Wednesday, September 2, 2020
My Experiences at Medsim :: Papers
My Experiences at Medsim They were all there. Every one of them 200, all having the equivalent aspiration as me, needing so gravely to be a specialist. Nottingham College was the setting for this association of planned doctors and I was there, attempting to be a piece of the group. Eyes all through the talk corridor gleamed up pointedly and filtered the live with stress as two hundred understudies estimated themselves facing one another. For some of them, and I was incorporated, it was the first occasion when they had been in a similar the room as the opposition. The auditorium murmured with courteous discussion as understudies talked and companionships were made. The fervor worked, as the three-day meeting was going to begin. The speaker David Graven strolled on and invited us to Medsim and commenced the meeting, it was Friday evening and the first address started, the point was the reason we were all here and what we ought to receive in return. David Graven filled us with motivation and set us up for what was to come. After a conventional supper where we were situated with our groups, the individuals who we would have been cooperating with for the following not many days, it was back the auditorium for some basic data for what was going to come. The night finished with all the understudies going joyfully to there rooms. The following day began right on time with a genuine arrangement of tests that were willful and were set by Charles University, Prague, a global college who were enrolling on Medsim. The test was later followed by a meeting at night and if both were acceptable understudies
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy Health And Social Care Essay
Interminable Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy ( CIDP ) is an obtained disturbed affecting fringe nervousnesss brought about by a demyelinating system that prompts drive falling flat, positive tangible indications and centripetal misfortune ( Mahdi-Rogers and Rajabally 2010 ) . Late research proposes a standard of 0.50 and 1.60 per 100,000, examples being generally predominant in the fifth and sixth decennaries ( Laughlin et al. 2009, Rajabally and Chavada 2009 ) . CIDP, in its commonplace signifier, is symmetric and influences both proximal and distal parts. Autonomic abnormalcies are unprecedented. In 2010, the European Federation of Neurological Societies/Peripheral Nerve Society ( EFNS/PNS ) joint team set indicative guidelines to expand the affectability of CIDP diagnosing, saying that every one of the devotees ought to be remembered for the deciding system. Electrophysiological Testing Cerebrospinal liquid examination Gadolinium-improved MRI of spinal roots, brachial or lumbar rete Nerve biopsy of electrophysiologically influenced nervusAetiology and PathophysiologyThe histologic likeness of CIDP to exploratory immune system neuritis and its reaction to immunosuppressive treatment recommends an immune system pathogenesis ( Mahdi-Rogers and Rajabally 2010 ) . The proposed immunopathic component of CIDP is accepted to be a mix of familial variables and a natural trigger, for outline forerunner disease or diabetes ( Whitesell 2010 ) . Myelin proteins found on fringe nervousnesss, especially P0, have been explored and found to welcome on trial unfavorably susceptible neuritis in mice ( Gabriel, Gregson and Hughes 2000 ) and have been distinguished in patients with CIDP other than ( Allen, Giannopaulos and Gray 2005 ) . Nonetheless, antibodies themselves can non navigate the blood-nerve obstruction ; subsequently different systems are believed to be engaged with the demyelinating method. In a study by Yan and associates ( 2001 ) , the antibodies to the P0 glycoprote in were mainly IgG 1, a subclass of Ig that infers T-cell actuation ( Yan et al. 2001 ) . The pathophysiology is probably going to be brought about by both T and B-cell actuation. Nonetheless, more research is required to set up the specific characteristic of the T-cell reaction and if other invulnerable intervened cell populaces for example NK cells, are associated with the pathogenesis of CIDP.Clinical FeaturesThe pathophysiology of CIDP offers ascend to begging to be proven wrong sensorimotor changes. These modifications are obvious in the equitable examination of the patient in request, revealing musculus cachexia, diminished ligament nitwits, changed esthesis and gentle ataxy in upper and lower appendages and decreased musculus quality in the upper members. These neurotic modifications can be mapped directly to the infective adjustments occurring in the fringe sensory system because of demyelination. The fringe sensory system ( PNS ) is partitioned into the substantial division and the autonomic division ( Martin 2003 ) . The substantial division of the PNS contains the centripetal neurones that innervate the explanations, musculuss and covering. This division other than contains the axons of engine nerve cells that innervate skeletal musculus. These axons other than transmit control signs to muscle with the expectation of regulating musculus compression powers. Schwann cells structure the medulla sheath around fringe nervousnesss, which causes an expansion in the speed of activity conceivable conductivity. There are intermittent spreads in the medulla called Nodes of Ranvier. Inclinations are directed by jumping from hub to hub †this methodology is known as ‘saltatory conductivity ‘ ( Martin 2003 ) . In CIDP, demyelination makes hurt the Schwann cell, and henceforth the medulla, doing abnormalcies in the saltatory expansion of the activity intensity, which can r esult in eased back conductivity speed. On the off chance that few areas of the nervus are harmed the outcome can be amplified which may result in a total conductivity hinder in that unconventional axon. This can take to clinical indications of coming up short and exhaustion, as found in the patient in the occasion review. Na+ electromotive power gated particle channels are very assembled at Nodes of Ranvier and consequently ease quick activity conceivable conductivity. Susuki and colleagues ( 2007 ) inspected the sub-atomic organization of hubs in an ailment hypothetical record brought about by inoculation with gangliosides. In immune system neuropathies, as CIDP, autoantibodies to gangliosides for example GM1, have been proposed to hinder nodal Na+ gated channels ( Susuki et al. 2007 ) . Results found that with come oning appendage coming up short, Na+ gated bunchs were disturbed, and in certain examples altogether diminished, at unusually extended hubs accompanying with statement of IGg and supplement stocks. IGg antibodies are appeared in this overview to hold fast to hubs where GM1 is communicated. This autoantibody following outcomes in supplement actuation and later, arrangement of a layer assault composite. Scientists noticed a vanishing of Na+ channels, withdrawal of terminal medulla cringles and prolongation of the Nodes of Ranvier. As the patient in the case overview nowadayss with come oning appendage falling flat and decreased musculus quality, this study gives us an entrance into an atomic pathophysiological hypothetical record that may do these clinical attributes of CIDP. The obsessive method talked about above other than makes a break the axon, resulting in axonopathy. Degeneration of an axon grows chief in the distal regions of the axon, and if the anomalousness perseveres, the axon ‘dies back ‘ . The obsessive instrument causes a trademark distal ‘stocking-glove ‘ centripetal misfortune and falling flat. The enduring axons will carry on at an ordinary rate however as an outcome of the decreased figure they will be less strong in bring forthing run of the mill musculus constrictions. The longest, huge breadth filaments are the most vunerable to axonopathy, doing diminished or whole loss of ligament nitwits. If one somehow happened to think about the outcome of motorial nervousnesss and their excitation of skeletal musculus it tends to be comprehended that the methodology of demyelination examined supra would hold harming impacts on musculus power, co-appointment, and if the musculus can non contract adequately, musculus unity.Impact of CIDPCIDP patients will consider a to be way of life modification as they go from being completely autonomous to sing some level of dependance on others in a brief time of clasp. The biopsychosocial hypothetical record calls upon medicinal services experts to see organic, mental and cultural variables which will empower healers to introduce suitable course of patients and set up a decent patient organization ( Morrow 2004 ) . Patients ought to do their ain judgments about their medicinal services, while healers should ease duologue and shared assurance doing to ensure solid and important interventions are gotten by the patient. This build mirrors the premi ss that tolerant similarity will be improved through normal anxiety. Patients will appear with arranged holds or concerns and the healer ought to be discerning of these and how they can be managed in a patient-focused mode. Dread, tension and detachment are a portion of the passionate and physical areas that the patient