Friday, May 31, 2019
Last Of The Mohicans :: essays research papers
Last of The MohicansSummaryCora and her younger sister, Alice, both recent arrivals to the colonies, are being escorted to their father, Colonel Munro, by a troop of British soldiers. on the way they are ambushed by a Huron war party led by Magua, a sinister warrior with a blood vendetta against Munro. Munros soldiers are wiped taboo and Cora herself is nearly killed by Magua but is saved at the last moment by Hawkeye, a white trapper raised by the Mohican tribe. Hawkeye promises to take Cora and her sister safely to their father, and along the way Cora and the intense Hawkeye fall in love. Together they must survive wilderness, war, and the relentless pursuit of Magua.AnalysisThe introductory moments are somewhat confusing, and it takes closely fifteen or twenty minutes to get the characters and situations straight. Madeleine Stowes British accent is of the "now-you-hear-it, now-you-dont" variety, although her performance pretty much makes up for this inconsistency. Final ly, the photography surrounding the waterfall is unconvincing. another(prenominal) than those few things the film was great. From beginning to end, there isnt a weak performance. Finally, theres the story, which, while not all that complex, is of epic nature. At first I wasnt expecting this photo to be good but by the end of the last battle I knew that The Last of the Mohicans is a memorable motion picture adventure, and one of the surmount films Ive ever seen. ComparisonIn the movie, the siege at Fort William Henry is a concentration of a massive French force on an isolated fort of what seems to be no more than 300 people. Also the siege of the fort by Gen. Montcalm was reduced to one night of action and womanize in the film. The great portrayal of traditional siege warfare in the movie serves only as a background for the development of the love amid Cora and Nathaniel.In actuality, the seven day siege had two major fronts the fort which held about 500 men and a camp east to t he fort which held near 2000 men.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Physics of the Acoustic Guitar Essays -- physics guitars
Stringed instruments ar almost likely the oldest persona of musical instruments. The acoustic guitar has been around since the 1500s, and is the most common stringed instrument used today. The guitar is one of the most versatile instruments in existence, be used in virtually every style of music. It can produce a wide range of sounds depending upon the style of the guitar and the type of draw used on it. The two main styles of acoustic guitars ar the nylon-stringed and the steel-stringed. Nylon-stringed guitars ar used mainly for styles such as classical music and flamenco. Steel-stringed guitars are most commonly associated with region and folk music. Before getting into how the guitar works, it will be beneficial to take a look at the different move that make up a guitar. A guitar has three main parts- a body, neck and headstock. There are various styles and designs for acoustic guitars, but no calculate the style, all of them have essentially t he same parts. The body acts as an anchor for the neck and bridge. The top of the body is called the sounding board. It is responsible for almost all of the guitars acoustics, and is what allows the auricula atrii to hear the sound created by playing the guitar. The sounding board generally has a large hole boil down in it called the sound hole. The bridge, which is also placed on the sounding board, is what anchors the strings to the body. The neck is the long, slender part of the guitar connecting the body to the head. the front of the neck is called the fret board. This is where the frets are spaced down the entire neck. The frets are thin bars that are set perpendicular to the strings. The frets make it possible to create a variety of tones by... ... pattern of these resonance waves in order to cut down on interference, thereof creating a richer sound. BibliographyAskill, John. Physics of Musical Sounds. New York D. Van Norstrand Company, 1979.Billing ton, Ian. The Physics of the Acoustic Guitar. 9 Apr. 2003. 211.web. occlude/billington/main.htmGuitar Acoustics. 9 Apr. 2003. Hokin, Sam. The Physics of Everyday mash The Guitar. 9 Apr. 2003. /physics/stuff/guitar.htmlHow Stuff Works How Acoustic Guitars Work. 9 Apr. 2003. com/guitar1.htmPhillips, Mark, and Jon Chappell. Guitar For Dummies. Foster City IDG Books, 1998.Sumits Acoustic Guitar Anatomy. 9 Apr. 2003. anatomy.html Physics of the Acoustic Guitar Essays -- physics guitars Stringed instruments are most likely the oldest type of musical instruments. The acoustic guitar has been around since the 1500s, and is the most common stringed instrument used today. The guitar is one of the most versatile instruments in existence, being used in virtually every style of music. It can produce a wide range of sounds depending upon the style of the guitar and the type of strings used on it. The two main styles of acoustic guitars are the nylon-stringed and the steel-stringed. Nylon-stringed guitars are used mainly for styles such as classical music and flamenco. Steel-stringed guitars are most commonly associated with country and folk music. Before getting into how the guitar works, it will be beneficial to take a look at the different parts that make up a guitar. A guitar has three main parts- a body, neck and headstock. There are various styles and designs for acoustic guitars, but no matter the style, all of them have essentially the same parts. The body acts as an anchor for the neck and bridge. The top of the body is called the sounding board. It is responsible for almost all of the guitars acoustics, and is what allows the ear to hear the sound created by playing the guitar. The sounding board generally has a large hole cut in it called the sound hole. The bridge, which is also located on the sounding board, is what anchors the strings to the body. The neck is the l ong, slender part of the guitar connecting the body to the head. the front of the neck is called the fret board. This is where the frets are spaced down the entire neck. The frets are thin bars that are set perpendicular to the strings. The frets make it possible to create a variety of tones by... ... pattern of these resonance waves in order to cut down on interference, thus creating a richer sound. BibliographyAskill, John. Physics of Musical Sounds. New York D. Van Norstrand Company, 1979.Billington, Ian. The Physics of the Acoustic Guitar. 9 Apr. 2003. 211.web.stuff/billington/main.htmGuitar Acoustics. 9 Apr. 2003. Hokin, Sam. The Physics of Everyday Stuff The Guitar. 9 Apr. 2003. /physics/stuff/guitar.htmlHow Stuff Works How Acoustic Guitars Work. 9 Apr. 2003. com/guitar1.htmPhillips, Mark, and Jon Chappell. Guitar For Dummies. Foster City IDG Books, 1998.Sumits Acoustic Guitar Anatomy. 9 Apr. 2003. anatomy.html
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide - Who Wants It? :: Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide
Euthanasia - Who Wants It? In Los Angeles, former respiratory therapist Efren Saldivar was charged with six counts of murder in January for allegedly well-favored lethal injections to patients at Glendale Adventist Medical stub in 1996 and 1997. Saldivar has reportedly called himself an angel of death and confessed in 1998 to hastening anywhere from 100 to 200 deaths, but later repudiate the confession. He is also the plaintiff in several civil suits for wrongful death, though some of these have been dismissed for lack of evidence. A hearing in his criminal trial is scheduled for the end of March Los Angeles Times, 3/10/01, 1/13/01, 1/11/01. In Springfield, Massachusetts, jury deliberations began February 23 in what has been called one of the most sensational murder cases in western Massachusetts history. Kristen H. Gilbert, a 33-year-old nurse, is accused of killing four patients at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Northampton and trying to kill three others in 1995 and 1996, using unauthorized injections of adrenaline Springfield Union-News, 2/25. Cases of involuntary euthanasia keep making headlines, but who wants it? sure as shooting not the elderly and terminally ill. Numerous studies have established that the Americans most directly affected by the issue of physician-assisted suicide -- those who are frail, elderly and low from terminal illness -- are also more opposed to legalizing the practice than others are * A poll conducted for the Washington Post on March 22-26, 1996, institute 50% support for legalizing physician-assisted suicide (Washington A18) Voters antique 35-44 supported legalization, 57% to 33%. But these figures reversed for voters aged 65 and older, who opposed legalization 54% to 38%. Majority opposition was also institute among those with incomes under $15,000 (54%), and black Americans (70%). * An August 1993 Roper poll funded by the Hemlock Society and other euthanasia supporters indicated that voters aged 18-2 9 supported physician-aided suicide 47% to 35% voters aged 60 and older opposed it 45% to 35%. Hemlocks newsletter commented that the younger the person, the more likely he or she is to favor this legislation. The newsletter added that this is somewhat at odds with how Hemlock views its membership, since it sees itself as defending the interests of elderly citizens. (Humphry Poll 9) A study of cancer patients found that terminally ill patients experiencing significant pain are more opposed to physician-assisted suicide than other terminally ill patients or the general public.
Geologist :: essays research papers fc
GeologistThe goal in mineral exploraion is to find imperious meatless. Its what they claver Ore. Ore is a mineral that have a lot of value. To find ore you want to identify target areas. Overtime narrow it down and pin point the ore of the minerals. The focussing geologists do this is first they would look at geological maps that show worth unalike rock character references. mosttimes they use maps that people have already made. Geologist likewise uses geophysical maps to find out the different properties of rocks. Geologist use magnetic instruments to find out were magnetic rocks are. The rocks that have metal in them are magnetic. Gold and money have different electrical signals past rocks without gold and silver. Step two is to go in the field and try to find the rocks. Then geologist would pick different types of soil, and rock samples. Then they would take the samples to the lavatory an analyze them. If they are a high amount of gold, silver, and zinc. Geologist would call that a good area. If the site looked promising then the next step is they would bring in a drill. And they would drill through the rock anywhere from 100 to 500 feet. Then a geologist would look at the rock samples from drilling and have them tested at a lab. The educational requirements for a geologist are a minimum of a bachelors course in geology. The average salary for a year is anywhere from 25,00 to 70,000. Right now there are a lot of job opportunities for geologist in southeastward America. Thats why I would choose to live and work in South America. The geography in South America is rugged mountain terrain. Some leisure activities are skiing,snowboarding, and mountain climbing. Thats why I think South America would be a great place to live for my type of job.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Elegy for Himself Essay -- Elegy for Himself Chidiock Tichborne Essays
Elegy for HimselfTichborne was not even thirty when he was executed and his bitternessat his bread and butter ending almost before it is begun can be seen. And now Idie and now I am but made He was sentenced to finale for being partof a Catholic plot to murder Elizabeth. He wrote this poem just threedays before he was to meet with death.The note of hand of Tichbornes poem is one of regret and sorrow that his lifeis being ended before its time and that what is left of his life willbe very unpleasant.In Elegy For Himself we can tell that its verses are sextains - sixlined verses with a rhyming scheme ababcc. What is both interestingand unusual in Tichbornes structure is the authority of the caesura inevery line - the pause in the middle of a metrical line. The poem has5 beats and adds to the melancholic feeling with its sad, slow rhythm.When I read this poem and truly hear it, I picture a man huddled inthe corner of his cell, awaiting death, listening to the slow ploddingsounds of the jailors feet, who comes to name yet another man to hisfate. I also can imagin...
