spitzer 1995). Many managers are not sure of the technique to use to motivate their staff. The best way to find what motivates staff is to ask them directly. This may be done informally or during performance evaluations. Find out what he/she wants from the organization and what makes them happy. A happy employee will be more productive than an unhappy one. If there has been a problem with absenteeism it may be because the organization is not fulfilling their needs. Whether it is need for achievement, the need for power, the need for affiliation, or the basic needs as studied by Herzberg, McClelland, or Maslow as a manager must examine and modify the management approach. References Boeree, C. George (2006) Abraham Maslow. Available: Cook, M. (1991). 10-Minute Guide to Motivating People. New York: Alpha Book Greenberg, J. (1999) Managing Behavior in Organizational (2nd Ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall Learning, Reinforcement, Reward System and Self-Management Teams. Available: Nelson, B (1997). 1001 Ways to Energize Employees. New York: Workman Publishing Pepitone, J. Bruce, A. (1999) Motivating Employees. New York: McGraw Hill Spitzer, D. (1995). Super Motivation. New York: AMACON. Wheaton Cameron.(1998) Developing Management Skills 4th Ed. Addison –Wesley Inc
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Father and Son by Bernard MacLaverty Essay example -- English Literatu
Father and Son By Bernard MacLaverty Father and Son is a story about the relationship between a widower father and his teenage son. â€Å"Father and Son†â€Å"Father and Son†is a story about the relationship between a widower father and his teenage son. They live in Belfast, in a neighbourhood with a lot of violence. At night they can hear the sound of ambulances criss-crosses the dark. Both the son and the father are scared to sleep at night, but the son will not admit his fears to his father. The father is concerned for his son’s life. They used to have a good relationship. They went fishing, talked and laughed, and the father could put his arms around his son. But two years before this story takes place the son went to London and got mixed up with drug addicts. His father had t...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Effect one’s Gender and Personality has on their Ability to Identif
Introduction Facial expressions are one of the most recognizable things about a person's face, one can often tell whether another is happy or sad simply by observing, but do we notice better whether the face is male or female? Furthermore, do other factors such as one’s own gender or personality effect how they process another’s face? The human face consists of many interesting features, one of which is the emotion being expressed. For human beings, the importance of interpreting emotions is unchallenged. The ability to understand the feelings expressed by others is thought to be a natural part of growing up. From the early age of 6 months, infants have been reported to show facial expression recognition and discrimination (Ahrens, 1954; Charlesworth & Kreutzer, 1973). Ekman, a psychologist interested in the relationship of emotions and facial expression, carried out cross-cultural research and found that the expressions associated with some emotions, such as happiness and sadness, were basic or biologically universal to all humans (Ekman et al, 1969). Further evidence indicates neural mechanisms are involved where the comprehension of emotions are largely facilitated by the right hemisphere (Bryden et al, 1979). Another interesting aspect and one of the initial things identified in a face is the gender. Face gender identification is a cognitive process that occurs rapidly and efficiently. Previous research has found that when adults were presented with facial images that had been cropped to remove all cultural cues to gender (i.e. hairstyles and makeup); in almost 100% of the cases participants accurately identified the gender of the face (Bruce et al, 1998). Further evidence has found that 80% of the time, children as ... ...o the prolonged inspection of one alternative that causes the perception of the other to occur. Consequently as the figure is viewed, fatigue (satiation) develops in response to both alternatives, resulting in increased rates of reversal (O’Leary, 1993). Introverts must then experience higher rates of Koehler type of satiation as they see the cube reverse more. The purpose of the current study is to explore further gender differences and personality type differences in the ability to identify the gender and emotion of a face. Based on the findings by Hoffman (2010) and Cellerino (2004) it is expected that females will respond faster in identifying facial emotion and gender. Additionally, using the Necker cube as a measure to determine personality type, differences between extroverts and introverts in facial emotion and gender identification will be investigated.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Multiple physics Investigatory Essay
Repulsorlifts as a Method of Stable Magnetic Levitation | Repulsorlifts were used in the study to find out if they can be used to replace the wheels of a conventional car. It was hypothesized that it will be able to lift a car using magnetic repulsion forces. The different magnets were tested individually with the usual tests for magnetic strength, size, and temperature increase, which were done in the preliminary testing. The prototype road and car were then constructed based on the specifications that had been identified after the preliminary testing. The prototype car’s magnets were permanent magnets while the road magnets were electromagnets. They had been oriented so that the magnets would repel each other. | Investigatory Project in Physics Balloon Powered Car When it comes to powering a race car, there are a ton of different options. Some cars are powered by gasoline, diesel, or other combustible fuels, or you can even power miniature race cars using a mousetrap! In the Balloon Powered Car, we’ll show you how to build a racer that uses the power of air pressure to roll across a room. Objectives: a.) to create a balloon powered race car for maximum speed and distance b.) to incorporate Newton’s Laws of Motion Materials: * Foam core or corrugated cardboard * Wooden barbeque skewers * Regular cardboard * Straws * Tape * Balloons * Scissors * Wire cutters Procedure: 1.) Start off by cutting the chassis of your car. We don’t condone the use of blow torches or saws during Sick Science experiments, so you have to create the chassis using scissors and foam core (corrugated cardboard works great, too). Cut a 6Ãâ€"3 inch piece of your chosen material using the scissors. 2.) A car is nothing without axles. Given the size of your car, wooden barbeque skewers will make perfect axles. Use wire cutters to snip two 4†³ pieces of skewer. 3.) You need to mount the axles to your chassis in a way that allows the axles to turn freely. For mounts, cut two 3†³ sections of straw and use tape to fix the mounts to the front and back (3†³ sides) of your chassis. 4.) Now that you have axle mounts, mount your axles! Slide the wooden skewers through the middle of the straws. 5.) Axles are great, but humans invented the wheel for a reason. The wheel was invented for use on the Balloon Powered Car! Use scissors to cut four quarter-sized pieces of regular cardboard. If it helps, you can trace a quarter or circle of similar size to give yourself some guidelines. 6.) Push the cardboard circles onto the skewers, one on each end of both skewers†¦.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Counting and Accounting
Counting and Accounting Counting and Accounting Counting and Accounting By Mark Nichol This post lists and describes words deriving from the Latin verb computare, meaning â€Å"sum up,†that, unlike computer and the like, do not closely follow the original spelling. Count derives its diversion from the spelling of computare from its journey to English through Old French, which spelled the verb conter. To count is to add up (â€Å"Count the money†), consider (â€Å"Count yourself lucky you didn’t get hurt†), or record (â€Å"Count me in†). It also means â€Å"depend on,†â€Å"deserve to be considered,†or â€Å"have significance.†A count is a sum, while someone who adds numbers, or a coinlike object used to keep track of numbers, is a counter. (â€Å"Bean counter,†from the notion of using beans for this purpose, is a slightly derogatory term for someone who monitors finances.) That word also described a table at which a moneylender did business and, by extension, came to refer to any similar raised structure in a place of business and, later, in any building, including a house. (Countertop refers to the surface of the counter itself.) Counting is the act of adding up numbers or of marking a sequence of numerals from smaller to larger; however, as a verb, the word pertains to relying on someone or something, as in â€Å"I was counting on you to be there.†The largely obsolete term countinghouse refers to a place used for doing and keeping track of business. â€Å"Counting frame†and â€Å"counting rail†are synonyms for abacus, describing a device using beads strung on wires as an analog calculator. A counting glass, meanwhile, is a magnifying glass used to count threads per inch in fabrics. Count also, in a legal sense, came to pertain to the charges in an indictment for crimes, and in athletics, it describes the ten-second period a fallen boxer is given to resume standing (hence the expression â€Å"down for the count†) and the number of strikes and balls a baseball batter is allowed. (A full count is when the batter has used up the allotted two strikes and three balls, after which the player must hit the ball, or walks to first base on the fourth ball thrown, or is struck out.) The terms of nobility count and countess (and viscount and viscountess) are not related; they derive from the Latin term comitem, meaning â€Å"companion.†Nor is country, which stems from the Latin adjective contra, meaning â€Å"against.†This is also the source of the prefix counter-, seen in words such as counteract, counterfeit, and counterpart. Similarly, countenance is not related; it comes from the Latin verb continere, meaning â€Å"hold together.†Something that can be counted is countable, and the antonym is uncountable. These terms, in reference to words, describe plural nouns that, respectively, do or do not refer to groups of things that can be added up. (For example, cars is a countable noun; but traffic is not.) Countless means â€Å"too numerous to be counted†; unlike its synonym infinite, it has no direct antonym. A countdown is a calling out of numbers, usually from ten to zero or from three to â€Å"go,†to mark the time before something occurs, such as a spacecraft launch or the beginning of a race. A discount is a reduction in price, and to discount is to reduce in price, though the verb also refers to diminishing the significance of a statement. A miscount is an erroneous calculation, and a recount is a calculation that is repeated to confirm that the original calculation is correct; recount also means â€Å"describe an occurrence.†To account is to add up, and an account is an adding up or a description of an incident. Formally, the word describes a record or a statement, or an arrangement with an advertising, banking, or credit business (or an organization that provides internet or email access) or the client or customer with whom a company has such an arrangement. Account also refers to value or esteem, as in â€Å"That’s not of any account to me†(also seen in the informal term â€Å"no-account,†referring to a worthless person), to advantage, as in â€Å"She used her skills to good account,†and to consideration, as in â€Å"I’ll have to take that into account†; it also applies to keeping track of something. The verb account means â€Å"analyze†or â€Å"consider†or refers to justifying, being a significant factor, or causing something. Accounting is the practice or profession of monitoring finances, and one who does so as a career is an accountant; accountability has the more general definition of â€Å"the quality of being able to answer for one’s responsibilities†; the adjective is accountable. The antonym of that word, unaccountable, has two senses- not only â€Å"unresponsible†but also â€Å"inexplicable†or â€Å"strange.†A perhaps unexpected member of the computare family is raconteur, adopted from the same French word and meaning â€Å"teller of anecdotes.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid"Wracking" or "Racking" Your Brain?Plurals of Proper Names