in request might be sing. So as to amplify the effect of a ‘Plan of Care ‘ on a patient ‘s estimate, it is of import that the healer comprehends that a patient ‘s feelings will frequently overrule ground. Coming up next are worries that ought to be perceived as you work with the patient. The patient in request has late been securing expanded bombing in her guardianships and lower appendages, expanded centripetal misfortune and declining exhaustion. Despite the fact that the patient has been analyzed for six mature ages, she might be encountering passing on about the great beyond of the ailment and how it will come on. As she is other than due to be a grandmother in the blink of an eye her diminished musculus quality and request of help of two when strolling will stress her that she will non have the option to think about her new grandkid. A practicing plan could be proposed to the patient, doing sure that she comprehended the useful advantages for example having the option to securely keep her grandkid, which may build her adjustment to intercession. The patient in the example review may other than be biting the dust about her home and the way that her dozing room and restroom are upstairs. A mobile help could be recommended and this may expand her independency and p ractical capacity, which may do her less passing on about her status. With a patient-focused intercession assault and a typical respect among patient and healer there ought to be an expanded chance of connection to the ‘Plan of Care ‘ . It will be of fundamental significance to facilitate with the multi-disciplinary crew ( MDT ) furthermore explore specialists approaches that are applicable to the patient. As the patient exhaustion degrees reducing and independency expands the healer might have the option to sort out with a cultural specialist and reason to obtain the patient back working for a set period each hebdomad, while as yet having the option to profit of awards from the specialists. In the ‘Long Term Conditions Action Plan ‘ 2009, the specialists â€Å" sets out their vision for bettering the wellbeing and prosperity of those in Scotland populating with any kind of long haul status †( Woods and Burns 2009 ) . The Department of Health is other than taking a cross-government long haul conditions conspire which the y mean to print by the terminal of 2012. The MDT may other than have the option to obtain the patient engaged with the autonomous national foundation LTCAS ( Long Term Conditions Alliance Scotland ) . LTCAS â€Å" unites 100s of intentional and network organizations across Scotland to give a national voice to ensure the inclusions and requests of individuals populating with long haul conditions are advertisement
Friday, August 21, 2020
Gender, Sexuality, And Power In The Australian TV And Film Essay
Sex, Sexuality, And Power In The Australian TV And Film - Essay Example At first, the country was against any type of workers from countries outside of Europe. In an offer to authorize this, the nation embraced the Immigrant Restriction Act in 1902 which necessitated that the foreigners into the country needed to demonstrate that they had an order of in any event one of the dialects verbally expressed in Europe (Jabukowicz, 1994). This viably banished settlers from Asia and Africa. It supported the advancement of the Anglo-Australian from the early years and thus, suggested that they turned into the predominant populace of the country. This strength means power as the Anglo-Australians are the most remarkable in the country even forward-thinking. The TV and film industry have exhibited this strength and control throughout the years (AUSTRALIAN FILM COMMISSION; SMYTH and ASSOCIATES, 1994). The force appreciated by the Caucasian people group has been depicted in the TV and film industry in Australia as being identified with sex and sexuality. This relationship is as in the amazing Caucasians intermarry among themselves while the minority bunches involving the Orientals and the blacks additionally intermarry among themselves. The arrangement in Australia which energized the migration of carefully the Europeans was canceled following the finish of the Second World War and this saw the approaching of different nationalities into Australia. The crowds of the arrangement were anyway felt till at some point around 1970 (Khamis, 2009). The migrant networks were constrained to have their societies swollen into the standard Anglo-Australian people group. This inferred the intensity of the Anglo-Australian strength constrained the new settlers to partake in a typical sexuality and sex association as directed by the standard Anglo-Australian culture. The TV and film of Australia h as made this obvious in the ongoing past. In 1989, the Commonwealth Government embraced the standards of the report titled National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia: Sharing Our Future. One of the key standards of this report was the guideline of Cultural character. This guideline secures all Australians’ rights, in the limitations of limits that are deliberately characterized, to share and express their particular social custom. This inferred the outsiders would be liberated from the strength and intensity of the Anglo-Australian culture and, henceforth, could adhere to their customs comparable to sexuality and sex inside the setting of their local societies. Another guideline was the rule of Social equity which ensures the privilege of each Australian to value in circumstance and treatment, other than the end of blockades of ethnicity, race, religion, culture, sexual orientation,
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Essential to Efficient Management Essay - 1375 Words
Essential to Efficient Management (Essay Sample) Content: Delegation to the Lowest Possible Level Is Often Quoted As Essential to Efficient ManagementNamesInstitution AffiliationA delegation is the transfer of the authority and the responsibility of performing a contractual duty to another party. Delegating responsibilities gives way for the other party to assume tasks while you assume other important responsibilities. Delegation transfers obligation only while rights remain. The party that receives the commission is referred as the delegatee while the party that makes the commission is regarded as the delegator. The delegation process trains and prepares the delegatees for higher managerial functions. The process allows for the personal development of both the delegatee and the delegator. This research paper discusses how effective delegation of responsibility can be achieved in an engineering organization.Contrary to what many people believe, delegation is not just about telling others what to do. Delegators should know th at there are different levels of delegation based on the delegatee and the nature of the task being delegated. A delegation is not just an action but a process that needs informed decision making and critical thinking. Just as different leaders assume different leadership styles and one style does not fit all, there are numerous approaches and levels of delegation. However, the key goal of the procedures should be to achieve effective delegation. Young engineers in different organization have found the following steps very crucial in making effective delegation (Irvin, 2001). First is to identify the responsibilities that need the commission. There are certain managerial tasks that require the managers to perform themselves, in such a case delegation would be inappropriate. Managers should delegate more so as to develop their staff to more competencies. The second stage is deciding on whom to delegate the identified tasks. The considerations to factor in while choosing the latter in clude; the team's or individual's current skills, workload, work experiences, and off course the work style. Effective delegation requires that we understand our people first. Additionally, seek to know if the tasks delegated allows for growth and development of skills of the delegatee.Having identified the tasks and the team of delegatees, the next step is assessing the level of skills and training needs to be met. First, the delegatee should have adequate knowledge of what is expected of them and possess an authority to effect the expectations. Set clear timelines, goals, and objectives. This step is crucial as it limits risks of micro-management. The fifth step is ensuring an adequate and constant provision of resources and information. Effective delegation can only occur if the delegatee has full access and control of the information they need. Denying access to some valuable, pertinent information is detrimental. Ensuring access to all the necessary knowledge, whether the deleg atees are just volunteers or staff, is crucial to effective delegation.Lastly, the organization should have open, ongoing, and transparent communication. The team should continually assess the progress of the delegatee and give them feedback. The delegatees should know how far they are from their predefined goals, timelines, and objectives. If the organization notices any issues, it should explain them to the people and make them feel confident enough to provide solutions, and preve...
