Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Essential to Efficient Management Essay - 1375 Words
Essential to Efficient Management (Essay Sample) Content: Delegation to the Lowest Possible Level Is Often Quoted As Essential to Efficient ManagementNamesInstitution AffiliationA delegation is the transfer of the authority and the responsibility of performing a contractual duty to another party. Delegating responsibilities gives way for the other party to assume tasks while you assume other important responsibilities. Delegation transfers obligation only while rights remain. The party that receives the commission is referred as the delegatee while the party that makes the commission is regarded as the delegator. The delegation process trains and prepares the delegatees for higher managerial functions. The process allows for the personal development of both the delegatee and the delegator. This research paper discusses how effective delegation of responsibility can be achieved in an engineering organization.Contrary to what many people believe, delegation is not just about telling others what to do. Delegators should know th at there are different levels of delegation based on the delegatee and the nature of the task being delegated. A delegation is not just an action but a process that needs informed decision making and critical thinking. Just as different leaders assume different leadership styles and one style does not fit all, there are numerous approaches and levels of delegation. However, the key goal of the procedures should be to achieve effective delegation. Young engineers in different organization have found the following steps very crucial in making effective delegation (Irvin, 2001). First is to identify the responsibilities that need the commission. There are certain managerial tasks that require the managers to perform themselves, in such a case delegation would be inappropriate. Managers should delegate more so as to develop their staff to more competencies. The second stage is deciding on whom to delegate the identified tasks. The considerations to factor in while choosing the latter in clude; the team's or individual's current skills, workload, work experiences, and off course the work style. Effective delegation requires that we understand our people first. Additionally, seek to know if the tasks delegated allows for growth and development of skills of the delegatee.Having identified the tasks and the team of delegatees, the next step is assessing the level of skills and training needs to be met. First, the delegatee should have adequate knowledge of what is expected of them and possess an authority to effect the expectations. Set clear timelines, goals, and objectives. This step is crucial as it limits risks of micro-management. The fifth step is ensuring an adequate and constant provision of resources and information. Effective delegation can only occur if the delegatee has full access and control of the information they need. Denying access to some valuable, pertinent information is detrimental. Ensuring access to all the necessary knowledge, whether the deleg atees are just volunteers or staff, is crucial to effective delegation.Lastly, the organization should have open, ongoing, and transparent communication. The team should continually assess the progress of the delegatee and give them feedback. The delegatees should know how far they are from their predefined goals, timelines, and objectives. If the organization notices any issues, it should explain them to the people and make them feel confident enough to provide solutions, and preve...
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Database Normalization Is Important For The Future....
Introduction Data is important to the company as it assists with decision making, competitive advantage, or support. Senior management has to rely on historical information to observe trends in order to formulate a plan to execute improvements for the future. Company performance information can be leveraged to compare among competitors in the industry to capture an idea of where the organization stands. Data can be used as support to confirm whether previously executed plans are effectively working or not against standards or metrics. With importance of data, it would benefit business employees preserve information by improving the database design that stores it all. While information is being stored sufficiently as is, database design can be processed through normalization to improve its organization. Purpose As a commonly exercised technique for the analysis of relational databases, normalization creates set of relational tables and minimize data redundancy that preserve consistency (Bahmani et al, 2010). The output design then facilitates correct insertion, deletion, and modification to the data. According to Wang et al (2010), database normalization is an important process in systems analysis and design. The objective of normalization is to allow the storage of data without unnecessary redundancy and thereby eliminate data inconsistency so that users can maintain and retrieve data without difficulty. A normalized database eliminates anomalies in updating, inserting,Show MoreRelatedEntities and Attributes for Fleet Truck Maintenance Essay1933 Words  | 8 Pagesand attributes for their Fleet Trucking Maintenance database. Unfortunately, the creator of the database was not available and the development of the database system was not able to be completed. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Shakespeare s Merchant Of Venice - 1325 Words