Monday, October 21, 2019
Definition and Examples of Parataxis in Rhetoric
Definition and Examples of Parataxis in Rhetoric Definition Parataxis is a grammatical and rhetorical term for phrases or clauses arranged independently- a coordinate, rather than a subordinate, construction. Adjective: paratactic. Contrast with hypotaxis. Parataxis (also known as the additive style) is sometimes used as a synonym for asyndeton- that is, the coordination of phrases and clauses without coordinating conjunctions. However, as Richard Lanham demonstrates in Analyzing Prose, a sentence style may be both paratactic and polysyndetic (held together with numerous conjunctions). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Clausal Coordination and Phrasal Coordination Compound SentenceCoordinate ClauseJuxtapositionLangston Hughes on Harlem in the 1920sListParataxis in Steinbecks Paradox and DreamRunning StyleSimple SentenceWalt Whitmans Street YarnWendell Berrys A Few Words for Motherhood What Is the Running Style? EtymologyFrom the Greek, placing side by side Examples and Observations I came; I saw; I conquered.(Julius Caesar)Dogs, undistinguishable in mire. Horses, scarcely better- splashed to their very blinkers. Foot passengers, jostling one anothers umbrellas, in a general infection of ill-temper, and losing their foothold at street corners.(Charles Dickens, Bleak House, 1852-1853)In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels.(Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms, 1929)I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun.(Raymond Chandler, Farewell, My Lovely, 1940) Joan Didions Paratactic StyleI remember walking across 62nd Street one twilight that first spring, or the second spring, they were all alike for a while. I was late to meet someone but I stopped at Lexington Avenue and bought a peach and stood on the corner eating it and knew that I had come out of the Wes t and reached the mirage. I could taste the peach and feel the soft air blowing from a subway grating on my legs and I could smell lilac and garbage and expensive perfume and I knew that it would cost something sooner or later . . ..(Joan Didion, Goodbye to All That. Slouching Towards Bethlehem, 1968) Toni Morrisons Use of ParataxisTwenty-two years old, weak, hot, frightened, not daring to acknowledge the fact that he didnt know who or what he was . . . with no past, no language, no tribe, no source, no address book, no comb, no pencil, no clock, no pocket handkerchief, no rug, no bed, no can opener, no faded postcard, no soap, no key, no tobacco pouch, no soiled underwear and nothing nothing nothing to do . . . he was sure of one thing only: the unchecked monstrosity of his hands.(Toni Morrison, Sula, 1973) Natalie Kuszs Use of ParataxisI packed some books and a portable typewriter, drove to Homer on the coast, and rented a cabin near the beach. Something about the place, or its fishy air, or my aloneness in the middle of it, worked somehow, and I breathed bigger there in my chest and wrote more clearly on the page. I had forgotten about tides and about the kelp and dried crabs that came in with them, and every morning I shivered into a sweater, put combs in my hair, and walked out to wade and to fill my pockets with what I found. I liked it best when the wind was blowing and the sky was gray, and the sounds of seagulls and my own breathing were carried out with the water.(Natalie Kusz, Vital Signs. The Threepenny Review, 1989) Walt Whitmans Paratactic StyleNothing is ever really lost, or can be lost,No birth, identity, form- no object of the world.Nor life, nor force, nor any visible thing;Appearance must not foil, nor shifted sphere confuse thy brain.Ample are time and spaceample the fields of Nature.The body, sluggish, aged, cold- the embers left from earlier fires,The light in the eye grown dim, shall duly flame again;The sun now low in the west rises for mornings and for noons continual;To frozen clods ever the springs invisible law returns,With grass and flowers and summer fruits and corn.(Walt Whitman, Continuities) Characteristics of Paratactic Prose- In paratactic prose, clauses are loosely connected, creating a lopping discourse of heres another thing and another thing and another thing. . . . Paratactic prose occurs more frequently in narrative and explanation, and hypotactic prose more frequently in explicit arguments.(Jeanne Fahnestock, Rhetorical Style: The Uses of Language in Persuasion. Oxf ord University Press, 2011)- When clauses are linked in a relationship of equality, we say that the relationship is paratactic. Parataxis is the relationship between units of equal status. . . . Paratactic linking is often treated as equivalent to coordination . . .; more exactly, coordination is one type of parataxis, others being juxtaposition and linking by conjunctions such as so and yet.(Angela Downing and Philip Locke, A University Course in English Grammar. Prentice Hall, 1992)- A series of short phrases or clauses equalized by parataxis seems almost to invite these repetitive openings [anaphora]. We are reminded, on the one hand, of Scriptures ritual iterations- a list of Thou shalt nots or begats. On the other hand, the humble laundry list comes to mind. When you think of it, ordinary workaday prose is often taken up with lists. They represent parataxis par excellence. . . .But parataxis can be a contrived, patterned, self-conscious style, one whose syntax can carry . . . a n allegorical meaning of its own. It is easy to write a laundry list, but not so easy to write like Hemingway without falling into parody. Try it.(Richard A. Lanham, Analyzing Prose, 2nd ed. Continuum, 2003)- Parataxis allows for the coherence of a narratives themes to be independent of the sequential organization of the story elements. Use of paratactic ordering is common in folksongs and even myths where the rearrangement of story elements in their order of presentation does not damage or confuse the story. For example, switching verses three and five of a seven-verse paratactic song would not alter the theme or tale presented, since linear progression is not an essential component of these works.(Richard Neupert, The End: Narration and Closure in the Cinema. Wayne State University Press, 1995) A Difficult Style to MasterAlthough it might seem as if writing in the additive style is just a matter of putting one thing after another in no particular order (how can that be hard?), it is in fact the far more difficult style to master; for the relative absence of formal constraints means that there are no rules or recipes for what to do because there are no rules or recipes for what not to do.(Stanley Fish, How to Write a Sentence. Harper Collins, 2011) A. Bartlett Giamatti on the Paratactic Style of BaseballHere the oft-told tale that is the game is told again. It is told always in the present tense, in a paratactic style that reflects the games seamless, cumulative character, each event linked to the last and creating the context for the next- a style almost Biblical in its continuity and instinct for typology.(A. Bartlett Giamatti, Take Time for Paradise: Americans and Their Games. Summit Books, 1989) Pronunciation: PAR-a-TAX-iss
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Tensions and Conflict on the Korean Peninsula
Tensions and Conflict on the Korean Peninsula The Korean Peninsula is a region located in Eastern Asia extending south from the Asian continent for about 683 miles (1,100 km). Today, it is politically divided into North Korea and South Korea. North Korea is located on the northern part of the peninsula, and it extends from China south to the 38th parallel of latitude. South Korea then extends from that area and encompasses the rest of the Korean Peninsula. The Korean Peninsula was in the news for much of 2010, and especially toward the end of the year, because of growing conflicts between the two nations. Conflict on the Korean Peninsula is not new however as North and South Korea have long had tensions with one another that dates back before the Korean War, which ended in 1953. History of the Korean Peninsula Historically, the Korean Peninsula was occupied by only Korea, and it was ruled by several different dynasties, as well as the Japanese and the Chinese. From 1910 to 1945 for example, Korea was controlled by the Japanese, and it was mostly controlled from Tokyo as a part of the Empire of Japan. Toward the end of World War II, the Soviet Union (USSR) declared war on Japan, and by August 10, 1945, it occupied the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. At the end of the war, Korea was then divided into northern and southern portions at the 38th parallel by the Allies at the Potsdam Conference. The United States was to administer the southern part, while the USSR administered the northern area.This division started the conflicts between the two areas of Korea because the northern region followed the USSR and became communist, while the south opposed this form of government and formed a strong anti-communist, capitalist government. As a result, in July of 1948, the anti-communist southern region drafted a constitution and began to hold national elections which were subjected to terrorism. However, on August 15, 1948, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) was officially founded, and Syngman Rhee was elected as president. Shortly after that, the USSR established a Communist North Ko rean Government called the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea) with Kim Il-Sung as its leader. Once the two Koreas were formally established, Rhee and Il-Sung worked to reunify Korea. This caused conflicts though because each wanted to unify the area under their own political system and rival governments were established. Also, North Korea was heavily supported by the USSR and China and fighting along the border of North and South Korea was not uncommon. The Korean War By 1950, the conflicts on the border of North and South Korea led to the beginning of the Korean War. On June 25, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea and almost immediately the United Nations member states began to send aid to South Korea. North Korea was, however, able to quickly advance south by September 1950. By October though, U.N. forces were able to move the fighting north again and on October 19, North Koreas capital, Pyongyang was taken. In November, Chinese forces joined North Korean forces and the fighting was then moved back south and in January 1951, South Koreas capital, Seoul was taken. In the months that followed, heavy fighting ensued, but the center of the conflict was near the 38th parallel. Although peace negotiations began in July of 1951, fighting continued throughout 1951 and 1952. On July 27, 1953, peace negotiations ended, and the Demilitarized Zone was formed. Shortly after that, an Armistice Agreement was signed by the Korean Peoples Army, the Chinese Peoples Volunteers and the United Nations Command, which was led by the U.S. South Korea however, never signed the agreement, and to this day an official peace treaty has never been signed between North and South Korea. Todays Tensions Since the end of the Korean War, tensions between North and South Korea have remained. For example according to CNN, in 1968, North Korea unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate South Koreas president. In 1983, a bombing in Myanmar that was linked to North Korea killed 17 South Korean officials, and in 1987, North Korea was accused of bombing a South Korean airplane. Fighting has also repeatedly occurred both land and sea borders because each nation is continually trying to unify the peninsula with its own system of government.In 2010, tensions between North and South Korea were especially high after a South Korean warship was sunk on March 26. South Korea claims that North Korea sunk the Cheonan in the Yellow Sea off the South Korean island of Baengnyeong. North Korea denied responsibility for the attack and tensions between the two nations have been high ever since. Most recently on November 23, 2010, North Korea launched an artillery attack on the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong. North Korea claims that South Korea was conducting war maneuvers, but South Korea states that it was conducting maritime military drills. Yeonpyeong was also attacked in January 2009. It is located near a maritime border between the countries that North Korea wants moved south. Since the attacks, South Korea began practicing military drills in early December.To learn more about the historic conflict on the Korean Peninsula and the Korean War, visit this page on the Korean War as well as North Korea and South Korea Facts from this site. Sources CNN Wire Staff. (23 November 2010). Korean Tension: A Look at the Conflict - (n.d.). Korean War - United States Department of State. (10 December 2010). South Korea.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Business Analysis of John Lewis Partnership Outline
Business Analysis of John Lewis Partnership - Outline Example This paper will examine the methods that have been used by the partnership as well as how these have led to initiatives that have moved ahead of competitors in the UK. The several areas of analysis performed in relation to the John Lewis Partnership will provide insight into strategies which businesses can apply to begin to move forward in the retail sector. SWOT Analysis The relevance of the SWOT analysis is to work into new strategies that will help to monitor and change the aspects within the corporation. The main ideal is to work toward a sense of knowledge management which can be applied within the organization while moving forward with different strategies and approaches that are associated with the corporation (Zhiping, Yonghong, 2002). When looking at the strategies of the John Lewis Partnership, it can be seen that the strengths of the corporation should be a continuous feature. This is based on the diversity of products that are offered with the retail store, ranging from w ine shops to business solutions and insurance (Felicitta, 2009). This diversity is followed by finding partners and small business owners that can tap into the retail store as a part owner. This allows the internal environment to have a spirit of entrepreneurship, while creating more opportunities for growth and support within the community. As this is done, it helps to stimulate loyal customers and responses among those that are in the community (Shi, 2007). The weaknesses that are from this main attribute come from the dimensions of positioning. This is a main problem with those who are in the retail industry, specifically because it changes the outcome of which customers will decide to shop in a specific area and will also alter the relationships and partnership that are provided within the company (Messinger, 2007). The positioning of the John Lewis Partnership is one that is limited by the partnerships which are incorporated as well as the sectors which have already been develo ped. This allows other competitors to begin to move into the sector and change the outlooks with other retail management options. Since most of the stores are built on partnerships, this may mean that the partners don’t have the necessary opportunities to continue and to make the desired profit (Tustin, 2006). The opportunities and threats that are associated with this can lead to further strategies to change the level of popularity against competition. The main opportunity comes from the multiple stores offered. Most competitors create a vertical relationship, meaning the association is based only on the one set of stores opened (Liu, Davies, 2007). This particular opportunity led to a 79.3% increase in 2008 and another 3.6% increase in 2009, with 11,365.4 million as the revenue (Aark, 2010). However, the partnerships established allow the John Lewis change into a multiple layer orientation of expansion, allowing them to move beyond competitors because of the diversity offer ed. While this works effectively, the mass amount of partnerships also limits other attributes. There are not as many price cuts and quality differences in most of the retail stores because of the partnerships established. Competitors with independent stores and national chains often move ahead of John Lewis Partnership because of the differences in price and the diversity of products which can be offered (Hall, 2007). TOWS Analysis The
Friday, October 18, 2019
Unit 3 Discussion Exploring the 1960's Research Paper
Unit 3 Discussion Exploring the 1960's - Research Paper Example As a result, America and Russia both massively built up the stock piles of nuclear weapons. Thus, this Cold War never turned hot, USA and USSR never fought directly during the 20th century instead the domino effect of USA caused the places like Vietnam, Korea and under-developed nation around the world (Burbank & Cooper, 2011). Through contemplation of 1960’s revolution, it occurred when Europe was caught in the mid Cold War of USA and USSR there was a clear indication that in the name of protection both the super powers might make agreement in the area of economy and politics might cause the position and stability of Europe. Invasion of America’s direct investment in production and technology could have affected the sovereignty and position of Europe. This threat led the Europe to catch-up with cultural and economical and social revolution during 1960’s in Europe (Jacobson, 1994) Communist countries are threat for developed countries in modern status quo because it is believed that communist want to rule the world according to their own legal tradition and regulations. This is considerably due to the lack of co-operation of Communist countries towards international peace treaties (Burbank & Cooper, 2011) Scott, P. D. (2012). The Kennedy Assassination and the Vietnam War (1971). Retrieved July 20, 2012, from History-matters:
What is a Shaman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
What is a Shaman - Essay Example There are three basic concepts of Shamanism. The first concept of shamanism is the belief that animals, plants, water and rocks all have spirits which have to be respected and cared for by the human race (Michael. 59). The second concept focuses on personal responsibility and involves the belief of Buyan which can be related closely to Karma. The concept states that taking responsibility of one’s action is mark of an upright individual. The third concept advocates for balance. It states that balance is an important aspect that maintains harmony in the environment, within an individual and the community at large. In shamanism, a Shaman is approached when things get out of balance within the community, homestead or an individual (Michael. 59). The concepts of shamanism help in the understanding of the link between the living and the spirit world. The first concept portrays this notion through the use of a Shaman as a mediator between the living and the spirit worlds. The second concept advocates for personal responsibility which is an important aspect in human beings as it promotes self actualization in an individual thus creating positive thinking towards development as well as other life responsibilities such as management of the environment, promoting a peaceful existence in the community and respecting the human race. The third concept promotes a balance in natural and anthropogenic factors thus creating a harmonious environment (Michael. 62). Harmony is an important entity in community build-up as it is used to create a social capital which is required for communal development. It also maintains peace in the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Modern Industrial Development and the Relationship of Human Being Research Paper
The Modern Industrial Development and the Relationship of Human Being With Nature - Research Paper Example Around the 1980s the term ‘sustainability’ is often used by professionals to refer to the notion of development in a merely technical sense. Theoretically, it includes the conditions of â€Å"meeting human needs, or maintaining economic growth or conserving natural capital, or about all three†. Agriculture, economics, livelihoods or whatever the features that modern society embodies are intertwined with the nature, natural resources and its ecological balance, as Michael Pollan, in his book, ‘the Omnivore’s Dilemma†attempts to infer that man like no other creature on earth is depended on a nature for his biological requirements (Pollan, 91). For Sneddon ‘sustainability’ is a term that is to be associated with the concept of sustainable development, as he says, â€Å"Both ‘sustainable development’ and ‘sustainability’ are at root normative concepts, describing visions of how human activities and ecological processes might be reconciled for the ‘good’ of both†. Indeed Sneddon is prone to view the concept as â€Å"to development, to societies, to livelihoods and to a host of additional social, economic and ecological activities†. The concept of â€Å"Sustainability†is a multifaceted one that includes a holistic definition in modern context. But it renders different definitions depending upon different contexts: ecological, social, and economic and in modern industrial age, eco-industrial. The idea of Eco-industrial sustainability includes a reconciliatory view of industrialization and ecology.