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Database Normalization Is Important For The Future....
Introduction Data is important to the company as it assists with decision making, competitive advantage, or support. Senior management has to rely on historical information to observe trends in order to formulate a plan to execute improvements for the future. Company performance information can be leveraged to compare among competitors in the industry to capture an idea of where the organization stands. Data can be used as support to confirm whether previously executed plans are effectively working or not against standards or metrics. With importance of data, it would benefit business employees preserve information by improving the database design that stores it all. While information is being stored sufficiently as is, database design can be processed through normalization to improve its organization. Purpose As a commonly exercised technique for the analysis of relational databases, normalization creates set of relational tables and minimize data redundancy that preserve consistency (Bahmani et al, 2010). The output design then facilitates correct insertion, deletion, and modification to the data. According to Wang et al (2010), database normalization is an important process in systems analysis and design. The objective of normalization is to allow the storage of data without unnecessary redundancy and thereby eliminate data inconsistency so that users can maintain and retrieve data without difficulty. A normalized database eliminates anomalies in updating, inserting,Show MoreRelatedEntities and Attributes for Fleet Truck Maintenance Essay1933 Words  | 8 Pagesand attributes for their Fleet Trucking Maintenance database. Unfortunately, the creator of the database was not available and the development of the database system was not able to be completed. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Shakespeare s Merchant Of Venice - 1325 Words
Malicious Intentions All movies, plays and stories have a victim and a villain in the story. The victim is forced to overcome obstacles and is often hurt physically and emotionally while the villain is the one who wreaks havoc and tries to stop the victim from achieving their goal. In the play Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare there is a character so elaborate and confusing that an argument could be made that he is both. This character, Shylock, suffers from persecution and humiliation for being a Jew as well as attempting horrendous actions in hopes of retaliation. The play starts out with a young Venetian man, Bassanio, needing a substantial loan so that he can attempt to win over Portia, a young, â€Å"richly left†woman(1.1.68). A†¦show more content†¦Shylock, realizing that this is impossible agrees to drop the case and give half of his wealth to the city of Venice and half to Antonio, who returns it to Shylock. Throughout the play, Shylock proves himself to be more of a villain than a victim through his lack of humaneness and his materialistic and vengeful outlook of life. Shylock’s malevolent actions during the play is one justification that he is a villain and not the victim. One of these is his sole desire to take a pound of Antonio’s flesh, ultimately killing him, with the court on his side. This is shown towards the beginning of the play of the play when Antonio says, â€Å"Let the forfeit be nominated for an equal pound of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken in what part of your body pleaseth me,†to Bassanio as they agree on the terms of the bond(1.3.160-63). This single quote shows many traits Shylock possesses including his desire to rob Antonio of a pound of his own skin. Shylock first mocks Antonio for being Christian by saying he has â€Å"fair skin.†By saying this, Shylock displays his animosity to the way Jews are treated as well as increasing the tension between the two. Also, by say ing â€Å"what part of your body pleaseth me,†Shylock shows his cruel intention to cause harm and appease his own desires without caring how it affects Antonio. Another situation that showcases Shylock’s scarce supply of humanity is his declination of Bassanio’s offer to pay him
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Elie Wiesel free essay sample
A Personal Encounter at the Hands of Indifference Nobel Peace Prize winner, renowned scholar, and author of over fifty books, Elie Wiesel is a name with worldwide recognition. In addition to his literary and scholarly accomplishments, Wiesel is also recognized as an eminent champion and defender of human rights for both the work he has done in the field, as well as his own status as a Holocaust survivor (â€Å"Elie Wiesel†). Wiesel believes indifference, or the lack of sympathy towards others, as being the devastating culprit in dividing humanity. In this rhetorical analysis of Wiesel’s speech â€Å"The Perils of Indifference†I will explain how Wiesel uses the concepts of ethos, logos, pathos, and other rhetorical devices to make this a powerful and timeless speech in hopes to eliminate indifference in the next millennium to come. Elie Wiesel delivered his speech, The Perils of Indifference, on April 22, 1999, at the White House as a part of the Millennium Lecture Series, hosted by President and First Lady Clinton. In his speech, Wiesel expounds on the meanings and repercussions of human indifference. He uses his own personal story as a holocaust survivor to expose this. The purpose of this speech is to encourage people everywhere to abandon indifference in the face of crisis, now and forever. Wiesel seeks to accomplish this goal by expressing his own, distinct definition of indifference as being â€Å"more dangerous than anger and hatred not only a sin, it is a punishment. †He constructs his definition around some of the most tragic results of indifference over the past century, including his own as a Holocaust survivor, by sharing his experience as a Nazi internment camp prisoner, and the ways it has affected his life. Ethos is a tool of rhetoric used to help give a piece of literature it’s credibility. Experience can be a major part in determining ethos, which is exactly how Wiesel accomplished his own credibility in this speech. It was 1944, when 15 year-old Wiesel, his parents, three sisters, and all the other Jews in his small hometown were rounded up and transported like livestock, to Auschwitz, a death camp (Schleier, 68). Wiesel draws upon his experience in the Holocaust as a central reference point to the case he is making against indifference. By doing this, he justifies his credibility as a speaker. In Wiesel’s speech, he addresses the United States’ current relationship in Kosovo. Kosovo had been involved in a civil war for ten years prior to this speech (Eun-Kyung). He uses he expertise, another ethos technique, to thank President Clinton for taking action to aide Kosovo, ultimately eliminating indifference towards Kosovo’s need for help. Wiesel acknowledges Clinton’s action by saying, â€Å"But this time, the world was not silent. This time, we do respond. This time, we intervene. †Logos is the cause-and-effect or reasoning found in a piece of literature. Logos helps in the anchorage of a text in order to validate and confirm the point an author is trying to make. Wiesel gives examples of his firsthand observations that he encountered at the concentration camps. He and his father were both immediately put to work as slave labor for a nearby factory. Wiesel? s daily life was characterized by starvation, vicious discipline, and the battle against overwhelming despair. The MS St. Louis was vessel carrying almost a thousand Jewish people from Germany to