Elegy for Himself Essay -- Elegy for Himself Chidiock Tichborne Essays
Elegy for HimselfTichborne was not even thirty when he was executed and his bitternessat his life ending almost before it is begun can be seen. And now Idie and now I am but made He was sentenced to death for being partof a Catholic plot to murder Elizabeth. He wrote this poem just threedays before he was to reach with death.The tone of Tichbornes poem is one of regret and sorrow that his lifeis being ended before its time and that what is left of his life willbe precise unpleasant.In Elegy For Himself we can tell that its verses are sextains - sixlined verses with a rhyming scheme ababcc. What is both interestingand unusual in Tichbornes complex body part is the strength of the caesura inevery line - the pause in the middle of a metrical line. The poem has5 beats and adds to the melancholic feeling with its sad, subdued rhythm.When I read this poem and truly hear it, I picture a man huddled inthe corner of his cell, awaiting death, listening to the slow padsounds of the jailors feet, who comes to take yet another man to hisfate. I also can imagin...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Impact of Divorce on Children
The Impact of Divorce on the Family Sociology as defined by Sociology exploring the architecture of everyday life is the overbearing study of human societies (Newman, 2012). By studying human societies we washstand observe and understand how individuals interact with each opposite in society and the developing ball-shaped system, save in order to understand these kinships we must look at society and the world at a different perspective. In turn a sociologist would be a scientist who studies human societies.A sociologist would be interesting in studying the topic of impact of come apart on children because it directly involves a relationship between two people. By studying split up through a sociological perspective a sociologist can observe the causes that resulted in the divide and the sociological implications it has on the nuclear family. Divorce is defined as the legal dissolution of marriage by a court or other competent body (Newman, 2012). The divorce rate in the Unit ed States is somewhere between 40-50 percent.The causes for divorce can vary greatly and can range anywhere from unhappiness with the marriage to illicit relationships. In the 1950s to the 1970s divorce was only fault based meaning one spouse had to prove the other spouse committed a marital offense (Jolivet, 2012). Since the culture in the 1950s was much different than it is instantaneously divorced couples were stigmatized, and their children were likewise labeled as outcasts from a broken floor. It was also thought that children from a broken home had a laid-backer chance of failing out of school or delinquency since there was an writ large lack of pargonnting.In the 1970s divorce became much common and legislation changed, therefore, no fault divorce was introduced. Once divorce became more common, society became more evaluate and divorce was non viewed as taboo anymore. Instead people now see divorce as another chance to be happy. Children of divorce were now viewed as resilient instead of delinquents (Jolivet, 2012). The change in the way children were viewed comes from organism able to cope with the loss of a family or growing up without supporting with a mom and dad.The picture of divorce on an individuals life can be tremendous, it can impact almost everyone the individual interacts with. In an article by Greif and Deal (2012) they explained how friend networks would overlap with marriage and when that couple divorce that network is put at hazard. It was found that after 8 months of separation men and women maintained 61% of that network but after 16 months only 50% of that network remained. The individual is important when it comes to find effects of divorce.In a study make with 31 divorced women it was found that their physical appearance often changed as they struggled with their identity after divorce (Greif and Deal, 2012). This is most due to the high levels of stress before and after the divorce The impact p arnt arguing can wit hstand on the children could be very dramatic. A survey done by Dr. Robert Gordon that asked 1000 teenagers between the ages of fourteen and eighteen about their opinions on divorce concluded that the children desireed their parents more than anything to stay together (Jolivet, 2012).The survey also looked into childrens opinions on parent arguing and found that 50% of children think that parent arguing is terrible (Jolivet, 2012). There are different types of parental arguing, which can range from disagreeing, criticizing, screaming and physical confrontation. When children were asked about what arguing meant to them 39% utter it involved disagreement, 26% said it was criticizing the other parent, but less than 35% said that arguing involved screaming or physical confrontation.Further research shows that most married couples agreed to occasionally arguing in front of their children. Dr. Gordon concluded that children are deeply affected by parental arguing and hopes that his rese arch will make couples think twice about arguing or criticizing each other in front of their children (Jolivet, 2012). The social implications of parental arguing on children are mostly negative but in some situations can be positive. When children are exposed to a negative environment it threatens their emotional stability, which can result in depression, anxiety, and aggression.Although when parental conflicts are solved sensibly children learn constructive shipway to settle arguments. Children learn to compromise and use compassion instead of aggressive behavior to solve disagreements. The overwhelming message that children of divorced parents try to convey is that they insufficiency more than anything for their parents to stay together. When teenagers were asked about what they would want their parents to know the majority said that its Not easy for all of us and they dont want to be blamed for it or caught in the middle (Jolivet, 2012).This shows that the impacts of divorce a nd stress levels are not only felt by the individuals involved in the relationship but are felt almost as equally by the children. Children of divorced parents in present times are seen as resilient and being able to cope with difficult times. In a study done by Dr. Robert Gordon about teenagers opinions on divorce found comprehend parents divorced or growing up without mom and dad living together makes our whole view of life different.We become more independent and strong. join and kids are not such a positive thing anymore/7 Kids also wanted their parents to know that, simply, they can handle the truth of the situation. (Jolivet, 2012) As a result of viewing marriage and kids differently teenagers who come from divorced families are more probably to have trouble with their own marriage. This is because children do not know what caused their parents marriage to collapse, therefore, are unable to maintain a successful relationship.The immediate effects of divorce on children is e vident but there are usually no long term effects as they usually fall into the normal range of psychological and social change (Jolivet, 2012). Although, the way the parents handle the divorce is the determining factor for long-term effects on divorce. The number one factor that puts a child at risk for long-term effects of divorce is the intensity and level of parental conflict prior, during, and after the divorce. For example, battles for custody can put high levels of stress on children as they have little control of the legal events and outcomes.If a child has to suffer through a high- conflict divorce it can double the rate of behavioural and emotional adjustment problems along with many more potential effects. Studies have also examined the effect of divorce on boys and girls as different groups. Data shows that the effect on boys was more immediate and dramatic. Boys were also more vulnerable to aggression and disruption. However, the effect on girls culminated over time an d resulted in increased sexual promiscuity, skipping school, and playing out (Jolivet, 2012).This research concludes that the effect of divorce on children can be predicted by the conditions that existed before the separation. As children go through the stages of divorce with their parents they are observing everything that is going on, these observations could have a negative effect on how these children view marriage and divorce later in life. In a study of divorce done by Dr. Amato and Dr. DeBoer found that divorces were more common in children whose parents divorced than among children whose parents stayed married (Jolivet, 2012).When parents divorce the child is familiar and used to the subject and is more likely to view it much less benignly than a child who did not grow up with divorce in the household. This results in those children being more chip in to divorce if they are unhappy with their marriage. Children could also view marriage as an unpredictable relationship and love and commitment can come and go (Jolivet, 2012). Although full-grown children with divorced parents are more likely to get divorce does not mean they are doomed for an unsuccessful marriage, they just need to work a little bit more to keep their relationship strong and interesting.Divorce is a difficult topic for many people and can affect almost everybody connected to an individual in the relationship. In a family the individuals who opted for the divorce are obviously greatly affected as well as the children. Divorce can have many negative implications on children including social and behavioral problems as well as problems with their own marriage later in life. Unfortunately, everyone involved feels the negative results of divorce but the degree of that effect can be lowered if certain measures are taken prior to a divorce.Dr. Lisa Strohschein suggests that instead of focusing on help children after divorce, paying attention to what happens to the kids leading up to the di vorce could lower levels of anti-social behavior (Jolivet, 2012). She also states that parents who help children cope with divorce and shape their attitude toward more positive associations could have a great effect on their mental health (Jolivet, 2012). Even though the negative implications of divorce are very popular I believe that they can be reduced to a degree where the effects are minimal.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Arnica: Water and Bottle Essay
MethodPour 100ml Olive oil into a bottleful and mix it with 20ml Arnica Q. Shake the bottle and the Arnica will direct an emulsion with the Olive Oil. Wet the finger tips with the emulsion and part your hairs-breadth and apply the oil on the roots of the hair and spend some eon in massaging it into the scalp which should show an oily shine. This is done daily for best results after a shower. Make a Wet dose of Arnica 30 as followsOrder Arnica 30c in a 5ml in the Liquid Dilution in Ethanol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement. Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket. Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace. Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and jolt the bottle hard before you take a capfull which is a dose twice daily. This is best taken first thing in the morning and die thing before bed. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before a capful of the bottle is sipp ed as directed. Take a capsule of the Fish Liver Oil daily.Avoid harsh shampoos. Use Johnsons Baby Shampoo instead. Avoid Coffee, preserved meats wish well sausages, ham and bacon, and all canned cola beverages as they antidote the therapy. Drink plenty of water and exercise daily for at least 45 transactions like walking or jogging depending on your age. The idea is to sweat it out. This is essential to promote the circulation of blood in the body which Arnica will help to promote. Patients who suffered from loathsome hair loss who were losing over 200 hairs daily have confirmed that they discovered in about a week that the loss of their hair had been arrested. They withal noticed that the new growth was plainly visible above their scalp when their hair was parted in about 6 weeks. In my case I still have a good head of grey hair at age 82 although it has thinned down to about half the hair I had 40 years ago.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Montage Hotel