Building a Coalition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 56
Building a Coalition - Essay Example With regards to team formation, the HR representatives of Woodson Foundation together with the members of NCPIE and school should be able to closely examine the skills and abilities of each member before they allocate a specific role to them (Robbins and Judge 280). Basically, empowering the team members through proper delegation of role and responsibility will increase the chances wherein the team members would become motivated in working together (281). Because of cultural differences, the leaders should win the trust of each member using necessary resources and effective leadership skills (280-281). Doing so will increase the chance wherein each member would become dedicated to supporting the success of the project. With regards to team performance, leaders should make use of necessary performance evaluation tools and effective reward system (Robbins and Judge 282). In the process of recognizing or rewarding the contribution of each member, they would become highly motivated in improving their future individual work performance. Likewise, it will also help them gain Agree that schools are less focused on families. She believes that parents want to be involved in improving students’ learning. Her positive perception of the role of parents/communities can be used in encouraging parents to become active in this project. She believes that schools and the foundation have larger roles than parents and the communities. Therefore, can lead to bias judgment when designating roles and responsibilities in improving students’ outcome. Team empowerment is important in team efficacy (Robbins and Judge 292). Therefore, Dupree can work together with Hardy, Watson, and Sharpe because these people acknowledge the important role that parents should play when it comes to improving the students’ learning outcomes. Using strong communication skills, Dupree’s team can easily convince and work well with Martinez. Conflict is possible because Adams has a different opinion when it comes to the role of the school. On the other hand, Kaufman cannot get along well with the faculty members.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Modern Industrial Development and the Relationship of Human Being Research Paper
The Modern Industrial Development and the Relationship of Human Being With Nature - Research Paper Example Around the 1980s the term ‘sustainability’ is often used by professionals to refer to the notion of development in a merely technical sense. Theoretically, it includes the conditions of â€Å"meeting human needs, or maintaining economic growth or conserving natural capital, or about all three†. Agriculture, economics, livelihoods or whatever the features that modern society embodies are intertwined with the nature, natural resources and its ecological balance, as Michael Pollan, in his book, ‘the Omnivore’s Dilemma†attempts to infer that man like no other creature on earth is depended on a nature for his biological requirements (Pollan, 91). For Sneddon ‘sustainability’ is a term that is to be associated with the concept of sustainable development, as he says, â€Å"Both ‘sustainable development’ and ‘sustainability’ are at root normative concepts, describing visions of how human activities and ecological processes might be reconciled for the ‘good’ of both†. Indeed Sneddon is prone to view the concept as â€Å"to development, to societies, to livelihoods and to a host of additional social, economic and ecological activities†. The concept of â€Å"Sustainability†is a multifaceted one that includes a holistic definition in modern context. But it renders different definitions depending upon different contexts: ecological, social, and economic and in modern industrial age, eco-industrial. The idea of Eco-industrial sustainability includes a reconciliatory view of industrialization and ecology.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Harvard case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Harvard - Case Study Example The Beijing EAP Inc. is a company that provided EAPs to many customers. The nature of its operations required the employees to have strong academic backgrounds that qualified them to operate in this multinational service company. Being the largest market holder in the Mainland China, the Company had a huge customer base that categorized it as a big corporation. Amongst some customers of BEC were IBM, Siemens, Samsung, Lenovo, Guadong Mobile, and the China Development Bank. Consequently, the Company had many projects that prompted the management to subdivide the projects to different segment managers2. In this case, for instance, Mr. Yang represents a training department manager having a communicational breakdown with Ms. Song, a project manager, based on the confusion of the roles each one was to perform. In some cases, the tension escalated to a point where the employees did not know who to approach concerning the progress of projects. Both being project managers at the BEC, the two senior employees had no idea of the organizational structure. Both the employees had no clear identity of the functions that were under their jurisdiction3. This problem faces many large corporations, therefore making it difficult to execute their project as required. However, it is important to outline the authorities, responsibilities, and restrictions of the project managers. This goes a long way in ensuring that similar communicational breakdowns are avoided in the future for corporations. The major challenge that the BEC had was the lack of communication. When Mr. Yang and Ms. Song got onto the project, they assumed to understand their duties. In difficult situations, each failed to consult the other to comprehend the magnitude of the problem. As a result, the two employees endured poor working relationships. Existence of hierarchy in the management of projects was another problem that
Oslo’s Important Person Essay Example for Free
Oslo’s Important Person Essay Most of the world greatest and famous people who have had a role to play in the shaping of history have had certain things associated with them. In Oslo there are three important articles that are displayed that has been an important part in the History of Oslo. Of these is Fram, the ship that brought the famous Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen to the seas of the Atlantic. Nansen is considered a famous Norwegian who was a brilliant statesman, a courageous humanitarian and an adventurous explorer who sought the betterment of mankind. Nansen was born in Store-Froen, near Oslo, on October 10, 1861. He attended a pre-college school in Oslo, and in 1880, he was admitted to the University of Oslo. Nansen loved the outdoors and he chose to study zoology with the expectation that it will enable him to enjoy the outdoor life. In 1882, Nansen decided to join a voyage to Greenland waters. While in the Greenland waters, Nansen was attracted to the mighty ice cap of the island and an idea struck him that he can cross it starting not from the well-traveled west coast, but from the east coast. Nansen then led an expedition to try his idea. In August 15, 1888 he and his six and crews left Oslo and by September 5 they were able to reach Ameralik Fjord after facing intense struggles with storms and cold. At the settlement of Godthab of the arctic, Nansen was able to study the way of life of the Eskimo. Nansen returned home in May 1889. In 1890 Nansen convinced the Norwegian Geographical Society of the fact that â€Å"the ice of the polar sea drifted from Siberia toward Spitsbergen†. Spitsbergen is the largest island in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard which is only 600 miles from the North Pole. To prove his theory, â€Å"he proposed to build a ship of such a shape that it would be lifted but not crushed when caught by the ice. He proposed to let this ship freeze in off eastern Siberia in order to be carried from there across the Arctic Ocean to Spitsbergen by the currents†. This kind of plan was considered hazardous but the Norwegian Parliament granted two-thirds of the estimated expenses of the expedition and the other financial needs was given by King Oscar II and other private individuals. The ship was called Fram and it sailed from Oslo on June 24, 1893. After enduring bitter winter cold in the arctic regions, Nansen and his crew left Fram freezing in ice On March 14, 1895. Nansen and his companions then continued on northward by riding sleds and stayed on the northern island of Frederick Jackson, named after a British Arctic explorer, from August 26, 1895 to May 19, 1896. Luckily on their way to Spitsbergen they encountered Frederick Jackson and his party of the Jackson-Harmsworth expedition and they sailed back to Norway aboard Jackson’s ship windward on June 17 1896 and waited for the Fram in Spitsbergen. True to his theory, the Fram drifted to Spitsbergen. Nansen and his crew then sailed to Oslo aboard the Fram and was met with warm welcome on September 9, 1896(â€Å"Nansen†1). Upon his return, Nansen became a professor of zoology and in 1887 he submitted a paper entitled â€Å"The Structure and Combination of Histological Elements of the Central Nervous System†that earned him a degree of doctor of Philosophy in University of Oslo. Nansen was also interested in physical geography and he helped established the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. As a true scientist, Nansen reported scientific studies with regards to his expeditions. During 1900 to 1914 Nansen was able to make sea explorations of the Norwegian Sea, Azores Sea and Barents and Kara Sea of the arctic. Due to these sea explorations he was able to improve the instruments used for oceanography and he discovered how deep and bottom water are formed (â€Å"Nansen†2). Later in his life, Nansen became interested in politics and in1905 he participated in a lively discussion regarding the separation of Norway from Sweden. He believed that Norway should not be restrained in exercising its political and economic freedom. When Norway was granted independence he was appointed Minister of London and in 1917 during World War I he was appointed as head of Norwegian Commission to the United States wherein he successfully convinced US to allow Norway to import supplies for the war. And when the League of Nations was created in 1920 Nansen was chosen to head the Norwegian delegation. League of Nations then appointed Nansen to bring home an approximately 500,000 the prisoners of war from Russia. Although USSR did not recognize the League of Nations, Nansen was able to negotiate e with them personally and in September 1922, 427, 886 prisoners of war from German and Autro-Hungarian armies were safely brought back to their respective countries. In August 1921 Nansen was asked by the International Committee of the Red Cross to head a campaign in bringing aid to the famine-stricken Russia. On August 27, Nansen successfully opened a relief headquarter in Moscow which he called â€Å"International Russian Relief Executive†. The League of Nations turned down his request for financial assistance but Nansen, undaunted, was able to raise the needed funds from private organizations. Due to his humanitarian achievements, an international agreement was signed in Geneva introducing the identification card for displaced persons known as the â€Å"Nansen passport†on July 5,1922. Later in 1931, after his death, the Nansen International Office for Refugees was created in Geneva which had become a safe haven for Jews when World War II broke out. In 1922 Nansen was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. The Nansen International Office for Refugees, on the other hand, won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1938 (Nansen 3). Nansen dedicated his life in the furtherance of humanity. Works cited Compton’s Encyclopedia, vol. 17. USA: Compton’s Learning Company, 1995. Halsey, William. Colliers Encyclopedia, vol. 18. New York: Macmillan Educational Company, 1990. Lundestad, Geir. 15 March 2001. †The Nobel Peace Prize, 1901-2000†. Nobel Prize. 13 August 2007. http://nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/articles/lundestad- Review/index. html â€Å"Nansen, Fridtjof. Encyclop? dia Britannica. 2007. Encyclop? dia Britannica Online. 15 August 2007 http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9054786 â€Å"Off the Beaten Path†June 10, 2004. Virtual Tourist. 12 August 2007. http://www. virtualtourist. com/travel/Europe/Norway/Oslo_Region/Oslo-214570/ Off_the_Beaten_Path-Oslo-BR-1. html â€Å"Oslo: City Insider†. 1999-2006. Marriot. 12 August 2007. http://www. marriot. com/city-guide/city-verview. mi? cityID=97guideType=history â€Å"Oslo, Norway†. 2006. Bradmans Europe. 12 August 2007. http://bradmans. com/europe/oslo/background â€Å"Oslo†. The New Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 24. 5th ed. USA: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. , 1991.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Globalization and Indigenization Relationship