the U. S. in order to escape the horror story most of their lives had turned into. Wiesel talks about indifference here in his speech when he says, â€Å"The depressing tale of the St. Louis is a case in point. Sixty years ago, its human cargo nearly 1,000 Jews was turned back to Nazi Germany. †When the vessel had reached U. S. soil, Franklin D. Roosevelt sent the ship back to Germany, exemplifying indifference taking place. Wiesel addresses the hope he had that the U. S. was unaware of the conditions that Wiesel, his family, and thousands of other Jewish people were living in. However, Wiesel later found out that the U. S. knew about what Nazi Germany was doing and still remained to do business with Germany until 1942, which harshly confirms how indifference, once again, reigned over compassion towards others. Wiesel says with sadness, â€Å"And now we knew, we learned, we discovered that the Pentagon knew, the State Department knew. †When Wiesel addresses the lack of Roosevelt’s compassion and his bouts of indifference in the Holocaust, you see how disappointed, confused, and how hurt Wiesel felt: â€Å"Roosevelt was a good man, with a heart. He understood those who needed help. Why didnt he allow these refugees to disembark? A thousand people in America, the great country, the greatest democracy, the most generous of all new nations in modern history. What happened? I dont understand. Why the indifference, on the highest level, to the suffering of the victims? †The emotion that shines through in this passage shows pathos, or the emotion, which influences a text. In another part of his speech, Wiesel says: â€Å"If they knew, we thought, surely those leaders would have moved heaven and earth to intervene. They would have spoken out with great outrage and conviction. They would have bombed the railways leading to Birkenau, just the railways, just once. †This shows how disappointed Wiesel was that other people were allowing these types of situations to occur without trying to intervene or help. This exhibits Wiesel’s belief that indifference achieves nothing but disappointment among others. Wiesel tries to instill fear and guilt in the audience when he talks about the future of our children. He questions here how we can let indifference shape the lives of innocent children by saying: â€Å"What about the children? Oh, we see them on television, we read about them in the papers, and we do so with a broken heart. Their fate is always the most tragic, inevitably. When adults wage war, children perish. We see their faces, their eyes. Do we hear their pleas? Do we feel their pain, their agony? Every minute one of them dies of disease, violence, famine. †By ending his speech with a statement that is emotionally related to so many different people, it leaves an inevitable impression on the audience. His speech offers a unique perspective of the ramifications of indifference, which is accented by the calm yet stern tone of voice, coupled with a discomforted feeling about the future. The tone of Wiesel’s voice helps highlight other rhetorical devices used throughout his speech. When Wiesel delivered his speech, he wasn’t preaching or yelling. It was almost as if he was telling a story, which made the speech more compelling to the audience. He starts off the speech with a statement that is similar to what you read if you were opening a storybook. Wiesel begins by saying, â€Å"Fifty-four years ago to the day, a young Jewish boy from a small town in the Carpathian Mountains woke up, not far from Goethes beloved Weimar, in a place of eternal infamy called Buchenwald. †He narrates this story, but also serves as the main character. By doing this, Wiesel makes his speech more persuasive because he shares his own experience from the suffering of indifference. Wiesel used repetition in his speech in order to exaggerate the power that indifference has. â€Å"Indifference elicits no response. Indifference is not a response. Indifference is not a beginning; it is an end. †This technique helps reiterate the point he is trying to make by overly defining what indifference means. By using ethos, logos, pathos and other rhetorical devices, I have been able to show how Wiesel has effectively demonstrated the havoc indifference has caused the human race in our history, yet is still present today. As a longtime fan of his writing, his name instantly caught my eye when searching for a speech to analyze, which is why I chose to analyze â€Å"The Perils of Indifference†. Using Wiesel’s speech as my foundation, I hope this paper helps acknowledge why diminishing indifference is detrimental for the present, but most importantly, our future. By bringing all of these theories together in this analysis, I feel as though I have been able to thoroughly support my main contention in this speech that Elie Wiesel? s message is timeless and is told timelessly, in efforts to stand up and fight against indifference. While it may just be one group of people experiencing injustice at the hands of indifference at different points in time, it will always be out there as a threat to all of us until it is forever a thing of the past. Works Cited â€Å"Elie Wiesel. †Elie Wiesel Foundation. The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. Web Eun-Kyung, Kim. This time [Kosovo] the world was not silent, notes Wiesel. Jerusalem Post, The (Israel). 14 Apr. 1999. NewsBank Archives. Web. Schleier, Curt. â€Å"Why Elie Wiesel Can Never Forget. †Biography Magazine, September (1999): 68. Academic Search Premier. Web.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Unseen Literacy commentary Essay Example For Students
Unseen Literacy commentary Essay Although the author never provides a name or much information, the reader can gather that this text is an account of sorts from a neighbour of ‘Gatsby’. The description is reminiscent of a celebration; a party or ball perhaps. Moreover, it is voiced in a first person narrative form and its purpose seems to be simply to inform the reader of ‘Gatsby’ and his having a party. It also hints at the extravagant life style this ‘Gatsby’ construct leads. Although not evidently specified* the reader can assume from the extract that the setting for this party is located within the confines of ‘Gatsby’s’ living proximities, in America, somewhere on the coast. We will write a custom essay on Unseen Literacy commentary specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Interestingly, the author adopts the technique of tense shifting. From the offset, the text is in retrospective form; however as the narrative in the extract progresses, so do the tenses; and the expanse of information provided. â€Å"There was music from my neighbour’s house throughout the summer nights.†This inclines the reader to assume that the occasion being described is one of many at the â€Å"neighbour’s†household. The reader will note the use of â€Å"neighbour†here as the author sets up an enigma. The distinct lack of a noun suggests to the reader that perhaps the speaker and neighbour are not on good terms; this draws them in and makes the reader want to know why this could be. â€Å"At least once a fortnight corps of caterers came down with several hundred feet of canvas and enough coloured lights to make a Christmas tree of Gatsby’s enormous garden.†An attentive reader will note several very applicable, and one would assume, deliberate devices utilised by the author in this quotation. Firstly, the general attitude employed by the speaker depicts a spiteful and somewhat envious one to say the least. The reader puts emphasis on â€Å"At least†which would infer a disapproving tone in the voice. Also when the speaker describes â€Å"corps of caterers†; a hyperbolised metaphor is proposed, as the word â€Å"corps†is often associated with an army; and of course an army is often associated with a very substantial number of specimens. Within the same quote another metaphor is illustrated: â€Å"enough coloured lights to make a Christmas tree of Gatsby’s enormous garden.