Malicious Intentions All movies, plays and stories have a victim and a villain in the story. The victim is forced to overcome obstacles and is often hurt physically and emotionally while the villain is the one who wreaks havoc and tries to stop the victim from achieving their goal. In the play Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare there is a character so elaborate and confusing that an argument could be made that he is both. This character, Shylock, suffers from persecution and humiliation for being a Jew as well as attempting horrendous actions in hopes of retaliation. The play starts out with a young Venetian man, Bassanio, needing a substantial loan so that he can attempt to win over Portia, a young, â€Å"richly left†woman(1.1.68). A†¦show more content†¦Shylock, realizing that this is impossible agrees to drop the case and give half of his wealth to the city of Venice and half to Antonio, who returns it to Shylock. Throughout the play, Shylock proves himself to be more of a villain than a victim through his lack of humaneness and his materialistic and vengeful outlook of life. Shylock’s malevolent actions during the play is one justification that he is a villain and not the victim. One of these is his sole desire to take a pound of Antonio’s flesh, ultimately killing him, with the court on his side. This is shown towards the beginning of the play of the play when Antonio says, â€Å"Let the forfeit be nominated for an equal pound of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken in what part of your body pleaseth me,†to Bassanio as they agree on the terms of the bond(1.3.160-63). This single quote shows many traits Shylock possesses including his desire to rob Antonio of a pound of his own skin. Shylock first mocks Antonio for being Christian by saying he has â€Å"fair skin.†By saying this, Shylock displays his animosity to the way Jews are treated as well as increasing the tension between the two. Also, by say ing â€Å"what part of your body pleaseth me,†Shylock shows his cruel intention to cause harm and appease his own desires without caring how it affects Antonio. Another situation that showcases Shylock’s scarce supply of humanity is his declination of Bassanio’s offer to pay him
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Elie Wiesel free essay sample
A Personal Encounter at the Hands of Indifference Nobel Peace Prize winner, renowned scholar, and author of over fifty books, Elie Wiesel is a name with worldwide recognition. In addition to his literary and scholarly accomplishments, Wiesel is also recognized as an eminent champion and defender of human rights for both the work he has done in the field, as well as his own status as a Holocaust survivor (â€Å"Elie Wiesel†). Wiesel believes indifference, or the lack of sympathy towards others, as being the devastating culprit in dividing humanity. In this rhetorical analysis of Wiesel’s speech â€Å"The Perils of Indifference†I will explain how Wiesel uses the concepts of ethos, logos, pathos, and other rhetorical devices to make this a powerful and timeless speech in hopes to eliminate indifference in the next millennium to come. Elie Wiesel delivered his speech, The Perils of Indifference, on April 22, 1999, at the White House as a part of the Millennium Lecture Series, hosted by President and First Lady Clinton. In his speech, Wiesel expounds on the meanings and repercussions of human indifference. He uses his own personal story as a holocaust survivor to expose this. The purpose of this speech is to encourage people everywhere to abandon indifference in the face of crisis, now and forever. Wiesel seeks to accomplish this goal by expressing his own, distinct definition of indifference as being â€Å"more dangerous than anger and hatred not only a sin, it is a punishment. †He constructs his definition around some of the most tragic results of indifference over the past century, including his own as a Holocaust survivor, by sharing his experience as a Nazi internment camp prisoner, and the ways it has affected his life. Ethos is a tool of rhetoric used to help give a piece of literature it’s credibility. Experience can be a major part in determining ethos, which is exactly how Wiesel accomplished his own credibility in this speech. It was 1944, when 15 year-old Wiesel, his parents, three sisters, and all the other Jews in his small hometown were rounded up and transported like livestock, to Auschwitz, a death camp (Schleier, 68). Wiesel draws upon his experience in the Holocaust as a central reference point to the case he is making against indifference. By doing this, he justifies his credibility as a speaker. In Wiesel’s speech, he addresses the United States’ current relationship in Kosovo. Kosovo had been involved in a civil war for ten years prior to this speech (Eun-Kyung). He uses he expertise, another ethos technique, to thank President Clinton for taking action to aide Kosovo, ultimately eliminating indifference towards Kosovo’s need for help. Wiesel acknowledges Clinton’s action by saying, â€Å"But this time, the world was not silent. This time, we do respond. This time, we intervene. †Logos is the cause-and-effect or reasoning found in a piece of literature. Logos helps in the anchorage of a text in order to validate and confirm the point an author is trying to make. Wiesel gives examples of his firsthand observations that he encountered at the concentration camps. He and his father were both immediately put to work as slave labor for a nearby factory. Wiesel? s daily life was characterized by starvation, vicious discipline, and the battle against overwhelming despair. The MS St. Louis was vessel