What a great opportunity it was to visit a marvelous garden at the Montage Hotel in laguna Beach. The garden stretches around 700 feet long and 60 feet wide on the west side of the Hotel by the Pacific oceanic. The garden is elevated around 50 feet to a risqueer place the maritime with a spectacular 180 degrees view. Looking around flowers could be seen tout ensemble over the place as colorful as a rainbow Including all deferent bright colors pink, red white & discolour. The pink and red flowers have petals that flip around each other In a attractive rose form as the size of a strawberry.The white and color flowers are made up of 5 petals and are the size of marshmallows. Palm trees with light-green leaves hanging are all over the place around 20 of them ranging from 10 to 15 feet, The grass looks like green a velvet cover so thin and fine, and It Is stretched In areas around the concrete walk ways. The walkways are Like 5 feet wide and they curve with the natural ground e dge analog to the ocean. Brown wood benches overlooking the ocean invite to sit and enjoy the scenery their size is around 6 feet long and 2 feet wide.The benches consist of high grade outdoor street furniture with premium hard brown wood, contoured and supported by a gallivanted steel frame. People are sitting on them and enjoying the beautiful ocean scenery that is such a joy and can have enough of. A mandrel decorates one of the seating areas overlooking the ocean it is made out of brown wood. The pergola is situated in three sections with half hexagon shape. Each section is around 5 feet long and 3 feet wide. The Ocean is deep blue and seems to sparkle like diamonds. The waves gently move with the south west breeze.The sand is as shiny as gold and it is very politic and light. Walking on the sand feels like a butterfly flying all over. Brown chestnut rocks elevate in some of the areas near the weewee it looked like a perfect hill for hiking but there is a sign, placed by the city environmental section, prohibiting any tress passers to preserve this valued rock. Walking along the beach the bright sun covers the area with an invisible blanket of warmth. The sun displays a beautiful portrait of red orange and yellow colors, especially during the outstanding breath taking sunset.These rays spread through the blue skies like strong threads of wool as they made the sky a mystery of colors all mixed together to give the picture perfect landscape. As the sun starts to sit on the water it begins to melt and excrete in the ocean behind gimps of Catalina Island. No matter how strong sensory Images are used to describing this master piece Garden, words cant describe the actual spectator of this place. It Is Indeed a piece of Heaven on earth. Montage Hotel By mausoleum be seen all over the place as colorful as a rainbow including all different bright colors there in a beautiful rose form as the size of a strawberry.The white and yellow feet. The grass looks like green a velvet carpet so thin and fine, and it is stretched in areas around the concrete walk ways. The walkways are like 5 feet wide and they People are sitting on them and enjoying the beautiful ocean scenery that is such a Joy and cant have enough of. A pergola decorates one of the seating areas overlooking gimps of Catalina Island. No matter how strong sensory images are used to place. It is indeed a piece of Heaven on earth.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Moral Component of Rerum Novarum
1. What did Leo say about the poor throng?The empower age has handed over the operative poor to inhumane employers and esurient competitors. (a. 6) He saw the functional(a) poor as needy and helpless, (a. 66)And they argon insufficiently sheltered against injustices and violence. (a. 32)2. What did he want the working poor to understand?He wanted the working poor to understand that the lowest in society foundation non be made equal with the highest and that poverty is no disgrace. (a. 37)To suffer and endure is human. (a. 27)The working poor are told not to injure the property or person of their employers and not to forcibly the property of others. (a. 55)3. What was the moral component of Leos message?The message to the working poor seems to be aimed at calming and consoling the poor, encouraging them to accept their position in society without rancor and without harm to others. Leo sought to pursue the aid of the working poor in preserving good order.4. What did Leo say to those who work with the poor?Leo XIII declared that the working poor must(prenominal) be cared for. Employers have clear moral obligations workers are not to be treated as slaves the dignity of your workers human personality must be consider do not use people as things for gain do not oppress the needy or the wretched for your own profit. The approach to employers is on a high moral plane, still it is also very practical you need your poor worker, so work with him harmoniously. It is immoral to treat workers unjustly, and it is also not in the best interest of ownership and management.5. What was the message to the employers?Leo warns the employers against the pitfalls of being wealthy pointing out that wealth does not end sorrow and that it is a disability to eternal happiness. In view of eternity, what counts is not how much we have but how we use what we have, and we will have to account to God for our use of wealth6. What did the pontiff say to the wealthy?The wealthy are told that their goods are for their perfection and the benefit of others, and they are encouraged to share their goods when they see others in need when the need is extreme, the guide is of justice otherwise, the demand is of charity.7. What was R.Ns teachings of unions and strikes?The encyclical comes down strongly in favour of unions, stating that their increase is to be desired. (a. 69)The immediate object of unions is the private advantage of those associated, so that workers are to use their unions to secure increase in goods of body, soul and prosperity. (a. 71)The principal goal of unions is moral and religious perfection. (a. 77)The message about preserving good order is clear and unmistakable, but so is the message about standing up for rights. Leo XIII wanted the working poor to protect their interests, to make demands, to press their claims, and the principal path for doing this was the formation of unions.8. What did Leo say about working conditions?Wages should never be less than enough to support a worker who is thrifty and upright. (a. 63) head for the hills should not be so long that it dulls the spirit or that the body sinks from exhaustion. (a. 59)The factors in the establishment of hours are listed as the nature of the work the circumstances of age and place the physical condition of the workers. (a. 59)9. What was his stand on private ownership and property?Private ownership must be preserved inviolate. (a. 23)Must be regarded as sacred. (a. 65)It is wrong for ownership to be limited to a small number of people, and private property must be spread among the largest number of population. (a. 65)And a more equitable division of goods. (a. 66)10. How did Leo see the role of government?The purpose of government is to cause public and individual well-being. (a. 48)The government must protect the community and its constituent parts. (a. 52)Protect equitably each and every class of citizens. (a. 49)Give special consideration to the weak and poo r. (a. 54)This special care should include the working poor. (a. 54)Improve the condition of workers. (a. 48)Safeguard the well-being and interests of workers. (a. 49)Protection of the goods of the workers soul. (a. 57)The governments intervention in matters of wages, hours, and working conditions should be avoided. (a. 64)The government does not have the authority to forbid unions. (a. 72)It can oppose, dissolve and prevent unions when their objective is at variance with good morals, justice, or to it that there are no strikes. (a. 56)It should seek to remove the causes of strikes. (a. 56)Government must provide freedom of action to individuals and families. (a. 52)Government should give public aid to families in extreme difficulty. (a. 21) Briefly summarise the popes intention and purpose for the Rerum Novarum.The Popes intention was his conviction that the present ages has handed over the working poor to inhumane employers and greedy competitors. He wanted to help the working po or by setting these rules. These rules help people to know their roles and obligations when dealing with work.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Bossini Research
Comp each background Bossini International Holdings Limited is an investwork forcet holding political party which engages in retail, distribution, and wholesale of garments. The enthronement holding company together with its subsidiaries (Bossini) group carries casual wear products for a wide spread age range from ladies, mens, teenagers, kids and babies wear products. Bossini was listed in Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in 1993 with a contrast code of 592. It was found in 1987 and launched its first retail outlet in 1987 and it expands its distribution network both locally and internationally in the past two decades.Currently, its distribution network contains much than 1,470 stores, scratchy 65% of them be self managed stores and 35% of them ar franchised stores, covering 36 countries and regions worldwide. With headquarter in Hong Kong, its foodstuff covers all over the world. Nevertheless, its core market place is the Asia pacific region including Hong Kong, Mainland chin a, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. Its largest flagship store is situated in Mong kok, Hong Kong. Milestone 19871st retail outlet opened in Hong Kong 1998Launched franchising ope dimensionn 1993Listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange 1st retail outlet opened in Mainland chinaware 004Launched a new product line, Bossinistyle, in Mainland China PresentOver 1470 stores around the world Branding Bossinis brand value is be happy and it friends promote a positive and optimistic life attitude. The brand color is green and it represents a spirit of growth. Through the colorful products and outstanding customer services, Bossini successfully cultivate a comfortable and feel like home shopping environment. There are mainly five product lines, Bossini, Bossinistyle, Bossini ladies, Bossini kids and Yb and the major ones are Bossini and Bossinistyle.Business Overview Major markets The major markets for Bossini are Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and Singapore and they are in an order from the highest receipts parcel that covers over 98% of positive r pull downue. The Hong Kong and Singapore markets contribute approximate 55% and 9% of the groups total revenue respectively and they are quite stable. On the other hand, the Mainland China market keeps contributing more from 2008 to 2011 and it is increased from 19% (2008) to 25% (2011) that represents a 10% median(a) stratumly growth.For Taiwan market, the contribution decreases gradually from 14% (2008) to 11% (2011). The revenue contribution backside be determined by various factors such as geographic economic performance diversity, geographic brand popularity, and mental imagery allocation, opening more stores can bring in more gross revenue. Therefore, we need to have other analysis to help investigate the cause the revenue contribution up and down. Presently, Hong Kong is still Bossinis primary market and the major revenue contributor however, the Mainland China market will be the key growth device driver in the longsighted run.Number of shops The speed of opening new stores in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore is stable except the Mainland China. From 2008 to 2011, the direct managed stores has been jumped from 304 (2008) to 456 (2011). This represents a 14. 5% average yearly growth. It is one of the reasons to explain why the revenue contribution from the Mainland China keeps increasing. On the other, although the number of franchised stores also has a significant increase, from 391 (2008) to 521 (2011), the revenue from these stores is trivial canvass to the total revenue.Net sales per square feet Even though Bossini has opened lots of stores in the Mainland China, the net sales per square feet in 2011 (HK$1,340/sq feet) is still rase than HK$1,500/sq feet in 2008. It implies that even more stores can bring in more sales to the group, but the marginal benefit is diminishing. The sales growth in the Mainland China cannot catch up the speed of opening new stores. There are many reasons t o cause this happen and one of the reasons is some stores are competing each others. That fashion that geographic area might have too many Bossini stores.However, the management still needs to open more stores due to fierce competition by other brands. If Bossini slows its curtilage to expand, it might lose its line of business concern and the net sales per square feet is even worse. Nevertheless, the net sales per square feet in the Hong Kong market performed marvelous well and it rises from HK$5,700 per square feet (2008) to HK$11,000 (2011). It is very important since Hong Kong is the one the cities with highest rental toll in the world and a strong sales per square feet can help reduce the pressure of high rental cost. Retail businesses are strongly affected by rental cost.Besides experiencing an upturn from the economic recovery, Bossini has adopted different business strategies focusing on branding and marketing initiatives. One of the best strategies is adopted is the c o-branded licensing program. For example, Bossini teamed up with M&Ms, classic cartoon figure and TV direct character to launch limited edition items and which can add value to Bossinis products and boost up both its revenue and net income margin tremendously. These campaigns can also strengthen Bossinis be happy brand value and enhance overall brand awareness. Financial summary Income statementThe Bossinis perfect(a) profit increased 14% from HK$1,190 million in 2010 to HK$1,354 million in 2011 but the pure(a) margin dropped a little from 52% in 2010 to 51% in 2011. It is slightly lower than the last year owing to the expansion for franchise businesses since the profit margin of them are usually low. From 2008 to 2010, the revenue is quite stable, approximate HK$2,290 million per year on average, and it boosts up in 2011 to HK$2,640 million. Due to global recession starting time in late 2008, Bossini was doing quite well to maintain its revenue at HK$2. 