†This could also be described as an exaggerated statement. However, there are two single words that are note-worthy both in isolation and together. The fact that the speaker refers to his neighbour as â€Å"Gatsby†, which is his second name, could be indicative in regards to their social relationship. One would usually refer to a person using their surname via a spiteful endearment or when one assumes they are (or in this case desires to be) the others social superior; this is applied in various contexts. Also, with the speaker referring to him as â€Å"Gatsby†perhaps suggest he is a somewhat renowned character. The other word of relative importance is â€Å"enormous†. Again the implied tone of the voice is rather negative. The reader will identify it to be a sarcastic and deeply envious tone. Now in partnership: â€Å"Gatsby’s enormous garden.†Becomes more significant; not only are the envious, sarcastic and spiteful tones being employed but now also an undertone of mockery. The conclusive attitude in the early stanzas of the speaker towards, what is yet the only named construct can only be clarified as one in the exclusively negative persuasion. â€Å"By seven o’clock the orchestra has arrived, no thin five-piece affair, but a whole pitful of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets and piccolos, and low and high drums.†The first thing the reader notices is â€Å"the orchestra has arrived†. This is significant in terms of tense as it should traditionally be: â€Å"By seven o’clock the orchestra had arrived†(Or so how it is initially perceived) however, it is ‘has’ for a reason. The author uses a tense referred to as the present perfect; this is a very effective way of drawing the reader in as it makes the reader feel like they are at the scene submerged within the story. .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 , .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 .postImageUrl , .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 , .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9:hover , .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9:visited , .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9:active { border:0!important; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9:active , .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9 .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u99c059f598e18ac84ac1d243b030cfc9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hide and Seek EssayThe voice then familiarises itself with an impressed, yet sarcastic tone: â€Å"no thin five piece affair, but a whole pitful†Again, this emits envious sensations from the speaker which further forces the reader into a bewildered state of mind, thus generating the want to discover the foundation on which these negative outlooks lie. Also the fact that the speaker goes into such detail by naming the various instruments proposes more mockery; this further inclines the reader into detecting tones of envy. â€Å"The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun†The author here once again utilises the present perfect tense to involve the reader. Finally the tense evolves into present tense in the last stanza. â€Å"Suddenly one of the gypsies†This is the first real hint that suggests that the speaker has attended the party; before this the reader gets the impression that he is simply watching from afar, peaking over his garden wall, perhaps. This subconsciously begs the question from the reader who is speaking? Throughout the Author appears to demonstrate recurring metaphors. One of the more subtle metaphors is related to the sea, and water. In the first stanza the speaker illustrates images of Gatsby’s guest swimming in the sea and what not: â€Å"At high tide in the afternoon I watched his guests diving from the tower of his raft†Also the way in which his â€Å"raft†or boat is described again suggests extensive wealth. At first the mentions of water and sea seem irrelevant but as the reader progresses through the extract they notice subtle uses of water related metaphors to describe the actions of guests: â€Å"floating rounds of cocktails permeate the garden outside†this makes the reader conjure images of masses of people in the garden, which is significant as it again suggests Gatsby is a known figure. The author also describes a specimen of the crowd in a latter stanza as gliding through â€Å"the sea-change†of faces and voices. The aforementioned effect is apparent once more. Having said this, a more substantial recurring metaphor throughout this extract is the use of colour; more specifically yellow. In the first stanza the speaker explains how it is night time; he uses a simile to depict the movement of the guests: â€Å"like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars†This suggests that the guests are a nocturnal creature like moths that are attracted to light. The author also makes reference to a â€Å"yellow bug†the reader could perceive this as a reflection of the guests themselves. Various references to colours of foods and drinks also become apparent in later stanzas: â€Å"turkeys bewitched to dark gold†, â€Å"yellow cocktails.†The author also mentions primary colours, which is significant as yellow itself is a primary colour. Furthermore, I think the overall connotation of the use of yellow is representational of money and wealth; which appears to be a subconsciously recurring motif of the speaker. Within the last line of the final stanza, the reader is, rather frustratingly, introduced to another names character; ‘Gilda Grey’. The author uses this enigma, along with the phrase â€Å"The party has begun†to end the extract. The author only uses this phrase when ‘Gilda Grey’ is introduced, which signifies that she too, is a renowned figure. Also there are â€Å"bursts of chatter†described as news of her presence spreads. The use of the present perfect tense right at the end draws the reader in and makes them want to read on; it is especially effective in such a case as the reader understands that this is the end of a chapter; and one does not simply read part of a chapter. It is evident that the reader doesn’t finish this extract with a whole lot of information. All that is understood after the reading is that the extract is told from the point of view of a neighbour of Gatsby; and that Gatsby appears to be a wealthy, extravagant and indeed a very important figure in the story. In terms of technique and style, it must be noted that the author employs varied tense usage and prominent recurring metaphors to hook the reader and make an interesting, intriguing read to say the least. .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c , .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c .postImageUrl , .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c , .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c:hover , .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c:visited , .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c:active { border:0!important; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c:active , .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub65b62edf1f015eb6a24917485ed8e0c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mystery and suspense throughout the book Essay*Is it set in florida? (My thinking this is due to it being on the coast and â€Å"blue gardens†– I just wasn’t sure enough to include it?)