Globalization and Indigenization Relationship In this paper we will try to understand the relationship between indigenization and globalization by looking at how globalization in its process acts as a tool for homogenizing certain culture and lifestyle as ideal over others and often works mainly through the market, media, music and other technology. Secondly we will also look into how globalizations try to reinforce itself through indigenization by adapting certain popular local culture which are selective and therefore marginalized certain culture over others in a society. Therefore, we will focus mainly on social, economic and cultural life of state and people in globalization era and will be looking through the lens of social science perspective. For further clarity we will also look at experiences of some countries in Asia that are changing due to globalization as an empirical evidence. In this paper I would like to argue that globalization and indigenization are interrelated and that globalization is an economic drive for p rofit maximization and therefore in the process of setting up markets it creates homogenization; and indigenization of selective cultural manifestation which often leaves out other cultures and creates tension within a pluralist society In social science discourse it is very difficult to define any term. Globalization, term origin of concept can be seen as first used by Roland Robertson according to Malcolm Waters, which came at the background of countering Immanuel Wallertein theory that has a heavy base on economy, Robertson suggested therefore that globalization is a phenomena both taking place in human consciousness and culture. For our present paper we will be looking at globalization as an economic process mainly driven by the so called developed or the western world through international financial bodies that ultimately challenges culture. Globalization therefore means a global economic process that controls international economy and nation state governance as trade and investment process produces growing interconnection between nations. Hirst and Thomson (1999, 8-10) said that interconnection between nations often result in the form of nations specializations and the international division of labours. The im portance of trade also becomes increasingly centralized which acts as the organizational principle of the system. They become internationally autonomous and socially disembodied, as market and production becomes truly global. Domestic policies becomes predominantly international determinate. This creates a systematic interdependence as it is transform to be permeated by and for international. Thus, globalize economy posed a problem to the domestic actors in formulating its policies. Globalization according to Petra and Veltmeyer (2001, 11) carries both descriptive and prescriptive meanings, descriptive as [1] globalization referring to the widening and deepening of the international flows of trade, capital, technology and information within a single integrated global market. Prescriptive as globalization involves the liberalization of national and global markets in the belief that free flow of trade, capital and information will produce the best outcome for growth and human we lfare (UNDP, 1992). On one hand, there are scholars like Keith Griffin (1995) who considers globalization as inevitable and needs adjustment for both necessary and possible human development. On the other hand, there are some who view it as a class and not as a process, the network of institutions known as the global economic system is an intentional and contingent, subject to the control of individuals who represent an seek to advance the interest of a new international capitalist class, this class consists of TNCs, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc and all these financial institution form a new system called global governance. Barnet and Cavenagh (1994) term this as a global financial network. Here the question do not only boils down to whether globalization is inevitable or not as we need to be very critical on this issue but for this paper we should move further and say that globalization is an economic process that is driven by few powers to regulate, generate and su stain capitalism. At the meantime globalization process can also be seen as the dissemination of religion and culture; it evolves interaction of people, groups, communities mainly through trade and commerce. Sociology study on globalization focus on the processes and flows in society whether at local level, national or global level. Sociologist like Barrington Moore, Charles Tilly, Theda Skocpol and Immanuel Wallerstein have looked at society broadly to understand connections of human lives with various field like economics, culture, media, technology etc, so, in short globalization is a process driven for economic growth by few international institutions that controls the process and outcome of global economy. Indigenization The term indigenization originates from the meaning indigenous. According to Websters New World Dictionary defines Indigenous as existing or growing naturally in a region, country, Sefa Dei (2002) said indigenous knowledge as unique to a given culture or society characterized by the common sense ideas, thoughts, values of people formed as a result of sustained interaction of society, nature and culture. In Sociology indigenous mean to integrate ones refection on the local culture and society or history into his or her approaches. Yet it is important to note that not all culture is indigenous for eg in Yangs article he clarifies that indigenous culture in Chinese context was to study traditional Chinese culture I.e. Confucian tradition and not local tradition like Gelao tradition in Taiwan. Indigenous people constitute more than 70% of the world out of which 250 million people lives in Asia. They are known by different names like hill tribes in Thailand, Scheduled Tribe in India, cult ural communities in Philippines, minorities nationalities in China etc. Heterogenisation, globalization, hybridization and indigenization have all become part of the wide ranging cultural studies in different discourse and debate about the diversity of local interaction with global capitalism. Roberston (1995, 28) states relation to globalization with culture said that in numerous contemporary accounts globalizing trends are regarded as in tension with local assertions of identity and culture. Here we will not be focusing so much on identity but look at how social cultural practices gets undermined in globalization. Globalization and homogenization We will now see how globalization process works as homogenizing tools that are often selective in nature and homogenized certain culture over another leaving out the importance of plurality of a nation. According to Nederveen Pieterse (2004) [2], there are [3] three views on the issue of globalization. The first view looks at globalization as clash with civilization as expressed by scholars like Samuel Huntington. The second view is expressed by the term Mcdonaldisation of the world that would also mean homogenization of particular culture over others, that often overlooks at the plurality and differences of cultures diversity. The third view is based on hybridization and synthesis, as this view suggest that much of the worlds culture has evolved through exchanges, mixing or diffusions where there exist a constant movement and interaction between people who are the carrier of culture. Here the idea of homogenization and indigenization becomes quite critical as it is driven b y the market economies that are profit driven, which we will look at as we proceed further. To understand globalization and homogenization we will argue on the first and second view of globalization as stated earlier, as a clash of civilization and mcdonalization through global financial network. .Yamashita argued that the history of Southeast Asia itself can be a good example of glocalisation.The Economist (10 Oct 1994) predicted that China would be the worlds largest economy by 2020 overtaking United State and also the developing countries will dominate more than 60% of the worlds economy leaving just 40% with the developed countries. The experiences of many Asian countries like Hongkong, South Korea, Taiwan etc showed rapid economic growth in early 1990s. Global economic institutions like World Bank 1993 reports The East Asian Miracle observed and perceived these policies to be stable, market friendly policies with internal and external financial market liberalization to attract foreign investment. However, by late 1990s the economy of East Asian went into crises, which World Bank commented as inability to turn their domestic banks into western style institution that emphasis on transparency and rational market oriented criteria. On the other hand, addressing this same problem Hirst and Thompson (2002) said that South Korea and Singapore have suffered the most in this crises as they both depended heavily on short term loans from international financial institutions, and generally they concluded that the nations were heavily depended on the Western advice, and receiving praise for it from such institutions as the IMF which complimented Thailand on its macroeconomic policies in 1996. Polity was driven by conformity with Western doctrine. Thus, East Asian Crises clearly showed the bias policies of the West to expand its market that often demands so much from the recipient nation to make their policies favorable foe investment otften at the cost of the nation. Still there are some scholars like Khondker who argues that intellectual closure to others will close dialogue between societies or nations. He urges that in globalization era nations should open up yet not be a blind imitator of western ideas and concepts and give importance to local context and values. This crisis shows how global financial institutions controls and directs the policies of other developing nations and homogenized certain western values as ideal values over local values. State sovereignty in the process itself becomes restructure and reorganized through globalization, it systematically becomes a puppet at the hands of the financial giants, so there should be a space and right for nations to reject or reform or influence the policies and conditions that will affect them. There is also this tension with globalization as on one hand it seems to be creating diversity yet on the other hand it has further strengthen localization. According to Ritzer, McDonaldization does not represent something new but, rather, the culmination of a series of rationalization processes that had been occurring throughout the twentieth century. He said that globalization is not necessarily westernization. At some point this argument seems acceptable but as we look around we cannot ignored the McDonaldization as the popular culture even in India shows more Americanization as top chart music are dominated by popular singers like Madonna, Rihanna etc or hip hop culture, all the latest loud style statements are made through foreign products like Nike, Addidas, Puma, Samsung, Vodaphone etc, television shows like Simpsons, American Idol, Friends etc capture the popular media culture. McDonald, KFCs international food joints are seen in every cities and in many products they modify or indigenized it with selective culture to fit into new culture a classic example can be the introduction of aloo tikki in McDonald menu or nimbu pani drink s in KFC menu. The process of globalization started with trade and commodities now is moving towards services. Globalization and Indigenization The term globalization and indigenization have become a coveted term. According to Samuel Huntington in, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order he argued that because of new ideas like modernization, urbanization and mass communication and the end of Cold War there will be contest of ideology, this would lead to a conflict that will not be based on ideology or economy but on culture. His prediction seems to be coming true as we see the contestation worldwide on globalization and indigenization that challenges the base on culture. The impact of globalization on culture is seen differently by different scholars. Some like transformative says that culture is evolving and changing therefore needs interaction that will promote integration and removed negative cultural barriers. Spectics have argued that it will create uneven cultural globalization, Many other see it as a negative influences upon each other, as the global financial institutes like IMF policies has shown very bias approach driven for economic profit. The growing protest against