3 billion and the honor is given to the right move to develop the Mainland China market.China is one of the few countries that were being hit by the financial crisis the least and thus Bossini experienced a stable growth and strong domestic consumption in the Mainland China. When we take a look of the gross profit, its trend looks mistakable to the revenue. Nevertheless, when we take a look of the operating profit, it fluctuates more volatile during 2008 to 2011 comparing to revenue and gross profit because the selling & distribution cost and administrative expense are relatively fixed and usually it is hard to be cut even the revenue and gross profit drop. overall, the revenue, gross profit and operating profit are extraordinary improved in 2011 due to the economy recovery in Asia pacific region. Balance sheet Bossinis flow rate asset weights heavily on the total assets. Cash and cash equivalents, inventory and debtors and bill due all together represent 90% of the current assets. The take aim of ca sh and cash equivalents represents over 80% of the net current assets (i. e. current asset current liability) which reflects that Bossini has a strong cash position and it does not has any concisely term limpidity issue.In general, Bossini is a financially healthy company. However, the high level of stock level makes me concern. The average yearly growth from 2008 to 2011 is 21. 5%. As we have discussed before, the revenue is quite stable from 2008 to 2010 and it is not a very good signal that the inventory level is kept rising. The inventory swage day is 36 days in 2008 and is 57 days in 2011. In another word, it needs almost two months to clear all its stock on hand. Usually, arrange and fashion industry faced with short product life cycles and cannot afford such a long inventory dollar volume day. such a high level of inventory might be caused by enormous product variety to meet different geographic preference. SWOT Strengths Overall business Bossini is innovative and keen to adopt different business strategies on brand building and marketing initiatives such as adopting the co-branded licensing program. Financial Bossini has a warm liquidity background that reserves enough resource for it to keep expanding the potential market in the Mainland China. Also, the robust improvement of sales per square feet in Hong Kong market helps reduce the pressure of expensive rental cost. WeaknessOverall business Not every product line is successful under Bossini. It has been expanding pragmatically its Bossini stores period consolidating its Bossinistyle stores as a revamp in the Mainland China market. It opened 72 more Bossini stores but 34 closed Bossinistyle stores in 2011. The operating loss in the Mainland China market was attributable to the Bossinistyle stores consolidation. Financial an increasing inventory turnover day signals that Bossini is producing more than they can be sold. The product life cycle for apparel is usually short and such a long tur nover day will bring it to be an expense finally.Also, a lower operating margin, i. e. 4 to 5%, gives no buffer to the company during economic downturn. Opportunities The co-brand licensing program in Hong Kong market is successful. As the Mainland China market is going to be more and more important to Bossini, the management can adopt something similar as well. Together with the government policies to stimulate domestic consumption in the Mainland China, a successful business strategy can improve sales per square feet. Bossini can enjoy the result of revenue and profit growth even though with slower pace of opening new stores which help restrain operating expense.In the long run, as income in the Mainland China is expected to rise further, the average spending by consumers on retail products is also expected to continue the upward trend. Threats External The global economy is facing uncertainties by the new European debt crisis and our major markets are expected to experience a sl owdown. Internal Bossini needs to launch a fashionable touch in style that fit different geographic preference. The trouble of Bossinistyle in the Mainland Market reveals that Bossini did not target at the Chinese customers well. Financial performanceLiquidity Ratio Liquidity ratio reveals a companys short-term solvency. Current ratio and Acid-Test ratio are generally used. Current ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. Its main mathematical function to measure whether a company has enough resources to pay its debts over the next 12 months. Even though Bossinis current ratios is kept fall year to year, but it is still higher than 2. It means every dollar the company owes in the short term has two dollars worth short term assets that is useable to convert into cash to meet creditors demands.Acid-Test ratio is to measure whether a company can pay all its current liabilities if they are due immediately. The formula is similar to current ratio except it only considers those current assets that can be quickly converted to cash (i. e. exclude inventory and prepaid expense). Bossinis venomous test ratio is always higher than 1 means it is able to meet current obligations only using liquid assets). Acid test ratio is lower than current ratio since inventory and prepaid expense are excluded. But still, Bossini is considered to have a good financial strength in short term because both these ratios are higher than one.Activity Ratio Activity ratio measures a companys asset management efficiency. Inventory turnover and Accounts Receivable turnover are commonly used. Inventory turnover measures the number of propagation inventory is sold during a year. The inventory turnover is kept decreasing year to year reflects that inventory is more and more difficult to be sold. In 2011, 6. 4 means that Bossini sold its inventory approximate 6 times during the year or it needed approximate 2 months to sell its inventory. Accounts Receivable turn over measures the ability to collect cash from credit customers.In this case, the account receivable turnover is not an important indicator since the average accounts receivable contributes less than 10% of total current asset and only a very downcast amount of credit sales will be involved. It is common for retail business. Solvency Ratio Solvency ratio measures a companys ability to pay long term liabilities. The most common solvency ratio is Debt ratio. Debt ratio is calculated by dividing total liabilities by total assets. Its main purpose to show the proportion of a companys assets which are financed through debt. In general, Bossinis debt ratio is less than 0. which means most of its assets are financed through equity. It is a highly liquid company and it is financially healthy even creditors demand repayment of debt. However, this advantage is diminishing from 2008 to 2011. It is mainly due to Bossini has a short term borrowing of HKD78M starting in 2009 and gradually raised to HKD128M in 2011. Profitability Ratio Profitability ratio measures a companys overall efficiency and performance. fall out on Sales, regaining on Assets and get on Equity are the popular profitability ratio. Return on Sales shows the percentage of each dollar of sales that a company can turn into income.It is calculated by dividing net income by net sales. Bossini only enjoys a low return sales which is common for low end products retail business however, it has been increased from 2. 7% in 2008 to 4. 9% in 2011 reflects it has strived to improve its profitability strength over 80% during these years. Return on Assets shows how profitable a companys assets are in generating revenue. It is calculated by dividing net income plus interest expense by average total assets. An uptrend of Return on Assets reveals that it requires less and less investments to generate the same revenue which is good for Bossini.Lastly, Return on Common Equity shows how well a company uses investment fu nds to generate revenue. It is calculated by dividing net income net off with preferred dividends by average common equity. Bossinis sustainable growth, in Return on Common Equity (except in 2009 due to worldwide financial crisis) indicates the management maintains Bossini as a high growth company. Market Analysis ratios Market Analysis ratio is a good indicator for stock valuation. Price/Earning ratio and Dividend defer are widely used. Price/Earning ratio (P/E ratio) reflects a price the market is ordain to pay for a share relative to its annual earning.P/E is calculated by dividing market price per share by earnings per share. A high P/E ratio does not mean it is more expensive, it just means that investors are willing to pay more for each dollar of earning compared to one with a lower P/E ratio. There are many factors that investors are willing to pay this premium such as fast growing, unique business model, market sentiment, and many others. For Bossini, the market price per share is pretty stable passim these years and the high P/E ratio in 2009 is due to the extraordinary low earnings per share caused by worldwide financial crisis.Dividend yield measures the percentage of annual dividend return comparing to a stocks market value. It is calculated by dividing dividend per share by market price per share. Bossinis investors can expect to receive more cash dividends in the future from the increasing dividend yield pattern. However, investors have to beware that the dividend yield might be dropped even they receive the same amount of cash dividend because of the market price per share increase. Either way, investors will be appreciated.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Region – Cagayan Valley
Most of the neck of the woods lies in a large valley in northeastern Luzon, between the Cordilleras and the sierra Madre mountain ranges. The Cagayan River, the countrys longest, runs through its center and flows out to Luzon Strait in the north, in the town of Aparri, Cagayan. The Babuyan and Batanes island groups that lie in the Luzon Strait belong to the region. Cagayan Valley is the second largest region of the Philippines in terms of land area. Ibanag, Itawes and Ilocano (in varied shades and intonations) and Malueg are the major dialects of Cagayan.Migration made Ilocano the dominant language spoken in the province, composing 67. 3% of the append population. (Dios nicamu ngamin in Ybanag greeting, Good Day to all), Itawes comprise 13. 5%, Ybanag 15. 3%, and Malaueg 1. 7%. Other ethnic groups that migrated speak their own dialects. A person in places where literacy is higher(prenominal) speaks and understands English or Filipino (Cagayan, 87). Its Culture People in the valley dressed very simply. Old women use the saya and kimono while men used the camisa de chino or the barong tagalog.Some of the houses that withstood the Japanese occupation were historical houses made of hard wood. Some were bahay-kubo. Most typical homes were strong and typhoon-resistant. For agriculture, today, there are only a few have modern agricultural implements. The majority still use traditional implements like animal-drawn tools. Filipinos are characterized by its close family ties such that majority of hook up with couples with children lived with their parents. The value of bayanihan, sharing, cooperation, brotherhood, self-responsibility, respect, love, peace, and dignity, are still very much alive in Cagayan.Old songs, proverbs, and poems are still sung today, alongside the instruments Kuribaw, tulali and the kuritang produced by Ibanags. These produced warlike or sad music. It also exhibits the beauty of the unoni, the berso, and the pabattang (proverbs and the advises through songs) which convey Ibanag history and their mores that the ethnic group keep sacred and inviolable. The following are samples of the Unoni as described by the Ibanags maguray y mapporay, mesipo y massipo, mawawan y carwan (the brave leads, the lenient are included and the rest gets lost).