Friday, March 13, 2020
Free Essays on What Is Philosophy Of Education
, we define our society and the society of our future by how and why we educate the young. Do we want our children to be educated for democracy or consumerism? Should children learn by rote memorization or through creative problem solving? Does school exist to teach values or skills for use in the job market? Because these decisions will affect the course of society for decades to come, the questions asked are as important as those found in any other branch. The Philosophy of Education in modern times has been heavily influenced by developments in the field of psychology - in particular, psychoanalysis and behaviorism. The former has argued that there are psychological processes affecting our ability to learn which are not entirely under our control; the latter has influenced the way we think about how things can be taught, especially topics like morals and values. Curiously, the Philosophy of Education is one of those fields where philosophy itself is both the object being studied and the tool used to study it. One of the things discussed is the role which philosophy itself can play: Should students learn about philosophy? Does philosophy create a better educated person, or is it ultimately a useless and dispensable topic... Free Essays on What Is Philosophy Of Education Free Essays on What Is Philosophy Of Education Philosophy of Education What is it? The field known as the Philosophy of Education is relatively self-explanatory - it deals with how children should be educated, what they should be educated in and what the ultimate purpose of education should be for society. This is an often neglected field of philosophy, and when it is addressed, it tends to only be in educational programs designed to train teachers - in this context, it is a part of pedagogy, which is learning how to teach. Despite this neglect, the Philosophy of Education is nevertheless of fundamental importance. How and why a society educates its children will be dispositive for the following generations and long-term political health. In other words, we define our society and the society of our future by how and why we educate the young. Do we want our children to be educated for democracy or consumerism? Should children learn by rote memorization or through creative problem solving? Does school exist to teach values or skills for use in the job market? Because these decisions will affect the course of society for decades to come, the questions asked are as important as those found in any other branch. The Philosophy of Education in modern times has been heavily influenced by developments in the field of psychology - in particular, psychoanalysis and behaviorism. The former has argued that there are psychological processes affecting our ability to learn which are not entirely under our control; the latter has influenced the way we think about how things can be taught, especially topics like morals and values. Curiously, the Philosophy of Education is one of those fields where philosophy itself is both the object being studied and the tool used to study it. One of the things discussed is the role which philosophy itself can play: Should students learn about philosophy? Does philosophy create a better educated person, or is it ultimately a useless and dispensable topic...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Determine whether or not the affects of this new store will be a net Essay
Determine whether or not the affects of this new store will be a net positive for the area, or a net negetive - Essay Example (City of Kyle, 2011) There has been some research and discussion at the city council meeting over the proposed construction of a new Wal Mart Super Center. There are no big box stores in Kyle, therefore the addition of a Wal Mart would employ 200 people; as well as make shopping for both food and necessities much more convenient for the residents. There are several problems with this, however; Wal Mart tends to have a negative affect on wages, the economy, and the environment. Its business practices are questionable, placing employees and the city at risk. Wal Mart is noted for predatory pricing, low wage jobs that offer very limited benefits, and for receiving public subsidies. It destroys the environment and creates more urban sprawl. (Moberg, 2004) (Norman, 1999) Wal-Mart courts those at poverty level declaring itself to be the â€Å"low price leader†. However, the low prices extend across the board to include low wages and low quality products. Wal-Mart is known for market ing practices aimed at minority ethnic groups and low income individuals. Not only are the wages rock bottom, but also the employment practices are questionable. ... Wal-Mart workers are subject to long hours, few breaks, and often precarious working conditions that eventually result in ER visits or hospitalizations. With no health care benefits, the cost of health care rises for any area where there is a Wal-Mart, with the townspeople paying the cost through taxation to cover indigent care. (Chaddha, 2007) Wal-Mart is also known for supporting racist views; Andrew Young, former mayor of Atlanta was chosen as the spokesperson for the Working Families for Wal-Mart and issued some racist comments regarding how smaller independent businesses were Jewish owned and raised the prices to cheat the people while Wal-Mart gave everyone low prices; Wal-Mart eventually dismissed him in order to avoid a major lawsuit. Wal-Mart’s foreign operations exploits workers by forcing them to work long hours with no breaks, failure to provide safety equipment for work, beating uncooperative employees, and forcing them to work in unsafe conditions. It violates ch ild labor laws by working underage teenagers long hours without breaks. It knowingly hires illegal aliens for construction of Wal-Mart facilities across the nation. One way Wal-Mart had forced full-time workers to become part-time thereby losing their limited benefits is to require employees to rotate shift work so that they don’t have a regular schedule in order to attend classes or make leisure plans; this adds tremendously to the work stress. Managers are forced to work overtime with no extra pay; their positions are salaried, whereas the other workers are forced to clock out and continue working until their workload has been accomplished. Wal-Mart employees in dangerous neighborhoods are often locked in at night. (, 2011) Wal-Mart effects the economy by outsourcing
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Future potential for growth of BMO, BMO Nesbitt Burns, Libro Research Paper
Future potential for growth of BMO, BMO Nesbitt Burns, Libro - Research Paper Example Hence, the future growth potential for this company, expressed mathematically could be 0.016%. However, there are other methods that be used in funding the growth, the BMO’s growth potential just like other firms in Canada is hugely dependent on the expansion of the economy after factoring in inflation. These methods can involve the rights issue in which the company pools resources from the shareholders. The company should resort to the overseas market to establish a global presence in the light of other global financial services heavy weight such as Barclays, and more so in the emerging markets, and in particular the Bric countries. The future potential growth although dimmed by the mathematical poor showing at a paltry 0.016% can be redeemed through rights issue. Already the company has presence in Beijing China and Singapore, the company needs to spread its wing to Russia and India, and other large industrial cities in China, such as Shanghai and Guangzhou. This is the investment service wing of the Bank, and just like its parent company, it holds a lot of future growth potential. The future growth potential of this firm is directly linked to the value of human resource available that can positively improved the net value of the companies fees as well that of the clients. Unlike the case of the parent company in which the focus was market expansion, the future growth potential for BMO Nesbitt Burns shall be pegged on its income potential, which is the ability to predict increased income. BMO Nesbitt Burns is an cap Canadian domestic portfolio, hence they have positioned the portfolio based on the greatest returns they can get. A dollar investment daily and the greatest return from the dollar can be the company’s greatest strategy be it a small capitalized company or a large capitalized automotive company. 5366.79 Another important means of determining the future potential of a company is through the