international organizations meetings like G-8, European Union in Seattle, Washington, Genoa and Barcelona is a proof of growing discontent among many people. Indigenization of certain culture becomes important question as we see that it is intractably related with the state, identity and economy. Lieber and Weisberg suggest that culture within globalization have to do deeper than its surface phenomena and McDonald, American music, language, art and lifestyle has within it a form of alienation that owes to the changes and disruptions brought by modernization and globalization. They argued that in Middle East, South Asia and Africa there is a rage of anger against corrupt and authoritarian rule, which came into being after the breakdown of their traditional social, political and economic relationships. Thus, these new institutions fails to meet the needs of the societies thereby there is a deep resentment agai nst the Americans that have pose a challenged to identity [4]. They considered culture as an area of contestation. The US, considered as the main actor of globalization has been playing a dual role in sustaining and protecting capitalism. The United States of America with less than 5% of the worlds population accounts for one fourth of its economic accounts. They have all captured power in international institutions and dominate world economy. Thereby, homogenizing popular culture of other nations. American English is the most common spoken language in the world; approximately 380 million people use English as their first language and 250 million as their second language. A German diplomat Karsten Voight with US said that The USA has long been setting standards on a worldwide basis, not just for the general populace, but has been leading the field in the classic cultural spheres, for example in research and teaching, or films and modern art. Its global role rooted in a hitherto unknown blend of economic power, the ability to set the global cultural agenda and military superiority. (International Journal of Politics, 2002, p277) Media also plays an important role for indigenization process as Hollywood films captures more audiences than any other film production company. As there are many generations of men who grew up all wanting to be a cowboy as the influence of cinema was very strong in earlier time, even though due to space and time, physical constrains the degree of homogenization might be lesser though am not denying the massive lifestyle influence that time. Now, we can see that social and cultural globalization over lapse with commercial economy. The global media are control by few countries through radio, internet and cinema. There are scholars like Ben Beakidn, who wrote Media Monopoly and argued that global economy is controlled by only few countries. He gives an example that by 1998 only six Multi National Corporation or MNC control more than half of world social and cultural life like Disney, other minor MNCs were Fox, BBC, Microsoft, Yahoo all these are dominated by developed nations and even localized within their territory, I would like to argue here that these MNCs acts a major tools for homogenizing and indigenizing western culture that gets strongly reinforce through popular mass media and this has intensify due to continue interaction over the years under rapid globalization era. These social and cultural phenomena as seen above often subscribe to few dominant cultures mainly term as Americanization that creates a universal history. Media has created soft power in homogenization and indigenized few cultures at the expense of other, eg in India the introduction of cold drinks like Pepsi, Coke, Sprite etc has wiped out many traditional drinks like Lassi or nimbu pani, and many traditional small scale earner that depended on these trade for livelihood are displaced and almost non existent now, we can also see now market also commodities goods like the introduction of packet nimbu pani which are projected as more healthy over traditional drinks. There are hardly any si gns of traditional culture of lifestyle especially in the market like traditional earthen pots ghara as water cooler is almost non existence, which are natural, environment friendly and healthy. The indigenization process that caters to new customers for profit by selecting popular culture over other are very evident as discussed earlier the introduction of aloo tikki or vegetarian menu in McDonald, the latest fashion are also projected as wearing certain logos and tags like Reebok, Adiddas, Nike (JUST DO IT) etc replacing traditional attires like kurtas and salwar kameez, though we see them yet still but we need to realized that many traditional trade that deal with these product are now non existent or struggling for survival as new technology can produce the same more efficiently and in large amount, which makes the traditional product more expensive and since so called rational consumer goes for cheaper goods it ultimately lead to the decline of some efficient traditional cultur e. This phenomenon also artificially creates a division among people as we also see the indispensable growth of Trans national elite in every society. There are greater connection among people around the world and which also lead to some positive outcome like growth in Human Rights Movement, Feminist movement and Environmental lobbies etc. not overlooking the positive aspects of globalization as well we can still argue and before we can conclude it would be interesting to ponder on what Gupta (2007, 88-89) writes in chapter title Business as Usual that globalization bring in new ideology that are clearly visible in which business are projected in India, trade union has been laid down, productions are driven by consumers want it is no longer about employment, economic independence or strong trade union. In this competitive capitalist process unfortunately for country like India it poses a problem to citizenship and neglect of underprivileged people. Business or corporate giant in Ind ia are part of family business so it puts family above all else, this vividly captures the state of India present scenario that is driven for economic growth and profit driven in globalization world and has intensified over the years. Conclusion Through this paper I have tried to highlight the underlying current of globalization that is basically driven by few developed countries mainly US. Globalization as a process starts and ends with economic expansion, by which it homogenized selective culture and projects it as superior over others and indigenized itself to be accepted as it enters new markets. In this process globalization creates a complex phenomenon that creates contradiction within the notion of culture, for some nation like Singapore globalization has been beneficial as they are driven with the quest for latest technology as they have high standard of living in generally. However, for a nation like India it is problematic as we have seen that by homogenizing and indigenization only selective culture dominants over other and India been a pluralist country with so much of diversity. The roles of citizens also greatly diminish as there is no space for choice, so underprivileged sections of society bears the greatest burden. There should be a constant effort on the part of nation to provide substantive equality to citizens make welfare policies free from any foreign influences. Culture keeps changing and evolving but we should keep in mind that any chances should be directed to make every individual live a respectable and dignified life and in right cultural context.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Comparing the Women of House on Mango Street and Bread Givers :: comparison compare contrast essays
The Women of House on Mango Street and Bread Givers    Sandra Cisneros was born in Chicago and grew up in Illinois. She was the only girl in a family of seven. Cisneros is noted for her collection of poems and books that concentrate on the Chicano experience in the United States. In her writings, Cisneros explores and transcends borders of location, ethnicity, gender and language. Cisneros writes in lyrical yet deceptively simple language. She makes the invisible visible by centering on the lives of Chicanos--their relationships with their families, their religion, their art, and their politics. Anzia Yezierska has written two short story collections and four novels about the struggles of Jewish immigrants on New York’s Lower East Side. Yezierska stories explore the subject of characters’ struggling with the disillusioning America of poverty and exploitation while they search for the ‘real’ America of their ideals. She presents the struggles of women against family, religious injunctions, and social-economic obstacles in order to create for herself an independent style. Her stories all incorporate autobiographical components. She was not a master of style, plot development or characterization, but the intensity of feeling and aspiration are evident in her narratives that overrides her imperfections. Sandra Cisneros’ The House on Mango Street, written in 1984, and Anzia Yezierska’s Bread Givers, published in 1925, are both aimed at adolescent and adult audiences that deal with deep disturbing themes about serious social conditions and their effects on children as adults. Both books are told in the first person; both narrators are young girls living in destitute neighborhoods; and both young girls witness the harsh realities of life for those who are poor, abused, and hopeless. Although the narrators face these overwhelming obstacles, they manage to survive their tough environments with their wits and strength remaining intact. Esperanza, a Chicano with three sisters and one brother, has had a dream of having her own things since she was ten years old. She lived in a one story flat that Esperanza thought was finally a "real house". Esperanza’s family was poor. Her father barely made enough money to make ends meet. Her mother, a homemaker, had no formal education because she had lacked the courage to rise above the shame of her poverty, and her escape was to quit school. Esperanza felt that she had the desire and courage to invent what she would become.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Tis Pity Shes A Whore by John Ford Essay -- John Ford Tis Pity Whore
"Tis Pity She's A Whore" by John Ford In this play it would be impossible to accurately assess this idea commenting on Annabella and Giovanni as a single entity. They are extremely different characters with their only common ground being the love they have for each other, and even this is expressed in distinctly different ways with subsequently different consequences. These consequences build up to the conclusion referred to in the question, and so it would also prove hard to answer it directly without having previously discussed what has come before and created such conclusion. At the beginning of the play, I believe that the audience is intended to sympathise with Giovanni. Although his actions are described as 'devilish atheism', this is counterbalanced by his modest language which contrasts greatly to later on in the play. He refers to the Friar as 'Gentle Father' and this humble way of addressing him gives the audience the impression that Giovanni is genuinely asking for help and wants to be 'cured'. Although he argues against much of what the Friar says, his respect for him is obvious as he agrees to take his advice. This may not have carried much weight for the Caroline audience for which this would have been performed, however, as the religion of the English at this time was Protestant, making Catholicism not the favoured denomination. It has even been stated that Ford presented the characters in this play so faulted because of their religious beliefs and nationality, both of which were seen as the enemy. Throughout this scene, Giovanni is attempting to justify his actions and convince the Friar that what he is doing is right, by playing on the religious idea that there is one father, and ... compassion about the consequences of this distorted self-image. (I know I've missed out a bit here, but I think 4 pages is enough and I don't think I could sit here for another  ½ hour.) In conclusion, at the beginning of the play sympathy is possible for both characters. Annabella earns more than this during the course of the play, and is likely to be admired by the audiences from both eras, though would probably have been seem as more promiscuous in the time of writing than would be perceived now. Giovanni on the other hand, through use of apocalyptic figurative language shows a too high opinion of himself and is presented as too self-absorbed to induce anything other than contempt. This is accentuated by the death of Annabella being caused by such traits and highlighted by the irony that she had remained to true to him just to die by his hand.