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Impact of International Trade on the Environment
International trade has a great potential to gather up the lives of people in create countries as well as increasing profits for companies in the developed world. It can also have environmental consequences if the proceedings be not consciously provisioned. This potential can flourish when countries come to a common agreement on trade laws that protect against the damages that development these products can bring upon the local community. Pesticide use for agriculture and disease control has been a controversial topic for decades given its toll on people and the environment.Its monitor has been increasingly successful in industrial countries but almost non-existent in growing countries causing detriment to the wellness of thousands of farm workers around the world as they repeatedly come in contact with and inhale harmful chemicals. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), different pesticides, when consumed, have varying and inter-relate d personal effects as they pass through the food chain. Therefore, the larger concentrations of pesticides ar found on larger predators, including men.Among the damages to living organisms, including aquatic species, are cancers, tumors and lesions, reproductive prohibition or failure, suppression of immune system, disruption of endocrine system, cellular and DNA damage, physical deformities such as hooked beaks on birds, poor fish health marked by low red to white blood cell ratio, and death. In some cases, chronic effects are passed from generation to generation and lonesome(prenominal) become apparent in time 1. The persistent and rapidly spreading properties of toxic chemicals present in pesticides do not concern only the developing world. virtually, including PCBs can originate in India and ride the wind to the Arctic in just 5 days 2. The FAOs research discovered that in the not bad(p) Lakes of North America bioaccumulation (or movement of a chemical from the surrounding m edium into an organism) and magnification of chlorinated compounds in what is, on global standards, a relatively clean aquatic system, caused the disappearance of top predators such as eagle and mink and deformities in several species of aquatic birds 3.In recognition of the disadvantages many harmful pesticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane have been banned in the United States, yet their manufacture for exportation is still permitted. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the imports and exports of these products in an effort to prevent health and contamination issues as well as to supervise fair competition. The law requires that exporters of unregistered (or unapproved) pesticides first obtain a statement signed by the contrary purchaser indicating the purchasers awareness of that product in the U. S 4.Despite this awareness, some countries continue to use them because it is an inexpensive way to delay their crops blemish-free and fight diseases like ma laria, for example. In tropic and subtropical regions, in addition to pesticides used in the normal course of irrigated agriculture, control of vector-borne diseases may require additional application of insecticides such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane which have serious and widespread ecological consequences 5. Such large demand in countries with endangered eco-systems like Brazil has lured many companies in industrial countries to keep producing and exporting.More than 312 million kg were exported from the US in 1996, a 40% increase since 1992. Some even move their production to third world countries where environmental regulations are far less restrictive. In many past cases pesticide packages were exported without the proper disclosure of all chemicals, making it difficult to distinguish their consequences. This was especially unsafe for farmers in developing countries where protecting equipment is scarce 6. Improvement is underway, but sometimes it also means taking a few steps backwards. Since the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior sensible Consent (PIC), adopted in February 2004, the U.S. is also making an effort in sharing the responsible use of 39 hazardous chemicals listed by the Convention 7. Some developing countries followed on the initiative to ban or restrict hazardous pesticides for health and environmental reasons, yet this positive step towards resolving the situation has light-emitting diode to water contamination concerns. These countries lack the monetary resources to properly store or dispose of about 100,000 tons they no longer use, sometimes because they have deteriorated in storage. Drums are kept exposed to sun and rain running the risk of bursting open or leaking.Some are kept near markets contaminating the soil, groundwater, drinking water, and irrigation. In efforts to decrease their stocks some countries have opted to donate them in foreign aid programs. Far from resolving the problem, this only moves it elsewhere. Solutions seem farfetched for the developing world since FAO estimates it would woo $80-100 million in Africa alone to dispose of them appropriately 8. EPAs law to allow exporting banned pesticides is greatly flawed because these harmful chemicals return on imported food, wind currents and rain or snow.Despite efforts to regulate the tolerable chemical residue on imported foods, as long as toxic chemicals are still manufactured the global environment and public health will continue to deteriorate. Unfortunately, environmental legislation usually takes years to take effect and is generally driven by business interests. A sensible solution would be to radically eliminate the use of these chemicals globally and replace them with natural ingredients and green technology.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Levi’s Dockers †creating a sub-brand Essay
Qn 1) Explain what is Levis stake image and what makes up its defacement equity. In this regard, assess the purpose of its flagship 501 jeans convergence. (40 suckers) grass image can be defined as perceptions to the superiorest decimal point a trade get wind as reflected by the brand associations held in consumer memory. It is basic each(prenominal)y what exists in the mind of consumers, come of all the reading they sacrifice received ab give away the brand from experience, word of mouth, advertising, packaging, services etc. And the in impressation is modified by selective perception, previous beliefs, and social norms.The brand image perceived by consumers of Levis products includes dur commensurate, comfortable, approachable, affordable, contemporary, individuality, independence, casual, spirtable and adventurous, when it became an indispensable part of miners uniform and gain reputation for being as spoiled and rugged as the people who wore them. It is also comf ortable enough to fit into the workers everyday lives twain in physical and social sense. Its affordability was also adored by students and miners. It has also become an essential goodness available to defensive measure worker during WWII.It portrays individuality, fashionable, independence when students and teenage idol wear 501 as a form of self expression and has become the essential fashion for the emerging do by boomers where it has transforms from a pair of tough knickerbockers to a symbol of freedom, adventure and independence.Most importantly, Levis 501 jeans had become an icon and its brand stimu deep had become synonymous with jeans where people tend to associate jeans whenever they saw the Levis logo. It had successfully been made cognize to millions of Americans and had realized its brand image in the hearts of every consumer.Brand equity was defines as the look upon of a brand based on the extent to which it has high brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived qua lity, cockeyed brand associations, and other assets such as patents, trademarks, and channel relationships.THE GALLUP BRAND EQUITY MEASUREMENT MODEL ground on Gallup Brand equity measurement model, the components of Brand Equity are the integration of several relate key brand characteristics They areBrand Presence is the degree to which the brand stands out from its competition. Levis bring managed to claim familiarity and hence have become synonymous with jeans. The success of Levis 501 jeans has become an icon and this mark the securities industry leader space for Levis.Levis brand established brand awareness by inventing the premier(prenominal) patented double arcuate pattern sewn into the back hip pocket which became Americans first robes trademark and the Two Horse Brand leather patch which act as the symbol & logo to enable consumers to recall and recognise & associate jeans with Levis Brand.Brand Position is the degree to which the brand is uniquely positioned and perc eptually diametricaliated from its competitors and Levis brand personality is driven largely by the firms heritage of providing clothes for miners, by the brand attributes and used contexts of western cowboy.Levis brand positioning can be derived from the combination of the brands personality and values and its rational associations. Levis personality composes of several characteristics or values with emotional associations, which are defined as Original, Masculine, Sexy, Youthful, Rebellious, Rugged, Authentic, American, Individual and Freedom.Brand Experience is the degree to which customers have had positive or negative experiences with brand purchase and use.Customer triumph can be seen throughout the 1900s where bargains of Levis 501 jeans grew and became the essential commodity available primarily to defense workers. This reflects a very high satisfaction of the product based on the extent of its usage and guardianship drawn which can be seen here whenan individual owns a bout 2.5 pairs of jeans.Brand Value is the degree to which the brand adds perceived value to a product or service, and or to a range of proposed product offerings.Levis brand value is perceived when it extended to Levis Dockers which proved to be a success.Brand homage is the degree to which the brand is preferred and selected over its competitors.Basically, in the initial stage of fixing Levis jeans, thither were no alternative products and competitors, which explain why the get behaviour is very strong throughout the 1900s. Thus, Levis actually enjoyed the prestige of gaining 100% customer loyalty, with also the help of the above components of brand equity which contributed to its success.The role of Levis flagship 501 jeans actually led to the line extension of more modern products. And the success of 501 lead to the governing body of subsidiary and globalization of Levis worldwide. Levis 501 jeans were able to sustain as the top selling jeans bowl 1979 which contributed to the success.Contradictorily, due to the over whelming success of Levis 501 jeans, the company became over diversified and this led to a sack from the core product which eventually led to a discipline in the sales of 501 jeans.Realising their blunder, Levis unflinching to shift their rivet back to 501 jeans and the success of 501 Blues jeans ad campaign had manage to reinvigorate the brand. interest the success of 501 Blues jeans, Levis was able to penetrate into another market segment and this led to the sustain of Levis Dockers.2) Critically assess Levis branding strategy in general. (30 marks)The branding strategy for a firm reflects the number and nature of common & distinctive brand elements applied to the contrary products sold by the firm. Brand strategy involves deciding which brand elements will be applied to which products and the nature of new and alert brand elements to be applied to new products.The branding strategy adopted by Levis include line extension strate gy, brand extension strategy, diversification and marketing strategy.In 1873, the first jeans was sold and by 1890s, Levis adopted a new inventory system and the name Levis 501 jeans were born. From the late forties through the early 1960s, Levis Strauss had virtually no competition. Gradually, the Levis brand was recognized as the post-war exemplification jeans. In the mid 1960s, Levis Strauss expanded its distribution internationally and by end of 1960s, LS & Co. launched their first maturement beyond their core category of blue denim and ventured into a wide variety of new apparels which include cords, slack and sportswear for men, as well as a range of apparel for woman and children.To command its rapid expansion, an initial public offering was launched in 1971. And in the early 1980s, LS & Co. adopted diversification in its brand stretching strategy where it expand beyond the core jeans lines to utilize the Levis name on non-jeans where new product lines was introduced. The se covered a wide range of family clothing needs, denim and corduroy jeans for men, women and children. fulfill pillowcases and tailored classic blazers, slacks and activewear.At first, the new accessions gave Levis momentum, but the business climate readily change and Levis was not structured to compete in the fast-paced and unforgiving fashion apparel business. Eventually, this new product line proved to be a flop resulting in a heartrending slump in the sales which caused a negative impact on Levis.The shift in focus on image rather than keeping the product contemporary wasthe key reason for Levis decline. And the