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Accrual Method Essay Example for Free
Accrual Method Essay The accrual method of accounting and the cash basis of accounting are different in the way that they record transactions. With cash basis accounting, the agency records money to its book once it is received or when it leaves their system. The accrual method, though, records a transaction when it happens, even if they do not receive money for it yet. Accrual accounting is a more accurate portrait of the nonprofit organization’s finances. If they supply a service they immediately record the cost of that service. This point of view is important because it is more accurate than the cash basis form of accounting, which only documents income when cash comes into the organization. The statement of cash flow is of fundamental importance to an organization’s financial management. This statement gives the organization a breakdown of every transaction that comes in or out. This is totaled up over a particular time period. If there are any differences in the organizational transactions, the statement of cash flow makes this clear. The financial stability of an organization rests on what money they make or spend every day. The organization might go bankrupt if they do not track how their money is spent. These accounting practices offer solid documentation of where money goes.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Ulysses S Grant Essay -- American History
Ulysses S Grant Although Ulysses S. Grant's contemporaries placed him in the highest position of great Americans along with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, the twentieth century has seen him fade. His presidency has been almost universally condemned, and he is consistently ranked second to rock bottom Warren G. Harding in polls of historians to rate the presidents. Although his military reputation has declined as well, it nevertheless continues to win him a steady following. Even his most faithful admirers, however, tend to end their studies conveniently at Appomattox, and one senses a wide regret that Grant's public career extended beyond the Civil War. Taking note of this trend, John Y. Simon observes that some biographers "seem to have wished that Grant had accepted Lincoln's invitation to Ford's Theatre" on the night the president was shot- the night that John Wilkes Booth had intended to assassinate Grant along with Lincoln. Much of what has been passed down as an objective appraisal of Grant's presidency more closely resembles the partisan critiques that were produced by a relatively small group of performers during the 1870's-- in many ways the intellectual ancestors of the present historical profession. Although such a minority can sometimes be a source of enlightenment, in this case, it has contributed a monolithic picture of a complex era that is about as depressing as it is inaccurate. Little consideration is given the checkered nature of Grant's eight years of the Gilded Age. Michael Les Benedict observes that Grant "dominated his era, a stronger resident than most have recognized". In both the domestic and foreign realms, President Grant could claim a wide range of achievements. In the aftermath... ... the corruption / civil service reform issue was more important than such issues as Reconstruction, international crises, Indian affairs, and the multitude of economic matters, all combined. As William B. Hesseltine admits in his definitive study of President Grant, "Grant's enemies....stuffed the ballot boxes of history against Grant..." Bibliogaphy Garland, Hamlin. Ulysses S. Grant; his life and character. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1898. King, Charles. The True Ulysses S. Grant. Philadelphia, London, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1914. Ringwalt, J. Luther (John Luther) Anecdotes of General Ulysses S. Grant illustrating his military and political career and his personal traits. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1886. Richardson, Albert D. (Albert Deane). A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant. Hartford, Conn.: American Publishing Company, 1868.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Environmental Analysis Essay
As a way of promoting Skoal, the company utilizes print advertisements in magazines whose readers are 85% adults. Aside from this, the company also uses one-on-one events as a way to let the clients know more about Skoal and try out its products. Skoal’s promotions includes reach-out advertising, and it includes a very, very successful direct mail program that we have been running to adult smokers. In 2006, the company mailed to about 2.5 million adult smokers with a series of coupons and product information about Skoal and its products and have been very, very successful in converting about 5% of the people that we mailed to, to actual ongoing usage of moist smokeless tobacco products. (UST 2006 Analyst and Investor Conference) In addition, the company also has its own company website (http://www. ustinc. com/) and product website (http://www. skoalbrotherhood. com) that can be used as a tool for customers to access information about the product and the company 24/7. The product’s unique selling point is that it is the only smokeless tobacco that offers several flavors, cuts and pouches. In its advertisements, Skoal sports the tagline â€Å"A pinch better. †Skoal wanted to position to itself in its main target market’s mind as â€Å"the preferred way to experience tobacco satisfaction†– a vision that positions the company not as a smokeless tobacco company, but as a tobacco company whose consumer universe is all tobacco consumers. (UST 2006 Analyst and Investor Conference) Pricing The company utilizes the prestige pricing strategy and this is congruent with the image the brand is trying to project. Since Skoal is the only smokeless tobacco that offers a variety of flavors, cuts and pouches, it is only right for them to charge a price premium to maximize their profits. Over its course of business, Skoal has undergone through several price changes. However, for the entire year of 2006, the company has not yet raised it prices. Murray Kessler, manager of Skoal said â€Å"Prices per can depends on how much we spend on the promotional front and it depends on what we do with the competitors. †(UST 2006 Analyst and Investor Conference) So far though, the company does not see the need to raise prices. Comparing Skoal to other brands, it charges much higher prices as compared to competitors like Couper, Cougar, Gold River, and Grizzly but there are a few brands like Hawken and Kodiac whose prices are higher than Skoal. Sister brand Copenhagen charges the same price as Skoal. Distribution Skoal products can be purchased in several websites online and also several retailers. The company uses extensive distribution channels and which became an edge for Skoal. UST’s long-established brands distributes through tens of thousands of small retail outlets, and the unwillingness of major tobacco companies to enter this market (due to the poor image and social unacceptability of the product) have made UST’s market position unassailable. (Industry Analysis 7) The company does not operate any retailing stores but instead relies on third party retailers to get their products to their target markets. So far, Skoal products can be found in the United States and some parts of Canada but the management is eyeing Eastern Europe as an opportunity to expand Skoal internationally. Conclusion Skoal has been successful in implementing its strategy. Currently, Skoal belongs to the top of mind awareness of its target market when it comes to smokeless tobacco with it capturing 78% of the market together with its sister brands. In order to maintain this position, further significant investments in advertisements, branding, and promotions must be undertaken.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Fantasy vs. Reality in a Midsummer Nights Dream Essay