Compare/Contrast Works of Edgar Allan Poe Essay
Edgar Allan Poe’s view on poetry is that all poems must be a creation of beauty. In his eyes, depression and sadness is beautiful. He thinks that the death of a young beautiful woman is itself full of beauty. Poe’s way of beauty is a one of a kind compared to other poets and writers. In both â€Å"Annabel Lee†and â€Å"The Raven†, Poe writes about this so-called beauty. In â€Å"Annabel Lee†, a young man is mourning the death of a beautiful young lady. Even though the woman had died quite some time ago, the man is still in melancholy. He misses her terribly and constantly thinks of how she was she was tragically taken from him by the angels who were jealous of their love, and by her family who didn’t think the he himself was capable of bringing her to a final resting place. He loved Annabel Lee more than any other human can love another. â€Å"And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my life and my bride, in her sepulcher there by the sea, in her tomb by the side of the sea.†This quote shows how much this man loved her, by sleeping next to the tomb every night. In â€Å"The Raven†, a man, most likely older than the man in â€Å"Annabel Lee†, mourns the death of his love whom he called â€Å"Lenore†. Lenore, like Annabel Lee, had died several years earlier. In â€Å"The Raven†, man hears tapping on his chamber door and sees the curtains slowly swaying. He believes that it can be no other than Lenore. Unfortunately for him though, it is only but a bird. A large, black bird known as the Raven. A raven is usually symbolized as something dark and sinister. Throughout the poem, the man is tormented by his lost love, Lenore, who came back in the form of a Raven. Although the men in these two stories are similar because they both mourn for their loved ones, they are also different. The man in â€Å"The Raven†may be sad about his lost, but his love cannot compare to that of the man in â€Å"Annabel Lee†.In these two short stories, the two main characters, as mentioned before, are very much alike, yet at the same time different. They both lose the woman of their life and they both are still in mourning. Poe’s poems are usually about such sorrow and sadness, and it is this that makes his poems beautiful.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Direction: â€Å"Design and Innovation†Audi| Answers: ( )| [ ]| Q5| ( )| [ ]| A1| (x)| [+]| R8| ( )| [ ]| TT| | Direction: â€Å"Fits all†Maruti| Answers: ( )| [ ]| Eeco| (x)| [+]| Omni| ( )| [ ]| Versa| ( )| [ ]| WagonR| | Direction: â€Å"Built for the unwritten road†Volvo| Answers: ( )| [ ]| XC60| ( )| [ ]| V70| (x)| [+]| S80| ( )| [ ]| C30| | â€Å"Let’s go†Maruti| Answers: (x)| [+]| Alto| ( )| [ ]| 800| ( )| [ ]| Swift| ( )| [ ]| Estilo| | Just do it! A. Nike B. Adidas C. Reebok D. Goodyear The correct answer is A. Nike Q. 14)  There are some things money can't buy, for everything else there's ______. A. Visa B.American Express C. Mastercard D. Discover The correct answer is C. Mastercard A rainbow (or any other color now) fruit with a bite taken out of it? a) Macintosh Mowers b) Musselman's c) Apple d) Chiquita The correct answer is c) Apple 0. The ‘wave'? a) Big Sur Waterbeds b) Coca-Cola c) Shoreline telephone d) Beech-nut gum The correct answer is b) Coca-Cola What is ‘Six Sigma'? a. A mathematical model for increasing output while lowering costs b. A system of quality management c. A form of industrial dispute arbitration d. An ad-hoc grouping of the world's six most valuable companies The correct answer is b.A system of quality management . Jack Welch is regarded as one of the great business innovators of the modern era. Of which company was he CEO? a. Pfizer b. IBM c. Wal-Mart d. General Electric The correct answer is d. General Electric The production system of which car giant is often held up as a model of business innovation? a. Fiat b. Volkswagen c. Peugeot d. Toyota The correct answer is d. Toyota According to World Health Organization estimates, how many people are currently living with HIV/AIDS worldwide? a. 9. 6 million b. 20. 4 million c. 39. 4 million d. 40. 2 million The correct answer is c. 9. 4 million A loan to pay for a home, business or other real estate over a period of time is a a) deposit b) bankruptcy c) mortgage The correct answer is c) mortgage You read ____ news paper because – You deserve to know a) Times of India b) Hindustan Times c) The Hindu d) Bombay Times The correct answer is b) Hindustan Times Which companies mobile phone are marketed with the slogan – Big inside. Small Outside a) Nokia b) Sony c) Samsung d) Motorola The correct answer is c) Samsung Louie Philippe is the brand name of a a) shirt b) paper c) car d) luggage ware The correct answer is a) shirt  Power is the name of oil from which of the following Oil gaints? a) IOCL b) HP c) BPCL d) Shell The correct answer is b) HP According to the Economic Survey, India is placed at which place in Wireless Network mobile users in the World? a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth The correct answer is b) Second hat was the achieved growth rate of GDP in Ninth Five Year Plan? a) 8. 0% b) 7. 0% c) 7. 5% d) 8. 5% The correct answer is b) 7. 0% When did ICC World Cup 2012 Cricket Tournament start? a) February 14, 2012 b) September 18, 2012 c) January 13, 2012 d) August 14, 2012 The correct answer is b) September 18, 2012Finance Bold one is right Financial accounting is focused on the __________ financial statements of a company. | external              internal| Which of these two accounting methods has the most potential to distort financial operating results? | a. | Cash basis| | b. | Accrual basis| | c. | Neither – they produce the same result| | The Marketing Mix consists of: | | | :-)| A  | Product, Price, Place, Promotion | | | |         |  B  | People, Products, Price, Place | | | |         |  C  | Process, People, Physical Evidence, Product| | | |         |  D  | Price, Promotion, Advertising, Place | | |         |  E  | Process, Place, Physical Eviden ce, Product| | Positioning refers to: |         |  A  | How consumers perceive the product. | |         |  B  | How competitors perceive the product. | |         |  C  | How products are viewed on the shelf. | |         |  D  | Your product compared to your competitors. | Brand names are primarily used to: |         |  A  | Show consumers you own the product. | |         |  B  | Spice up the image of a product. | |         |  C  | To help identify a product. | |         |  D  | To help consumers select a product/service. | Market segmentation refers to:         |  A  | Dividing products into distinct groups. |  |         |  B  | Dividing competitors into distinct groups. | à ‚ |         |  C  | Analysing consumer behaviour. |  |         |  D  | The process of dividing markets into distinct groups of buyers. | | | | | PEST is used for: |         |  A  | Customer analysis. | |         |  B  | Environmental analysis. | |         |  C  | Competitor analysis. | |         |  D  | Product adoption analysis. | . Name the Person of India who was appointed as Chief Economist of World Bank. (a) Kaushik basu (b) Jaideep Sarkar (c) Narayan Murthy (d) Nandan NilkeniAnswer: (a) Kaushik basu The Supreme Court of India on 4 September 2012 directed the Union Government of India to re-fix the pay scale of army officers affected by the which Pay Commission? (a) Fourth pay Commission (b) Sixth pay Commission (c) Fifth Pay Commission (d) None of these Answer: (a) Fourth p ay Commission 2. At what interest rate percent per annum, The Union Cabinet gave its approval to continue interest subsidy to Public Sector Banks (PSBs), Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), Cooperatives Banks and NABARD enabling them to provide short-term crop loans of up to Rs 3 lakhs to farmers during the year 2012-13? a) 7% Per annum (b) 8. 5 % Per annum (c) 6 % Per annum (d) 5 % per annum Answer: (a) 7 % per annum To what percent Government of India on 11 September 2012 reduced interest rates on rescheduled crop loans from 12 percent in the drought-affected areas for the fiscal year 2012-13 (a) 8 percent (b) 5 percent (c) 7 percent (d) 6 percent Answer: (c) 7 Percent 4. The State Health Ministry of Arunachal Pradesh launched a scheme in Itanagar on 14 September 2012 for providing financial assistance upto 1. 