heterogeneous reasons contributing to the pallure of the line extension could be due to the various non-jeans products being launched to the market which could have act as a competitive threat to the 501 jeans and at the same time diluted the sales of the core products.Secondly, the various product bearing the Levis brand could have also led to confusion to the c onsumer which led to the lost of focus of Levis core product as multiple product lines were a great deal promoted in one commercial which add on to more confusion.Thirdly, the establishment of numerous licensing agreements which led to Levis restricted distribution policy further eliminated market share opportunities thus leading to decline in sales.As a result of vigorous diversification and acquisition strategy, LS & Co. own apparel business that offered products to suit al or so any style. Thus, with too much products on hand, Levis begin to lose their concentration on its flagship product.Another reason could be due to the non performance of the non-jeans lines, the failure to recognize the shift in the food market dynamics, Levis management was completely unprepared for competitive threats when competition attacked their market share from every direction. The slump in sales was also due to failure to keep pace with changes on the jeans market.In late 1984, Levis shifted focus back to core product business, reinvigorate the companys core product, cease distribution expansion of non-jeans products and licensing agreement, re cause retail relations and reemphasize its basic jeans and corduroy lines.To revitalise its flagship product, Levis launch new designs target at specific customer segments with the support of aggressive procession and advertising, upgrade its retail presentation and enhance partnership with retail customer. They also improve operations by implementing a demanddriven supply chain to better manage inventory and retail relationships.The success of the 501 jeans campaign was exact as it was the centrepiece of back to basics strategy which manage to reinvigorated jeans sales and brought back the brands core value.With the success of 501 Blues, Levis adopted brand extension strategy and branched out to introduce Levis Dockers in 1986 where diversification was built on the trend to smart office wear. It was a good move to avoid the satur ation point which might be rapidly approaching for the primary(prenominal)stream brand. In addition to that, Levis also pioneered on the concept of casual Friday and had since managed to establish a leadership position in casual fashion.3) Evaluate the Levis Dockers discourses strategy. (30 marks)Marketing communications being the final and most flexible element of the marketing mix are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade and move consumers directly or indirectly about the brands that they sell. In a sense, marketing communications represent the fathom of the brand and are a means by which it can establish a dialogue and build relationships with consumers.Marketing communications can contribute to brand equity by creating awareness of the brand and or linking strong, favourable and unique associations to the brand in consumers memory.Foreseeing that the existing product lines did not sufficiently reward the needs of the 25-49 year old male customers, LS & Co. d ecided to address the opportunities in the casual slacks market by identifying its challenges to increase Levis slacks brand share.Levis slacks were considered to be more contemporary, little conservative and more casual than other leading slacks. However, its Action Slacks line fail to address the customer needs and fail to reflect the core values which therecent 501 jeans campaign had established successfully. This give rise to the idea of having a different market segment with a new product that will motivate and retain customers within the Levis brand franchise which promise to be different from anything it had sold before.To establish a leadership position in casual fashion, Levis Dockers was introduced where it was positioned as the new knee breeches to men as more formal than jeans and less casual than dress slacks. It was also intentional to satisfy an unfulfilled need in the mens pants market and to appeal to the baby boomers fashion demands.In order to achieve brand ass ociation and to create brand awareness, Dockers was eventually tract with a unique logo & a colourful pocket flasher which consisted of interlocked wings and anchors to integrate the brands name with its symbols.To enhance the brand, the pocket flasher was attached to the back of all pants and the Levis moniker was incorporated in the Dockers winged logo to establish an understated association with the Levis name. ruin of Levis communication strategy involved marketing Dockers pants to the retail trade as a major fashion statement an alternative to jeans and the driving force in the new casuals category.In an effort to establish Levis Dockers new casuals line, LS & Co. identify their key target distribution channel by concentrating distribution in segment stores and chains where its majority target consumers of 25 to 49 year-old men did their shopping and where one-third of all slacks were sold.Levis work closely with retailers in order to generate excitement and support for its new pants and had resorted to woo retailers nationwide, including those department and speciality stores that had previously curtailed business with LS & Co with aggressive marketing strategy with capacious presentations, sell-in brochures and swatch books. Trade promotions such as sales support, sales kits for retail-based marketing,cooperative advertising and sales promotion programs were provided. In additionally, supplemental financial support was also offered for advertising and promotional activities to important high-image department stores.A decisive component of the companys marketing effort was the establishment of Dockers shops within chief(prenominal) floor mens area of major department stores. With such vigorous marketing promotion techniques, retailers were getting more confidence in Levis products and were showing greater interest in advanced(a) merchandise techniques.Being sensitive to the market trend, the first in-store concept shop was introduced for the mens main floor area and key trade show was set up introduce Dockers casual pants to retailers.The Dockers in-store shop sought to create a friendly, accessible environment, prominently displaying the sporty Dockers logo and linking consumer advertising with point-of sale signage and posters.Levis also adopted point-of purchase advertising through shelf talkers to give consumers an entirely different kind of shopping experience which the concept proved to be very successful. Point-of sale displays were established in stores where shops were experiencing space or financial constraints.All the above product positioning and marketing strategy was able to overcome the initial reluctance of retailers and ultimately generated an exceptionally high level of prepromotion excitement in which Levis Dockers was also seen as the leader in the new casuals category and moved the pants ahead of its competitors. obeying that, LS & Co. shifted its attention to the development of an effective communicati ons program focused on the consumer. They recognized that a focused comprehensive consumer marketing effort would be required in order to establish Levis Dockers as a major brand.Given the market opportunity for casual pants, Levis believe that a high impact consumer marketing program would accelerate the growth of the Dockers line and generate consumer support.Part of the advertising strategy was defining target audience accordingly by demographically, attitudinally, clothing needs and purchasing behaviour and a focus group was selected for determination on the type of ads that appeal to the target group.To force Dockers, consumer advertising was adopted, commercials were aired during selective prime time slots and spot TV was used in all 11 major regional markets. Also Levis brilliantly chose the notorious fashion garment territorial dominion the New York City for their advertising executions in a bid to reach out to more consumers where TV spots were supplemented with subway signs and mobile billboards located primarily around the citys garment district.In addition to TV, co-op advertising with retailers, point-of-sale displays, sales promotion during advertising kick-off party, publicity campaign and follow up visits to key retail accounts also contributed to Levis successful communications strategy.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Hiroshima Diary Essay
First of all, I would worry to say that you have an overall good base in my opinion. The first involvement that I can suggest is a cave in hook. My attention wasnt drawn into the paper. I suggest a quote by a scientist or new(prenominal) survivor, and/or a statistic something that will make a reader think about the paper more. Another thing that I can recommend is to add a little bit more background on the two narratives, but just real brief (a couple sentences). Also Id like to point out some things that you could use to improve your thesis. The essay is about cause and effect so it has to be mentioned in your thesis. Also mention the 2 things you will comp atomic number 18 between the two stories so the reader has an idea where the paper will be going.Other things I noticed that sounded awkward are the way you used quotes. Introducing quotes is a better strategy than just using the quote as a sentence (paragraph 2) as it gives a better flow and gives a better explanation for your argument. Also in my opinion you could expand more on your analysis of both paragraphs and connect your argument to the thesis and to each(prenominal) other so you have a better evaluation of the discussed topic.There are several other small issues that I found. In paragraph 3 you used a long quote, which is 4+ lines, and it should be in a block format and indented. Also you used very short sentences such as, here(predicate) are the quotes for the effect. Using more complex sentences gives a better flow and a more professed(prenominal) look to your essay.You also had some good things in your essay. You provided very concise summary to inform a reader about the story and point out the most important information. You point. Also you have very good topic sentences introducing the argument of that paragraph. From your topic sentences I was able to know what they paragraph would be about, and you were unchanging with it.After reading your essay and compared it to my own, I figu red that I need to include a better summary. I do not give sufficient background information to be enough for my analysis. Junjie, you did a great job at providing accurate citations, great summary and good analysis. However, you could work on expanding your tax write-off and evaluation of the argument in your body paragraph. Otherwise, good job.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Strory of Tom Brennan
Moving into the valet involves diametric fashions to bran- forward-looking conveys could be interpreted in legion(predicate) contrary ways. In The Story of tom turkey Brennan by JC Burke, Tom experiences contrary emotions and situations as he attempts to transport into the world when his brother Daniel is involved in a tragic car accident. The image by see to it Zoo also shows four different pathways leading into the integrity tree diagram with branches that lead up into the sky. This depiction shows the tree of sprightliness and how plenty can channel different paths to experiences.I Measure Every Greif I Meet is a song by Emily Dickinson that shows the strength a person needs to overcome mourning in their go bads. The strength comes within the individual and their surroundings. All three of these texts show that contemptible into the world involves different pathways to new experiences shown through different circumstances, problems and views. The image by Imag e Zoo reflects the idea that moving into the world involves different pathways. This image social occasions the rule of thirds and symbolism to bring attention to the four different pathways to the centre tree trunk.The rule of thirds draws central focus to the light coming from the tree. This light symbolises the light that is pledge through different pathways and journeys. Light symbolises the hope, possibilities that come with moving into the world. Even though each pathway comes to the same centre of light, it branches upwardly into different pathways shown at the conduct of the tree trunk. The tree symbolises the Tree of life as the tree that brings possible action to the world, it gives life and experiences to everyone.This brings to the important intimate that moving into the world, shown metaphoric all toldy as the tree through the four different pathways to new experiences. Furthermore the position of calibers on the four different pathways is used to highlight tha t anyone can guide into a common circumstances in life, a similar experience as they argon seen to be walking in the same direction. This shows the audience that people may encounter different situations in life, everyone is different. We are all heading in the same direction but we are all unique and provide branch off into different directions.Just as the characters are positioned at different heights people in life may rise in the tree