Brittany Rose Dr. Pulling ENGL 2210-012 8 March 2012 Relationship Between Fantasy and Reality in A Midsummer Night’s Dream In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare easily blurs the lines of reality by inviting the audience into a dream. He seamlessly toys with the boundaries between fantasy and reality. Among the patterns within the play, one is controlled and ordered by a series of contrasts: the conflict of the sleeping and waking states, the interchange of reality and illusion, and the mirrored worlds of Fairy and Human. A Midsummer Nights Dream gives us insight into mans conflict with characteristics of human behavior. The play begins in the City of†¦show more content†¦And as I am an honest Puck, If we have unearned luck Now to scape the serpents tongue, We will make amends ere long; Else the Puck a liar call: So, good night unto you all. Give me your hands, if we be friends, And Robin shall restore amends.†(Shakespeare 5.1.425) The most interest ing part of this excerpt is that Puck (Oberon’s henchman) says that he and the fairies are only a figment of the imagination and that he and his fairy world do not exist at all. The audience is asked to look beyond the performance at the intention of the actors. This passage allows the audience to break their character. The show is over and the reality of their own life is now. This monologue by Puck slowly unravels the reality and fantasy world from one another. The play lies in transformation and the forest is the setting of change. Puck invites the audience to think of the play as nothing more than a dream, a midsummer night’s dream. Here, it is clear that Shakespeare is commenting on the reality of plays. Like midsummer dreams, plays arent real. All of the characters are hung in the audience’s suspension of disbelief. They are the product of imagination and fantasy and also involve the momentary suspension of reality. One of the key passages in the play is Theseuss speech on the lunatic, the lover, and the poet(Shakespeare 5.1.7) Lunatic’s hallucinate, lovers may view ugly as beautiful, and poets craft words from nothingness into something. ThroughoutShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Reality And Illusion In A Midsummer Nights Dream1057 Words  | 5 Pagespresent an accurate reflection of reality has proven to be a major source of inspiration for both authors and readers alike. Reality as a theme is prevalent in literature, and the numerous ways that reality and illusion intertwine. In William Shakespeare’s play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the illusory world which the characters inhabit is enhanced by the supernatural. The relationship between Oberon and Titania contributes to the development of the play’s theme of reality and illusion; they are the catalystRead MoreAnalysis of the Painting Hermia and LYsander by John Simmons968 Words  | 4 PagesIntro: In the painting of â€Å"Hermia and Lysander†by John Simmons, it portrays the scene in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Nights Dream when Hermia and Lysander are in the forest, and Lysander persistently invites Hermia to sleep with him in the cold, dark forest. The love of Hermia and Lysander is reciprocated but remains uncertain and quite mysterious at times. When Hermia says no to the convincing and authoritative Lysander, she is left with no choice but to abide to her morals. However, she is worriedRead MoreDefining The Terms Renaissance And Humanism875 Words  | 4 Pagesall time, wrote thirty-seven plays during his lifetime, according to the Internet Shakespeare Editions article â€Å"Fast Facts about Shakespeare†. Notably, some of his most famous works are Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello, a Midsummer’s Night Dream, and Julius Caesar (Internet Shakespeare Editions). 5. What is the setting of Romeo and Juliet? According to Romeo and Juliet (Modern) by William Shakespeare, the setting of William Shakespeare s’ famous play Romeo and Juliet lies in Verona (InternetRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream And As You Like It1434 Words  | 6 PagesA good play or any piece of literature is nothing without their settings, be them based in reality or fantasy. A good writer not only uses setting to give their audience and idea of where the story is taking place as important means of moving the plot forward or to add an artistic themes that couldn’t be expressed in other ways. A story would be dreadfully boring if nothing ever happened to the characters, and the setting provides the context in which the given story takes place. Setting includesRead MoreA Midsummer Night s Dream By William Shakespeare1349 Words  | 6 PagesMillennials of today are growing up in a technologically adept time where replication of the latest trends is considered the key to success. Sh akespeare, the playwright of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, is infamous for his angst and lament, as well as his numerous depictions of love and romance. In his play, one of the most apparent perspectives of love is that genuine love is a force so powerful, that it can not be imitated, replicated or enforced. One of the most profound examples of forced love inRead MoreDefining The Terms Renaissance And Humanism854 Words  | 4 Pagestitle, A Midsummer s Night s Dream? How does this play relate to the concept of appearance vs. reality? As discussed by Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer in the article â€Å"An Introduction to a Midsummer’s Night’s Dream†, the significance of the title, A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream lies in the fact that the play itself appears as a fantasy dream (Wormeley Latimer, 2011). This play resembles a dream one might have versus a reality one might live in, the magical aspects of the play do not resemble reality (WormeleyRead More William Faulkners Use of Shakespeare Essay5388 Words  | 22 PagesShakespeare that I have just about worn out carrying around with me†(FIU 67). Faulkner’s recorded interviews and conversations contain references to a number of Shakespeares works and characters, including Hamlet, Macbeth, Henry IV, Henry V, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Romeo and Juliet, the sonnets, Falstaff, Prince Hal, Lady Macbeth, Bottom, Ophelia, and Mercutio. In 1947 he told an Ole Miss English class that Shakespeare’s work provides â€Å"a cas ebook on mankind,†adding, â€Å"if a man has a great deal of talentRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pages269 United Chemical Company 269 Byron vs. Thomas 271 Active Listening Exercise 272 SKILL APPLICATION 274 Activities for Communicating Supportively Suggested Assignments 274 Application Plan and Evaluation 274 274 SCORING KEYS AND COMPARISON DATA 276 Communicating Supportively 276 Scoring Key 276 Comparison Data 276 Communication Styles 276 Comparison Data 276 SKILL PRACTICE Diagnosing Problems and Fostering Understanding: United Chemical Company and Byron vs. Thomas 278 Observer’s Feedback Form
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