5 lakh rupees to BPL patients suffering from life threatening diseases in the form of a onetime grant.What was the name of that scheme? (a) Rashtriya Aarogya Nidhi (b) Rashtriya Janseva Nidhi (c) Rashtriya Sarvoklayan Prayojna (d) None of these Answer: (a) Rashtriya Aarogya Nidhi 5. Name the Person of India who was appointed as Chief Economist of World Bank. (a) Kaushik basu (b) Jaideep Sarkar (c) Narayan Murthy (d) Nandan Nilkeni Answer: (a) Kaushik basu Name the Indian boxer and London Olympic bronze medalist  who on 24 September 2012 named as the brand ambassador of super fight league. (a) Vijendra Singh (b) M C Mary Kom (c) Manoj Kumar (d) Vikas Krishan Answer: (b) M C Mary Kom 3.Name the Former Cricketer and all-rounder, who was appointed as the Chairman of the five member senior selection committee of BCCI on 27 September 2012. (a) Saba Karim (b) Vikram Rathour (c) Sandeep Patil (d) Rajinder Singh Hans. Answer: (c) Sandeep Patil 4. Deepika Kumari the Sports Person from India, won Silver at Recurve World Cup on 23 September 2012 in Tokyo. Recurve world Cup is related to which Sports Event? (a) Archery (b) Shooting (c) Disc Thro wing (d) Volley ball Answer: (a) Archery 5. Which Indian golfer wrapped up a four-shot victory at the Yeangder tournament players Championship in Chinese Taipei on 17 September 2012? a) Gaganjeet Bhullar (b) Jeev Mikha Singh (c) Shiv Kapur (d) Jyoti Randhawa Answer: (a) Gaganjeet Bhullar Name the person who on 13 September 2012 was appointed as the 39th chief justice of India (a) Justice Altamas Kabir (b) Justice A. K. Sikri (c) Rajeev Gupta (d) Justice Mohit Shantilal Shah Answer: (a) Justice Altamas Kabir 2. Which person was appointed as the president of, The Indian Newspaper Society for the year 2012-2013 on 13 September 2012 during the 73rd annual meet of the Newspaper Society? (a) K. N. Tilak Kumar (b) Ravindra Kumar (c) Ashish Bagga (d) Pradeep Gupta Answer: (a) K. N. Tilak Kumar 3.On which date Vayalar Ravi, Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs inaugurated the 7th Heads of Indian Missions (HoMs) conference and announced revised Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF) scheme. (a) 15 September 2012 (b) 16 September 2012 (c) 17 September 2012 (d) 20 September 2012 Answer: (c) 17 September 2012 4. The Supreme Court of India on 14 September 2012 lifted the gag order on media reporting of troop movement that was ordered by one of the High Court. HC order was in violation of the fundamental right under Article 19(1) (a) of the Constitution, granted to the media and every citizen of the country.The order came from which of the high court? (a) Allahabad High court (b) Calcutta high court (c) Karnataka high court (d) Madras high court Answer: (a) Allahabad High court 5. The Union government hiked Dearness Allowance (DA) by what percent benefiting its 80 lakh employees and pensioners and costing the exchequer an additional Rs7,408 crore annually? (a) 4 percent (b) 8 percent (c) 7 percent (d) 6 percent Answer: (c) 7 percent For what percent, The Government of India on 20 September 2012 hiked the foreign investment cap for the broadcasting service providers? (a) 65 perc ent (b) 74 percent (c) 80 percent d) 54 percent Answer: (b) 74 percent 2. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 24 September 2012 approved a package on debt restructuring for the state-electricity boards. What was net worth of that package? (a) 1. 90 lakh Crore (b) 3. 5 lakh Crore (c) 2. 6 lakh Crore (d) 1. 25 lakh Crore Answer: (a) 1. 90 lakh crore 3. Which agency was instructed by the Central Vigilance Commission on 24 September 2012 to expand its investigation scope on Coal Block Allocation to private firms in between 1993 to 2004? (a) Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (b) Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) c) CAG Committee (d) None of These Answer: (b) Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) 4. Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has approved a proposed hike of the government's stake in Industrial Finance Corporation of India Ltd (IFCI) to make it a state-run company. What was hike that Percent? (a) 56. 25 Percent (b) 55. 57 Percent (c ) 54. 35 Percent (d) 58. 65 Percent Answer: (b) 55. 5 Percent 5. State Bank of India, the country’s largest bank, cuts its base rate with how much point making it to 9. 75 percent? (a) 25 basis point (b) 45 basis point (c) 35 basis point d) 50 basis point Answer: (a) 15 basis point The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited introduced a system for making the payment of the bookings via mobile phones. What is the name of that system? (a) Interbank Mobile Payment System (IMPS) (b) Sybase mobile banking System (c) Railway mobile banking system (d) PNB mobile banking System Answer: (a) Interbank Mobile Payment System (IMPS) 2. Name the Union Minister who had suggested setting up of a National Investment Board (NIB) under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to accord speedy clearances to mega proposals. a) Sharad Pawar (b) A. K. Antony (c) Kapil Sibal (d) P. Chidambaram Answer (d) P. Chidambaram 3. Reserve Bank of India injected a liquidity of around ___________by slash ing down the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by 25 basis points to 4. 50 percent from 4. 75 percent. (a) 17000 crore (b) 15000 crore (c) 10000 crore (d) 12000 crore Answer: (a) 17000 crore 4. Shimla Municipal Corporation introduced a Tax on Shimla entry of vehicles that are not registered in Himachal Pradesh. What was the name of that tax? (a) Envy Tax (b) Green Tax (c) Carbon tax (d) Natural resource consumption taxAnswer: (b) Green tax 5. Name the report which was submitted to the finance minister of India by the Shome Committee constituted by the Central Board of Direct Taxes, after the approval of Prime Minister of India. (a) GARR Report (b) CAG Report (c) Financial Credit Report (d) Tax Mitigation Report Answer: (a) GARR Report Name the astronaut of Indian American origin who took over the command of International Space Station on 15 September 2012. (a) Sunita Williams (b) Kalpana Chawla (c) Ravish Malhotra (d) None of these Answer: (a) Sunita Williams 2.Scientists at Goddard Inst itute for Space Studies (GISS) warned that most of Earth's land areas might face an extreme summer heat wave than they did faced in between 1951 to 1980. Goddard Institute of Space Studies is a division of which space research centre? (a) ISRO (b) NASA (c) Centre of astrophysics (d) European Space Agency Answer: (b) NASA 3. On which date from 1995 onwards the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is celebrated worldwide? (a) 15 September (b) 18 September (c) 16 September (d) 12 September Answer: (c) 16 September 4.Where the ozone layer is mainly found in the Earth’s atmosphere? (a) Stratosphere (b) Hemisphere (c) Ozonosphere (d) Troposphere Answer: (a) Stratosphere 5. The environment ministry on 12 September 2012 suspended the clearance of environmental guidelines issued to 93 Mines across which state? (a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Rajasthan (c) Goa (d) Madhya Pradesh Answer: (c) Goa The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited introduced a syste m for making the payment of the bookings via mobile phones. What is the name of that system? (a) Interbank Mobile Payment System (IMPS) (b) Sybase mobile banking System c) Railway mobile banking system (d) PNB mobile banking System Answer: (a) Interbank Mobile Payment System (IMPS) 2. Name the Union Minister who had suggested setting up of a National Investment Board (NIB) under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to accord speedy clearances to mega proposals. (a) Sharad Pawar (b) A. K. Antony (c) Kapil Sibal (d) P. Chidambaram Answer (d) P. Chidambaram 3. Reserve Bank of India injected a liquidity of around ___________by slashing down the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by 25 basis points to 4. 50 percent from 4. 75 percent. (a) 17000 crore (b) 15000 crore (c) 10000 crore d) 12000 crore Answer: (a) 17000 crore 4. Shimla Municipal Corporation introduced a Tax on Shimla entry of vehicles that are not registered in Himachal Pradesh. What was the name of that tax? (a) Envy Tax (b) Green Tax (c) Car bon tax (d) Natural resource consumption tax Answer: (b) Green tax 5. Name the report which was submitted to the finance minister of India by the Shome Committee constituted by the Central Board of Direct Taxes, after the approval of Prime Minister of India. (a) GARR Report (b) CAG Report (c) Financial Credit Report (d) Tax Mitigation Report Answer: (a) GARR Report
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