or fall, just as we experience happy moments along with devastating moments. The position of characters also shows that just because someone is above another does not mean that they will experience more things than others as the tree only branches up into the sky. Everyone is involved with the one world as represented by the tree. However that involves different pathways to new experiences through different branches as in the picture the tree doesnt move off into one branch, it moves into many.The use of body run-in and choice of costume in the image shows the characters moving towards the tree as their goal. They are wearing bank line type clothing which may symbolise a desire for opportunity and success. The characters are shown with their arms push forward towards the light at the centre they all strive to achieve. The characters develop a wide appearance, a defensive stance. They are prepared for what is in store for them. The effect is of this is to imply that the characters are capable of getting through lifes experiences.The characters in business clothes and standing broadly show the willingness for success, they take for a firm grip on life. This links back to the main point that moving into the world, shown by the characters thrusting forward into the tree can experience many opportunities and branch off in a new direction to experience new circumstances. In the poetry I Measure Every sadness I Meet, the main character struggles through the pain of grief. She searches for the strength to overcome it. She l ooks at others through push through the poem to see if they feel the same pain as she does. I wonder if it weighs like mine this use of the rhetorical question that are involved with moving into the world, to ask where am I at? . The idea of universal suffering, that everyone feels pain at one point in time. The character approaches it from the individual(prenominal) perspective in questioning whether people are suffering from grief. The pain she feels is eternal, I could not fall apart the Date of Mine. This shows the audience the experience she has with grief, which, inturn will help her overcome the problem.Relating to the different pathways of life, her grief shows that life can involve many different challenges. We just need the strength to overcome it this is the pathway to new experiences. The starting person nature of the poem by Dickinson allows the poet to involve the audience to be in the main characters thoughts and feelings. The hurt that is within her shown through the opening title I measure every grief I meet she shows what feelings are going to be shown in the poem. The word measure means that she will be analysing the problems, grief, in her life.She shows the extremes a person has when coping with grief with her questions to the audience I wonder if it hurts to live. The use of first person shows the emotion and experiences of the character. This links to moving into the world because the individual moves into situations that bring grief, different pathways include how the character interprets the grief. The character can turn to others she has the burden of grief that she needs to overcome. What decision is do affects the experiences for the future. The poet uses diction to show the cruelness of what grief can give.The choice of certain words in the poem shows the audience that the character is moving through different types of emotions. Depressing words such as narrow, searching in the second line of the poem show that the poet goes s traight to the point. narrow, probing is interpreted as the character moving through a dark narrow passage, probing to find a way out of the grief in the characters life. The transition to soft and happy words in the middle of the poem such as smile and Light show the promise that is at the end of the narrow passage.The smile is the first mention of happiness in the poem, a moment of transition, the Light that will guide the way to the characters happiness. This shows that moving into the world as the character moves into the world, sharing and exploring feelings it has. Once the character moves into the world the character has found the pathway to happiness. In the Story of Tom Brennan by JC Burke, Toms story is told where he changes mentally to dole out with the tragic accident and consequences of his brother Daniel going to jail.In the novel metaphors are used to reinforce the main change in Toms life after his brother is involved with the car accident. On page 76 of the novel a s Tom bangs his head against the mirror in frustration for what has happened he says to himself Thanks to Fin we thought wed escaped sudden death. But we were wrong instead wed walked into it. This metaphor symbolises the loss of loved ones, the football game was a sudden death game. The statement wed walked into it implies that the night wasnt a win for everyone, they had not escaped sudden death they had walked right into it metaphorically.This is the point where everything has turned, winning the football game, that all seem to care about, has turned into a new path for Tom Brennan. This is the moment where Tom has to step into the world for himself throughout the story. He needs to choose which path he will take to overcome his frustration and loss. In the novel the use of the non-linear structure and flashbacks present a contrast and juxtaposition to life before and after the accident. The contrast between he past and present in the novel highlights the impact of the car accide nt on the whole family especially Tom. Each family segment has changed since the accident. Juxtapositions are used to show that they have a new identity when Tom has his flashbacks. For example, Toms mother before the car accident is the typical loving caring mother but as soon as the accident occurs she moves into the dark, into a shell. Tom moves into the world and starts to spend less time mentation about the past, there are fewer flashbacks towards the end of the novel.Tom is moving on in his life, he is becoming stronger than his family. He looks forward into the world and the different paths that he can take. Rather then rest home on the past and the road less travelled. Throughout the novel, symbolism is used to reflect the aroused force back and extremes the family and Tom himself have to overcome due to the accident. The ascent is a mountain or pitchers mound in the town where Tom lives, this is something that Tom can not climb or overcome, he makes it to the back but he doesnt do it easily.The pitcher reflects the feelings and emotion throughout the story as the hill is a steep steamy struggle. Characters in the book note the hill as all the way to heaven, a mountain. The symbolism behind heaven shows the character has to reach the top of his emotional struggle to be truly happy and united with God. Towards the end of the Novel Tom reaches the top of the ascent without even realising. This shows the natural progress Tom has made throughout the novel to overcome the horrors that have been in his life.He has reached the top of the mountain, the top of his emotional struggle. All he has to do is take the weak run down the slope. Reference to mountains is also used as Tom and Brendan are taking a trip to the tallest mountain in the world, showing that Tom now has the ability to emotionally cope with all struggles in life ready to overcome the large mountain in life, Mount Everest. Burke shows that moving into the world can lead to new experience s through the emotional ride Tom had and overcame. He moves on with his life into new and better experiences.In conclusion the statement moving into the world involves different pathways to new experiences is represented by these three texts through the use of versatile techniques and methods of bringing across a penning or common meaning. The image by Image Zoo expresses the different pathways people can take into the world. This along with the poem I Measure Every Greif I Meet by Emily Dickinson shows the emotional ride people take when moving into the world and experiencing different things. Lastly the author JC Burke show the emotional journey people take as they move on a different path in the novel The Story of Tom Brennan.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Marketing mix of a beer company Essay
Introduction It was in October 1992 when The subdued Sheep Brewery beers first made an appearance in saloons in and around the Yorkshire Dales. The deliin truth of those first casks of beer all(prenominal)place ten years ago began a cutting era for Paul Theakston, whose family has brewed in Masham for five generations. It withal allowed him to put behind him the heartache left by the often acrimonious battles that culminated in the experienced family trustworthy of T & R Theakston Ltd conclusioning up as part of Scottish & Newcastle Breweries. The events that led to the loss of the Theakston brewery had rumbled on since the early 1970s, with Scottish & Newcastle finally seizing power in 1988.Although they offered him a position, Paul decided embodied life wasnt for him. Whats more, it would build meant him leaving his beloved Masham. Determined to stay in Masham and being a long, long demeanor from retirement (both age-wise and financially ) it didnt shoot long for Paul to bring to an end that it was brewing that he was best at. The decision was made, create a unsanded brewery in Masham. Now blue Sheep Brewery has invested ? 3 million in more intersectionion facilities and has boosted by 20 per cent. The company is on pedigree for two-base hit by 2006 and a new scattering depot is being constructed for completion by the end of 2004.1. 0 The Marketing Mix on The dark-skinned Sheep Brewery The tack mix is looking at at the right product, at the right draw, what media to use and to use the right place. These ar kn possess as Product impairment Promotion Place Or the four Ps 1a Product Product is defined as a physical good, service, idea, person or place that is capable of offering tangible and intangible benefits that individuals or organisations regard as necessary or that they argon prepargond to exchange money or somewhatthing of cheer for it. Peter, J. Paul, Marketing management knowledge and skills Boston London McGraw-Hill).If t he product does not provide the services or covers the expected needs from the customer or does not deliver the expectations created by other elements of the commercializeing mix, whence the whole project is not going to work. The name of menacing Sheep Ale does not lose a marketing reason, and named after thinking and having discussion for long time. A name was needed to reflect the bea and recital of the place. Sheep charter always figured epicly in the history of the area. Masham was once an important centre for sheep calling and famous for its sheep fair. However, Sheep Brewery seemed a bit tame.In a timely stroke of inspiration Sue, Pauls wife, coined the name d havecast Sheep Brewery. discolor Sheep has some different slogans, but has stuck mainly with the slogan of nasty Sheep Brewery is a modern day miracle. This is saying to the target market that The erosive Sheep Ale is the best, and that there is no bitter beer this good. Although, this has been on since 19 92. Also there is a second slogan. The one is as well their aim a traditional state beer, which could be linked with the first one, showing that The Black Sheep Ale truly is the one of the best bitter beer.The logotype for Black Sheep goes with the name of black sheep and a traditional cottage house. The logo shows that they are focusing on a traditional country beer. Even the font on the bottle is Elizabethan type. It is written with old way, which shows that it is of class and is truly traditional. Although the logos and slogans are giving off the appeal that the rich mainly inebriation Black Sheep Ale, the product (and most other ales, bitter) are mainly consumed by people in the glare classes. Black Sheep, in my opinion, is marketed to men, aged amidst 35 and about 65 in socio-economic groups not very heights.I thought that it would be marketed in these groups because these are the most likely to go d profess to the pub and drink beers and bitter such as Black Sheep Ale. The packing of Black Sheep is really for marketing purpose. Because of this, there is something about the packing. Black Sheep is sold only in bottles and change ale. It is not sold in dopes. It shows that their note and their marketing purpose about packing. The Black Sheep Brewery have been brewing since 1992 and now have five Ales on sale. I think that The Black Sheep Brewery has five different of product because of they want to keep always exchange the product.In my opinion, they need to focus on younger people as well, with brewing a new beer to get young people attention. Like Ice Beer two companies named Tetley and Carlsberg fashioned a partnership in 1993 to make a new product for young people. It was Ice Beer. 1b Promotion Promotion is the direct way in which an organisation attempts to communicate with various target audience. Promotion consists of five main elements Advertising, Personal selling, gross revenue promotion, Public Relations and Direct Marketing. Sales PromotionAs Black Sheep is sold in many different ways, they can have numerous different types of sales promotions. They can offer price reductions and cloud One Get One Free, such as at supermarkets, happy hours at pubs, and added value, e. g. surplus free. They have in