carrying almost a thousand Jewish people from Germany to the U. S. in order to escape the horror story most of their lives had turned into. Wiesel talks about indifference here in his speech when he says, â€Å"The depressing tale of the St. Louis is a case in point. Sixty years ago, its human cargo nearly 1,000 Jews was turned back to Nazi Germany. †When the vessel had reached U. S. soil, Franklin D. Roosevelt sent the ship back to Germany, exemplifying indifference taking place. Wiesel addresses the hope he had that the U. S. was unaware of the conditions that Wiesel, his family, and thousands of other Jewish people were living in. However, Wiesel later found out that the U. S. knew about what Nazi Germany was doing and still remained to do business with Germany until 1942, which harshly confirms how indifference, once again, reigned over compassion towards others. Wiesel says with sadness, â€Å"And now we knew, we learned, we discovered that the Pentagon knew, the State Department knew. †When Wiesel addresses the lack of Roosevelt’s compassion and his bouts of indifference in the Holocaust, you see how disappointed, confused, and how hurt Wiesel felt: â€Å"Roosevelt was a good man, with a heart. He understood those who needed help. Why didnt he allow these refugees to disembark? A thousand people in America, the great country, the greatest democracy, the most generous of all new nations in modern history. What happened? I dont understand. Why the indifference, on the highest level, to the suffering of the victims? †The emotion that shines through in this passage shows pathos, or the emotion, which influences a text. In another part of his speech, Wiesel says: â€Å"If they knew, we thought, surely those leaders would have moved heaven and earth to intervene. They would have spoken out with great outrage and conviction. They would have bombed the railways leading to Birkenau, just the railways, just once. †This shows how disappointed Wiesel was that other people were allowing these types of situations to occur without trying to intervene or help. This exhibits Wiesel’s belief that indifference achieves nothing but disappointment among others. Wiesel tries to instill fear and guilt in the audience when he talks about the future of our children. He questions here how we can let indifference shape the lives of innocent children by saying: â€Å"What about the children? Oh, we see them on television, we read about them in the papers, and we do so with a broken heart. Their fate is always the most tragic, inevitably. When adults wage war, children perish. We see their faces, their eyes. Do we hear their pleas? Do we feel their pain, their agony? Every minute one of them dies of disease, violence, famine. †By ending his speech with a statement that is emotionally related to so many different people, it leaves an inevitable impression on the audience. His speech offers a unique perspective of the ramifications of indifference, which is accented by the calm yet stern tone of voice, coupled with a discomforted feeling about the future. The tone of Wiesel’s voice helps highlight other rhetorical devices used throughout his speech. When Wiesel delivered his speech, he wasn’t preaching or yelling. It was almost as if he was telling a story, which made the speech more compelling to the audience. He starts off the speech with a statement that is similar to what you read if you were opening a storybook. Wiesel begins by saying, â€Å"Fifty-four years ago to the day, a young Jewish boy from a small town in the Carpathian Mountains woke up, not far from Goethes beloved Weimar, in a place of eternal infamy called Buchenwald. †He narrates this story, but also serves as the main character. By doing this, Wiesel makes his speech more persuasive because he shares his own experience from the suffering of indifference. Wiesel used repetition in his speech in order to exaggerate the power that indifference has. â€Å"Indifference elicits no response. Indifference is not a response. Indifference is not a beginning; it is an end. †This technique helps reiterate the point he is trying to make by overly defining what indifference means. By using ethos, logos, pathos and other rhetorical devices, I have been able to show how Wiesel has effectively demonstrated the havoc indifference has caused the human race in our history, yet is still present today. As a longtime fan of his writing, his name instantly caught my eye when searching for a speech to analyze, which is why I chose to analyze â€Å"The Perils of Indifference†. Using Wiesel’s speech as my foundation, I hope this paper helps acknowledge why diminishing indifference is detrimental for the present, but most importantly, our future. By bringing all of these theories together in this analysis, I feel as though I have been able to thoroughly support my main contention in this speech that Elie Wiesel? s message is timeless and is told timelessly, in efforts to stand up and fight against indifference. While it may just be one group of people experiencing injustice at the hands of indifference at different points in time, it will always be out there as a threat to all of us until it is forever a thing of the past. Works Cited â€Å"Elie Wiesel. †Elie Wiesel Foundation. The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. Web Eun-Kyung, Kim. This time [Kosovo] the world was not silent, notes Wiesel. Jerusalem Post, The (Israel). 14 Apr. 1999. NewsBank Archives. Web. Schleier, Curt. â€Å"Why Elie Wiesel Can Never Forget. †Biography Magazine, September (1999): 68. Academic Search Premier. Web.
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