like manner done charity promotions see Public Relations, and competitions. They dont actually do numerous sales promotions, but they sell lots of merchandising. With over 1,000 different items there is definitely something for everyone. They sell numerous items, such as caps, T-shirts, bottle openers.Most of the things that they do is to make more people secure their product over any other beer or ales. The merchandising is a bit different, because most people who choose to wear a caps with the logo of their favourite beer do not look cool, and end up looking stupid. (such as logo of black sheep). I think if they sell something like beer cooler to stock them in it. It will make the consumer feel as if they have the Black Sheep cooler and need to fill it with Black Sheep Ale, this makes them sell more Black Sheep Ale. Its like theyve caught them in a net, buy this, and so you can also buy all of these.Sponsorship The Black Sheep sponsors a number of different things. These mostly consist of topical anesthetic events. at that place are at the Black Sheep Brewery Visitor Centre and in around Masham area. The Black Sheep also sponsors of local drink and food festivals which shows that they are not trying to become popular around UK or the world. It is obvious that the things that The Black Sheep Brewery sponsors event, which are mainly viewed by local people and old people. This shows that The Black Sheep is clearly marketed to people who live in that area and old people.They should be sponsor of some events which known by everyone. As Budweiser does (they are sponsor of Manchester United, the BMW Williams F1 team. ). The events which are viewed, not only by people there, also by peopl e watching at home. Advertising In the beer industry, the beer is bought by beer lovers which mean that advertisements in this case, should be targeted to the beer lovers and makes them extrapolate the qualities of the beer. Normally this kind of product is advertised on TV or some times in undergrounds, sport events like football, rugby or car races.Short-term promotions could be placed in the big bucks or even create brochures of discounts. 1c Place The Black Sheep is sold in different ways (bottle, cash ale). So it is difficult to say what type of distribution method is used. It can be sold in cans, multi-packs, kegs, bottles, from the tap at a pub, etc. The method that is sold by shops or supermarkets would be form the produce, to the shop/supermarket and then on to the retailer. It can also be sold via a wholesaler to a shop, which means that the price goes up 3 times.When sold in a pub, it could even be direct straight from the producer to the pub. The sale of the Black She ep takes place in lots of different outlets, such as pubs, supermarkets, alcohol stores, off licences, and over the Internet. This means that it can cost a lot to supply it in all the ways that they do. But it also means that they may sell more, because some people are only able to buy it in one way, and if people cant buy Black Sheep in a way that they would like to, the Black Sheep Brewery wont make as some(prenominal) money as they could have.So they should try to be found even in a ecological niche shop by customers. 1d Price As I have mentioned before, Black Sheep is sold in a number of ways, so for the Price part of this study, I will look only at the price of their best seller amount sold, which is the Black Sheep Ale 4. 4% of 500 ml. For a bottle of 500 ml, Black Sheep uses completive pricing, which involves giving a price similar to the competitors, psychological pricing, which is pricing to the nearest whole number e. g. ?1. 29.I think that they can also use promotional pricing, which is like free amounts such as 25% extra free or Buy One Get One Free. I think that these types of prices are used so that Black Sheep is bought more than the competitors. Even if the price of Black Sheep is only a some pence cheaper, people tend to buy it kinda than another brand, and vice versa, this is because they are always after a bargain, and companies always have to make their prices cheaper than their other competitors to win the competition. Task2 2. 0 Logistic Facilities on Black Sheep Brewery.The Black Sheep Brewery Company should realise that they will need to improve their logistic facilities. Because of the company is on course for doubling production by 2006. In my opinion, they should describe that what mode of transport is appropriate for them and whether is the best for firms to operate their own warehouse and fleet of delivery vehicles or to sub contract all aspect of distribution to a specialist firm. Paul Theakston says that they will probably b e working more with wholesalers and the pub companies who continue to buy up the free-lance pubs in the future.Brewers maintained a high train of control over the market by controlling distribution and routes to market. This was particularly true of draught beer, where brewers maintained a high-cost infrastructure operated on a dedicated basis to maintain control over the supply of The Black Sheeps own beers from brewery to pub. This operated against the public interest. Brewers marginally-coasted such activities when pricing this service to direct customers, and recovered the cost in margin on beer sales.This excluded wholesalers and independent distributors from supplying beer to such outlets. Inefficiency and extra cost was built into the market with pubs receiving multiple deliveries from brewers with beer and from wholesale suppliers with wines, inspirit and other products. Control of distribution provided brewers with the leverage to negotiate solus supply with direct custo mers restricting market vex for other draught beer suppliers and limiting choice for the consumer. Place is trying to get the right level of distribution in the right types of outlets.This is one of the most difficult, yet important marketing activities. In simple name physical distribution involves getting a product from A to B. Logistics has a very important utilization to play in the process of distribution. This is because they start off the process and computer programme it from beginning to end. If they dont do their job probably then they could end up with no beers in the shops and pubs, which loses sales and accordingly profit. Logistics monitor demand for goods and co-ordinate the process from orderingraw materials through to the timely delivery to the warehouse. somatogenetic distribution must balance the need for customer service against the need to downplay costs. It is necessary to plan a physical distribution system carefully taking into account the need for war ehouse space, stock, ply etc in order to maximise efficiency. On the other hand it is necessary to keep down costs and get the correct balance between these inputs and outputs and therefore provide an efficient but profitable service. The Black Sheep Brewery.This is the distribution channel that I would advise The Black Sheep Brewery to use This is the distribution channel that The Black Sheep Brewery already uses, so I think they should also use it for the new products for the future. I think this because it is already set up and working well for their other products and is already in a good area, with experienced mental faculty and known by their existent suppliers. They would need to incorporate this new product into their existing set-up, therefore memory costs down as their will be no initial start up expense.Because it is already an up and running distribution channel the experienced staff should be able to get it up and running quickly, efficiently and cost effectively. If the Black Sheep Brewery becomes a big success then they might have to build an extension to their already existing warehouse, but if this is necessary it should finance itself. The only slight disfavour to this type of distribution channel would be that the distribution centre is a middle stage and extra staff would be needed but I think that this is necessary in a large company.I would advise The Black Sheep Brewery to sell their products in a number of different retail outlets Supermarkets corner shops (news agencies) Petrol stations Hotels Stadium (e. g. Wembley) TASK 3 3. 0 International operation on Black Sheep Brewery There are over 200 countries around the reality companies such as The Black Sheep Brewery should analyze the key environmental factors before entering new country markets. These factors are known as the C and SLEPT factors, Social/ Cultural, Legal, Economic, Political, Technological, and Competitors.These are the uncontrollable factors that will affect the co mpanies decisions, as well as the success of a company. 3a Social/ Cultural A single country may sometimes comprise several nations and independent cultures, and inside each of these groups, there may be different religions, languages and attitudes. An example is Canada, where the main language is not just English, but as well as French. These factors affect the buying behaviour of a consumer. There are four categories in social/ cultural factor which marketers should consider before entering new country markets.Firstly, habits and conventions can influence the behaviour of a consumer. For an example, some individuals may not be elicit in foreign goods/ products. Secondly, there is the attitudes which affected by religions/ culture. This is considered as an extrapolation of the past, which is a learned behaviour rather than innate behaviour. For an example, some people may only be interested in doing businesses within their own cultures/ groups. The next category is the naivety and ignorance of countries/ cultures.Languages are one of the main factors, some words may have different meanings in different languages, and some of their meanings may be incomprehensible or insulting. Lastly, demographic aspects within a country are to be aware of. The number of population and their growth trends, ethnicity and education level of a country can be used to determine one countrys life style or buying behaviour. 3b Legal Since there is no actual body of law known as international law, there are various legal systems around the globe. Examples are common law and Muslim law.These legal systems concern the pricing of products, import/ export limitations, types of advertising and product safety. For an example, In United States, every state has its own laws. The Black Sheep Brewery should be aware of the laws where they are marketing. 3c Economic Paliwoda suggests that Macro-environment is created when trade and transactions take place across, rather than within, national frontiers but it is important to note that there may well be greater economic environmental differences between different parts of the same country than between countries be to the same geographical region. in his book, International Marketing. This means a single country may have different economic level. For an example, in some rural part of China is suffering from poverty, whereas in some parts of China, such as Hong Kong is to be considered as one of the richest cities in East Asia. separate factors to be aware of are, currencies used, where some countries may have weak currencies due to inflation or recession, also the kind if payment, some countries such as Columbia may pay by coffee beans.Secondly, the superior general economy, which can be determine by the average income of the public. 3d Political Politics is a very important factor, it can either bring trading partners together or tear them apart. Government policies and attitudes towards imports are different around th e globe. Some may set up trade barriers such as high tariffs, high import tax, in order to protect their own brands/ economy, or due to some tensions between countries.On the other hand, some may lower the import restrictions by setting up trade agreements between countries to minimise trade tariffs in bilateral trade exchanges, or to create job opportunities for their public. The Black Sheep Brewery should also be aware of the stability of the host countrys regimes, also the level of organisation control of company assets. 3e Technological This factor concerns the technological level of a country, such as the existing facilities and infrastructure some countries may be more high tech than the others.Also the labour skills and training, some countries may have highly skilled labours, some may not. There may be a huge cost of new technology also some government policies such as verdancy issues may limit the use of some technologies. 3f Competitors Since The Black Sheep Brewery is n ot the only company around the globe that supply beer there are various alternatives for consumers to choose from. Competitors such as Budweiser and Stella may have interpreted at least 90% of the consumers in some countries. Marketers should consider whether it is worthwhile to enter such countries.In marketing audit, SWOT analysis suggests that companies should minimise their weaknesses/ threats, and turn them into companies strengths/ opportunities. When entering new country markets, there are weaknesses/ threats exist within and outside the company. These are the lacking of time, lacking of internal/ external knowledge and risks of competitors. By using methods of entry such as acquisition or merger can often minimise the weaknesses/ threats and turn them into possible strengths/ opportunities within and outside the company.
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